Overnight wear seems unhealthy

Discussion in 'Chastity and orgasm denial' started by Gwyidion, Mar 13, 2015.

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  1. Gwyidion

    Gwyidion Member

    May 25, 2014
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    So, my wife and I recently purchased our first cage, and it fits great!

    I can wear it all day without problems, fits under clothes without showing. It is snug, but not too tight, it even prevents erections by being uncomfortable when I get hard (rather than the pull-away-from-body-testicle-crusher type of erection containment). Easily cleans... it is great.

    The behavioral, relationship, and D/S/FLR benefits are also wonderful.

    We both agreed that it would be ideal to wear it 24/7, but both of our independent research turned up grave health concerns regarding overnight wear. Simply put, the human male experiences 3-5 erections nightly during REM sleep, and many urologists believe this is just "exercise" for the penis. When asked in reference to nightly wear of devices, the response is unanimous - "don't do this", and is the only commentary I've found on chastity from medical professionals.

    This coincides with the recounted experience of many people I've read blog posts from, that night-wear of devices causes severe discomfort and pain - sometimes on a routine basis.

    It is confusing to me, to see this, as many guides to finding the correct chastity device state several times "pain is your body's way of telling you there is something wrong" - this is stated when it comes to daily wear (chafing, pinching, burning under the scrotum, cutting off blood flow). But these same posts basically state, with regard to night-time erections and what is described as 'extreme pain' "ignore it, it will go away" which is directly at odds with the 'listen to your body approach'.

    I have no desire to damage my body - neither does my wife. I have a large penis my wife enjoys owning and using for her pleasure, and we want to have more kids.

    I'm not certain what I'm looking for. I want to be locked 24/7. She wants me to be locked 24/7. But we are both concerned about permanent damage (fertility, pleasure, erection ability, strength, size, duration), and don't want to mess with it, as it seems probable. Can anyone assuage our fears?
  2. Mikeydo

    Mikeydo Chastity Noob

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    I'm interested in the replies to this. I've always had some concerns about overnight wear.
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  3. lock667

    lock667 Long term member

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    Anecdotally, I can tell you I'm fine wearing it 24/7. Sometimes I'm awakened, sometimes I'm not. Normally if I'm awakened it's only because of a little bit of pain where some scrotal skin has folded over and it's rubbing against the edge of the silicone tubing I put on the ball trap ring to cover the hinge. Hardly life threatening or causing worry over damage. Normally getting up to pee will cause the erection to subside and I'm back off to sleep.

    When I wind up with an erection in the cage, I do notice a little discoloration of the scrotum as the ring pulls tight, but the overall temperature is ok and there's no loss of sensation, so again, not something I've been concerned about. When I had too much tubing over the ring (80% seems fine, 100% oddly isn't..no idea why) I was getting coldness and discoloration even when flaccid, so then I removed it, cut back the tubing and I was fine. I suppose really it's losing about 2 mm on both sides all around, so that little bit of space matters.

    Your mileage may vary, but overall I think you'll be ok.
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  4. corsac

    corsac Long term member

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    I have no medical background so I can't say anything from that side. What I can say is that after about 15 years of wearing a chastity device much more not, I never have any problems. My longest lock up was 100 days and was out 3 times during that for teasing. I perform perfectly every time. So in my personal experience it seems safe enough.
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  5. guest 2942

    guest 2942 Long term member

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    personally I have gone almost 60 days in my device with no problems at all. The only pain I get is from the ring stretching my scrotum and that is usually during the day when working. My nighttime erections rarely wake me up and I obviously do have them because everything is quite swollen and engorged in the morning with a slight purple color. Everything goes back to normal about an hour after I wake up. My previous device which did not fit very well woke me up every single night with painful erections, but this newer device everything is pretty comfy. I doubt you will find any actual medical proof one way or the other as its highly doubtful anyone in the medical community has looked into this. So for now you will have to rely on pure anecdotal evidence.
    voltroger likes this.
  6. Gwyidion

    Gwyidion Member

    May 25, 2014
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    Corsac, your image is of a PA-type device - can you estimate how much of those 15 years are with a ball-trap type device?
  7. spider203

    spider203 Long term member

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    I always believed that it is ok to stop the penis from growing but it would not be ok to stop the flow of blood to the penis am I right in thinking this,
  8. Gwyidion

    Gwyidion Member

    May 25, 2014
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    Part of my concern regarding overnight wear is the disparity in reports - some say, as you two have (and thanks so much for your responses!) that they experience mild discomfort but no obvious actual damage, and performance is unchanged.

    But I've also read accounts of weaker erections, physically smaller penises, severe tissue trauma to testicles or penis, etc. I suppose I'm attempting to discern the source of the differences between experiences.
  9. chastingfun

    chastingfun Long term member

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    Don't know of if introduced yourself in the "Foyer" section yet or not but welcome to the site anyway.

    I'm glad to see that you and your wife are taking chastity and your health seriously. Maybe the good people here can help you. Seems they always do if they can.

    First off, there is no proven medical evidence that wearing a device 24/7 causes and physical harm. Most of it is hearsay or peoples opinions. Even doctors have no proof other than what they think is right. I have asked a couple of doctors for proof after they made those comments and all I got was glazed eyes and shoulder shrugging.

    Anyway, this has been my/our experience with many years of chastity 24/7. I guess you could say we are hard core now having been reduced to only rare ruined orgasms for several years and now permanent denial for a year as of yesterday. There has never been a problem with erections, or shrinking or sensitivity and so on. I get annual physicals and all the tests and blood work and prostate checking have been great. I'm sure that ejaculation would be fine also if allowed. Basically my body has adapted to my device and life goes on with many times me forgetting that I am wearing one.

    In the beginning, it's best to only wear the device daily to help your body adjust to it physically and mentally. You have to remember that being new, your arousal is heightened more than usual and has to learn to be like it was before the device. Once you get comfortable, you can try doing overnights. Not going to bull crap you here. Overnights can be a killer for quite a while in the beginning. Nocturnal erections are probably the strongest erections you get so they really let you know you are having them in a cage. These erections try to push the cage away from your body along with your testicles because the only place your erection can grow is between you base ring and your groin. It feels like you have been kicked really hard in the nuts and the erection feels like it is try to rip them out from their roots along with your penis. Some people also feel minor back pain. Sounds exciting Huh? Bet you can't wait. Your testicles will be blue but that's OK as long as they go back to their normal color when you get flaccid.

    Through my experience and many others, the best thing to help calm things down is to get up and walk around a little bit to try and take your mind off it as much as you can. Trying to pee is the most important thing. Once you pee, even only a little, things settle down so you can get back to sleep. You may wake up several times during the night in the beginning.

    Think of it like this, An out of shape person goes to the gym to work out and the trainer puts them on a stretching program. For the first couple of weeks they are dying and sore. Then things start getting better and don't hurt nearly as much. That's what is happening with your private parts. I'm sure if I stopped wearing my cage for any length of time, that initial pain would come back until things stretched back again.

    I still have nocturnal erections nightly but very rarely notice them. When I do notice them, it's like a reminder that I am locked for my love.

    Things will get better. Your body will adapt to the right device. The hardest part of chastity is finding the right device for yourself.
    A good rule of thumb to stay healthy in a chastity device is:

    Blue Balls when flaccid = No Good

    Blue Balls when erect = OK as long as back to normal color when flaccid

    Wish you luck on your journey.
    boisub, Billus, harddenial and 2 others like this.
  10. corsac

    corsac Long term member

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    I have only been in a pa device for about 6 months now, the rest was a trapped ball device.
  11. Eillydray

    Eillydray Slave at my wife's feet, MistressG

    Feb 10, 2015
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    I have seen a couple of things online where doctors suggest it's not a good idea, I agree that the reality is no one has ever carried out a true medical study of this and why would they!

    I have been mostly locked up since December and have found morning glory uncomfortable in a cb3000 but not unbearable. I have not found any issues with performance when I am let out.

    I have this evening been locked in to a new device with a shorter cage which feels much better when flaccid as I am a grower, won't know until morning how it feels to have no room in the device but I think the main thing is to listen to your body. If things don't feel right, don't be a hero and try to live with it, but if things are going ok and all you get is some mild discomfort, which for me is one of the biggest turn ins as a constant reminder of my predicament, then continue to monitor the situation and see how it goes.

    We are all different and only you will know if you feel ok, maybe try a few nights and then take it off and get hard, if all is ok it may reassure you ;)
  12. lock667

    lock667 Long term member

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    The device makes a lot of difference too. I tried a silicone one and without some lubrication in there, just moving about can be painful let alone trying to get an erection.

    A smooth ring feels better against your scrotum than a cheaper piece of plastic. With mine, and the silicone tubing on it, sometimes it'll tug at the scrotal skin at night, but I've gotten better about remembering to put a dab of baby oil gel on there and it's enough to keep the friction down.

    I was locked in a jailhouse type device (the shiny concentric rings) and that had more painful erections because I had more room to move in there. Think about how it would feel if you had an erection then pushed on it to bend slightly.

    The device I wear now (and there' s a picture on my profile if you're that interested) compresses me slightly when flaccid, so there's no room for movement within the device when I get try to get hard. That leads to the ball tugging that @chastingfun mentioned but that's certainly not unbearable.
  13. Mistress B

    Mistress B Mistress B

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    I have not heard of any permanent damage being done to a caged penis. If the pain is extreme, then there might be a problem. It's important to get a good fitting cage. A cage that prevents engorgement will be less painful.
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  14. Wendygirl

    Wendygirl To offer advice and keep CM safe and welcoming

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    You can turn the quasi medical "evidence "around.
    There are quite a few guys round trying to be eunuchs and it's quite difficult even going to some extream lengths.

    So trying to find a medical excuse has not got a lot of traction . At best it's uncomfortable and as is the perceived wisdom smaller is better to stop erections even beginning.

    Unless your bits are getting blue and cold for a long time permanent damage is very unlikely.

    Try to see the difference between temporary discomfort and real pain . Tight shoes is not need for amputation! !

    Just take it easy to start with .
    Xx Wendy
  15. Precarious PET

    Precarious PET Long term member

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    The key to wearing 24/7 as you boy desire is proper fit and hygiene. Tomorrow will be my eight week with no release! I wear a Mature Metal Queen's Keep… Comfort and security unmatched.. I do not even know it is there…
    Any device takes getting use to… yes until you get used to it night time erections may wake you.. but in time you will get used to it…
    and 'it' is right there ready to unlock and use when your wife sees fit!
    We are here to help if you have any questions
    Good Luck
    sleeping4ever likes this.
  16. Gwyidion

    Gwyidion Member

    May 25, 2014
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    Well, we've now tried one night in, one night out, one night in.

    Both nights caged, I was woken once by nighttime tumescence. I would put it in the 'discomfort', rather than 'pain' territory. Urination did not provide relief, but laying on my back and thinking of work did, over time.

    On the night out, we tested things with a nice massage, which normally gets me quite aroused... and everything seems normal. So, all is well, so far.

    For others who haven't done this yet: my configuration allows me room to grow inside the cage. Erections which are not directly inhibited by the cage (as my day-time erections normally are) pull the cage away from my body as described by many others.

    Testicles only slightly tender after 2nd night in cage, and normal shower returned all to normal.

    And by the way, I don't think it is good to fool around or pretend when it comes to health. This is still reality, and it is a slave/sub/bottom/cuck/anything's responsibility to look out for their own wellbeing and health - even in 24/7 lifestyle arrangements. Health and wellbeing during kink activities isn't an excuse or an obstacle - it a primary goal.
    thekeyholderwife likes this.
  17. dbcockslut

    dbcockslut New member

    Dec 12, 2012
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    I have done a 7 month followed by a 9 month continuous lock up in a cage that allows no room for growth. In fact is is 1/2" shorter than my flacid member. I have had no ill effects of restricted nocturnal erections. Two days after release all is back to normal both functionality and size.

    The cage if properly fitted isn't' a tourniquet so blood flows just fine. Blood just doesnt engorge the vessels.
    Lessthan4inches likes this.
  18. Lessthan4inches

    Lessthan4inches Active member

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    I am a bit late 'coming to the table' on this thread, but would like to add a few thoughts. I totally agree with advice by 'Chastingfun' above and the closing statement by 'dbcockslut' is probably the most difinitive 'rule' to be guided by. Very sound advice. I wear a CB6000S 24/7 for months at a time, with only 5 minute weekly unlocks for a thorough clean and wash, staying limp whilst washing is mandatory.

    I have never had any problems with sleeping in my CD, some broken sleep for the first week or two, that's all. BUT I am poorly endowed and my penis is just under 4 inches fully erect. So even in a CB6000S I still have room to grow almost to my fullest length anyway. I note that you mention you have a big penis, and I think this is a crucial factor. When it comes to nocturnal erections us 'small' chaps have the advantage over you 'bigger' guys (the only time I can say that) as our growth rates are so uninspiring.

    There is a definite correlation between size of penis and frequency of discomfort issues arising (no pun intended) during the night. I have seen very few reports from guys with small cocks complaining of ball wrenching erections, serious pain etc. I would wager that nearly all complainants are fortunate to be well hung or, at the very least, average in size.

    I would add that the human body has the knack of tolerating most things given time. Body implants, piercings, tattoos all hurt like hell for a while until the body adjusts accordingly. You are approaching this whole topic with great caution which is the only way to go. Take time to experiment with duration of wear and your type of device and I would expect a happy ending.

    Lastly, my penis works fine when allowed to, my erections are rock hard and it fires as it should. I have read on credible medical sites that if issues with erection become a concern, it is simply a matter of discontinuing use of your device and everything should return to normal in a fairly short time.

    I look forward to hearing how you progress, hope you get lots of pleasure along the way. :)
    Billus and SubVerity like this.
  19. Mascara^Snake

    Mascara^Snake Banned

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    #19 Mascara^Snake, Jun 24, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2015
    Issues with erections are mostly psychological and wearing a cage at night will do you no harm unless it's ill fitting or designed to harm you.
    The body is indeed very adaptable. If you're having problems at night at first you need to focus on the fact that it will ease in time. Whether it be weeks or months.
    (During which time you should do your utmost not to wake your keyholder by the way).

    And Gosh 4 inches when fully erect. Most of my shoes have longer heels than that !!
  20. Rachael_

    Rachael_ Guest


    :oops: and :D
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  21. Lessthan4inches

    Lessthan4inches Active member

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    A few days ago the best I could manage was 3.25" and my best effort is 3.75" hence my 'lessthan4inches' username.
    I don't think I could ever compete with your heels Mascara^Snake, but I love your comment.
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  22. Mascara^Snake

    Mascara^Snake Banned

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  23. gabri34

    gabri34 Member

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    "And Gosh 4 inches when fully erect. Most of my shoes have longer heels than that !!"

    Thanks God that I have almost 5 :D
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  24. OwnedbyLeeanne

    Jun 17, 2014
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    Once I got the base ring sizing correct I found that after awhile the night time erections either stopped or no longer
    caused me any discomfort.
    If I did get one it just meant I needed to take a pee anyway and all was good.
    I found that after a few weeks I could sleep with no discomfort at all and totally could not feel that I was wearing the
    I can say that it has had no long term affects at all and once it is removed all is normal again.

    Lessthan4inches and Rachael_ like this.
  25. Rachael_

    Rachael_ Guest

    5" I imagine Mascara^Snake got bigger heels :D
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