A new journal for a growing femdom and chastity marriage

Discussion in 'Journals and blogs' started by Guest 3729, May 23, 2020.

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  1. bincorona

    bincorona Junior Member

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    From your 01/21/21 post .....
    Oh I sooo get it .....we also have a 7 year old kiddo ..... and it is getting harder and harder to pawn off the "Naked Tickle Party" when he barges in on us ..... lol o_O:+1:o_O Fun stuff .... for sure.
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  2. Lazlo Toth

    Lazlo Toth C/D on the TomAllen-Rectrix scale: 9/9

    Apr 7, 2019
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    I've said it before, but I'll say it again. I shall never tire of a good man loving a good woman and hearing about their shared joys.

    Thank you for the update.
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  3. Guest 3729

    Guest 3729 Long term member

    Sep 16, 2017
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    It’s been almost 3 weeks since our former roommate/ leach finally moved out. I thought I’d be so elated the day she moved out but it’s actually taken me a couple of weeks to really appreciate being alone and having our privacy back as strange as that might sound. I think I just expected to see her car there after her living with us for 7 months. I know my wife felt the same, it felt kind of weird finally having our house back to ourselves.

    Last Tuesday was the first day in months that my wife and I were totally alone. Our son was at school and had a school program he was at until 5pm. That gave my wife and I practically all day. We had a few chores planned plus I had started adding handles and pull knobs on all of our cabinets a couple weeks back and needed to finish that project. Before we started working around the house my wife wanted me in my leather shorts, leather chest harness and leather slut collar. Once I was all dressed up I was ready to work. I got my tools and started, my wife would check on my progress periodically with her riding crop in tow. She’d drag it across my back every once in a while when she’d walk by.

    A couple hours later I was almost done, I had about 30 minutes left worth of work when my mistress stepped into the last bathroom I was working on. She watched me for a few moments and then told me that when I was done I was to meet her in her office and eat her pussy on the new carpet she had just put in there. I quickly finished and put my tools aside. I found my leash and attached it to my collar and then I found her magic wand vibrator and headed to her office. My cock felt so good free in my leather shorts. It has a soft satin like liner on the inside that feels so good when I get hard. Thinking about eating my wife’s pussy was getting me very excited. My wife wanted to “ceremoniously” break in her office and make a point that it was her space again now that her friend moved out.

    I opened her office door and she was lying on the carpet playing with herself waiting for me. I handed her the leash while I was still standing and she pulled me down to my knees. I moved forward towards her face to kiss my mistress but she just pulled my leash down between her legs. She was in control and knew what she wanted, I took a second just enjoying myself to really appreciate the moment. I was dressed in my leather on a leash with my wife holding the other end, guiding me to where she wanted me. I breathed in the intoxicating scent of her pussy as my face hovered just a few inches away before taking my first lick. I traced her lips with my tongue then licked her straight up the center, then I pushed my nose right over her clit and thrust my tongue into her while rubbing my nose all over her clit.

    While I was eating her out she told me how she had an epiphany and wanted to change the way she was denying me. The way she has been going about chastity is to typically allow me an O about once a week and sometimes she would allow me to pleasure her and touch her and other times she would deny me that privilege, stifle me as she put it and make me wait sometimes a couple of weeks before she allowed me to pleasure her. It was kind of like reverse chastity in a way except I was still chaste and only allowed to O when my mistress allowed it. She says she wants me to go down on her more often because I’m so good at it and likes it so much. This last round of passion in her office was about the 3rd time she’d allowed me to pleasure her in about a 5 day span which is a lot for her to allow me to do to her. I’ve been loving going down on her that often, it puts me in such a wonderful headspace I do hope that things continue this way for us.

    I agreed with her comments by licking her faster and harder, she came fairly soon after that. Then she told me to take my dick out and rub the head of it on her clit. I pulled my leather shorts off and tossed them aside and did as she wished. She felt so amazing, velvety and soft, I couldn’t stop staring at my cock slipping around my wife’s beautiful wet pussy. I couldn’t handle that for very long and came very hard soon after. I cleaned my cum from my wife and she asked for her toy. I sat in front of her vibrating her clit for another 5 or 10 minutes before she came hard again and couldn’t handle anymore.

    So fucking hot I loved every moment, I look forward to continuing down this path and whatever direction my incredible wife decides to take us.
  4. SubofSin

    SubofSin Member

    Jan 18, 2021
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    Wow, sounds like a very hot experience for you both. Glad to hear you’ve both got your space back and are in a great place.
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  5. Guest 3729

    Guest 3729 Long term member

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    It feels so good, you don’t realize how much it effects you when your space is invaded for a long period of time.
    It was a really hot experience, I hope we have many more passionate encounters like that.
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  6. Guest 3729

    Guest 3729 Long term member

    Sep 16, 2017
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    It’s definitely time for an update because it’s been way to long since I posted in my journal. We’ve definitely had some life changes over the last so many months and it’s time to get my thoughts out.

    At the beginning of this year I had pledged to put my belt on after every encounter my lovely wife would allow me to have. Things went great that way for the first couple of months I adhered to my rule and my wife very much appreciated it. Then I’m not sure if was around March or the exact date but my wife started to have me unlock regularly even if we didn’t have sex. I initially would belt up once it became clear nothing was going to happen but then she’d have me unlock the next day and it was like the same viscous cycle. One night while sleeping in my belt I must’ve had one of my legs in a funny position and I woke up with a little sore the next day. I wore the belt an additional day to see if I could wear it with the sore spot but avoid it making contact. By the next day it was not getting any better so I requested to remove the belt until the spot healed. I gave it about 2 weeks and then put my belt back on once it was healed. Same thing, belt was on for two day and then she gave me the keys but once again nothing happened. At this point I just assumed she didn’t want me to wear the belt so I just put it away. She didn’t say she was disinterested in it but also wasn’t giving me any indication she wanted me to wear it. I didn’t bother asking her because I felt her actions were pretty indicative of her feelings.

    There was no problem with our relationship, we still had amazing sex, she was having me go down on her more than ever. It was like all the other things that she likes about chastity stayed in place as far as the femdom and FLR it was really just the lack of the belt was the thing that changed the most. She still has me use the strap on her too which she’s been asking for more often. I adhered to the honor system pretty well, albeit there may have been a few times I took matters into my own hand but coming from a chronic masturbator before starting this lifestyle out, to still being able to count my number of “penalties” this year on 2 hands is pretty good (in my opinion). However, what I found was that without the belt I really struggled to stay in that sub headspace. I think she thinks that ordering me around to do stuff for her and retrieve things for her is enough. She’s never been one to incorporate punishments or other activities to help keep me in that sub space yet always expects that obedience. Granted some of the reason that stuff isn’t incorporated is a lack of privacy and time together. As I’ve mentioned before in other posts, sometimes by the time we both make it into the bedroom at night we’re both pretty tired anyway. So I’m not solely leaving this on her, some of it is just the circumstances of life but I do feel there could have been efforts in other areas that would’ve helped me more, keeping me in that place I need/want to be.

    So after some time out of the belt between March and April I put my belt back on about the 20th of April and again 2 days later she handed me the keys to take it back off. Nothing occurred that night if I remember correctly and so I just left it off assuming she just wasn’t interested in seeing it on me. Things were still great between us so it’s not like it caused any problems. Our sex lives were/are still in her control, there is still that element of femdom in our relationship but I was a little disappointed because I felt like we were drifting away from that lifestyle. We have been communicating with each other better than ever and I felt that I was pretty open with what makes me more motivated to be her slave. An underlying argument that can be said is that if I love her I would do the extra things I have been doing for her regardless of chastity. She has used this argument before on me in the past and it also has come up a little more recent. While I do agree with that argument to some extent I also have to turn that argument around in my favor to see things from my side. Now the little extras that I do that I’m referring too more have to do with usually when we are in our bedroom alone at night. It’s just little things like getting her a drink and/or a snack, letting the dogs out throughout the night (we have 3 and they never go out at the same time during the night) and actually cooking her something late at night, etc... Sometimes I’m getting 15 + times from the time were alone in our bedroom till the time we wake up. Even though she works two days a week I took our son to school 5 days a week, I did that so she could sleep in. So in her using the “because you love me” argument, I say throw me a bone every once in a while and I’m not even referring to sexual favors, I’d like to sleep in every once in a while too. So I could easily argue back that if she loves me she would do me the same favors for me (which I know she would)

    A lot of us make the same argument over and over about it all being about her. I used to be a promoter of that sentiment but for a while now I’ve disagreed with this statement because I think it’s too vague and it’s been taken out of context to many times. While us locked guys in relationships happily pander to our partners wants, needs and desires these relationships are still a two way street. At a bare minimum we need to feel as though our partners our committed to helping us feel the way we need to feel to keep us in that mind set that “it’s all about her”. Over that time that I perceived she didn’t want me in my belt I kind of lost my way as her sub and became less motivated to do those special things for her and they just started to feel like monotonous chores that brought me no joy, I felt like my efforts were unappreciated. So I suppose the bare minimum I’m referring to is me wearing my belt with her wanting to be in control of the keys. To me that’s important, otherwise I just feel like I’m self locking and I’m not into chastity so much that I would ever desire to self lock. Hence me leaving my belt off.

    The topic of kink and the lifestyle came up one evening a little over a month ago. I’m not exactly sure what brought up the conversation but we were talking about strap on sex and various things and she said she doesn’t feel like she can be a “scary domme”. I realized at that point that she had some stereotypes about women in the lifestyle and their behavior. I could understand how she felt and I’m sure I helped paint that image along with stereotypes in the media. I thought about what she said for a minute and then replied that dommes don’t have to be scary, they can be very loving and sensual too. Which is kind of what sums up our experience thus far, I would regard my wife as a more kind and sensual domme versus the stereotype that’s portrayed all over the internet. I referenced back to the strap on sex where I’ve seen videos of the stereotypical scene with the leather clad domme fucking her man with an oversized dildo. But I’ve also seen very sensual scenes where the domme takes her man with a strap on in a slow loving way that seems more about the role reversal and the sensuality versus the imagery kink. Truth be told I like both versions of that, I’d be a liar if I didn’t admit that I love the idea of my wife dressed in leather, spanking me hard while I’m anticipating which oversized dildo she is going to stretch me with. But I also realize that’s not realistic for everyone and everyone has their own boundaries which I fully respect and I fully respect my wife’s boundaries. So I let my wife know that I understood how she felt and that I realized that I will probably be far more into kink than she will and I would never push her to do anything she didn’t want to do. I brought up her lack of interest in me being in my belt, her reply was that I had told her it was hurting me and needed time out to heal a little spot on my thigh. I reminded her that that was weeks ago and I’d since put my belt back on in which she had me take it off only a couple of days later. I could see her thinking about what I said but she didn’t comment back to me about that. I was glad we talked because communication is so important in any relationship and I like us having an open dialog about our relationship and the things we try. But what I assumed from our chat was that she wasn’t really interested in the belt as I felt like she never really directly talked about that during our conversation. I was okay with that, it made sense as she was not making a mention of the belt or for me to wear it for quite some time now. I just thought it was weird she didn’t really indicate one way or the other during our conversation. I thought maybe she didn’t want to hurt my feeling because of how into it I am plus the time and money we’ve invested. I’ve thrown out a lot of toys in the last so many months, even her queening chair once I became apparent it wasn’t for her. At the very least I’d sell my belt as I know it’s worth quite a bit so at least I’d recoup some of that money.

    Anyway as I said, that conversation was about a month ago and I want to reiterate that there wasn’t any arguing or fighting during any of this time or during the conversation. As always we have a great relationship and we’ve been having more sex than ever, she having me go down on her more than ever. I had posted an update not to long ago about my nose actually feeling rubbed raw from eating her out so much. That’s a pretty hot sex injury in my opinion :).

    As always theres a whole lot more to the story and things really started unraveling more in the last month. We found out about a month ago that my wife is pregnant which is amazing news. We are both very excited about this, our 7 year old son is very excited too as he’s wanted a sibling for quite a while. When we found out and even though it was early in the pregnancy we decided to tell our families as her being pregnant changed travel and vacation plans for the year. With this news my wife had to make several changes including vitamins and her diet. Among things that needed to go was her smoking cigarettes and weed. She’s now quit since she found out, but we are both smokers and recreational users of weed. So that was a big change for her although we’d only been smoking cigarettes in the last year plus, due to stress. We had both actually been quit for quite some time before that. Also my wife was on anti depressants since 2017 because of how much stress and anxiety she was having while going to school to be a SLP. It’s a very stressful graduates program that takes its toll on its students. I remember when her anxiety finally climaxed, she couldn’t sleep for four nights in a row before she finally went to the doctor. That’s when they prescribed her Xanax and Paxil. She never used the Xanax beyond that first doctors visit and finally was able to sleep but continued to use the Paxil and self medicate with weed from then all the way up until finding out she was pregnant just last month. Some other things that occurred during her time in school that made her anxiety flair up was when she have to work in the clinics. She’d be totally fine until the morning of having to go in and she would develop debilitating nausea and stomach cramps shortly after waking up literally knocking her out for the entire day. She had to make up several missed days where she was supposed to be working in the clinic to earn her hours for graduation. She toughed it out and made it through school and we both thought that she was finally over the hump and could relax now that she made it passed the schooling.

    Her first job out of school started nearly 3 months before the pandemic kicked off last year. Those same symptoms showed up again and in her first 90 days she missed a few days of work because of the anxiety. She was on the maximum dose of Paxil by this point and it didn’t really seem to be much of a help. She eventually was laid off because of coronavirus but we’re sure her anxiety played a role in her former bosses decision to let her go. My wife remained home for the remainder of 2020, it only made sense because our son was home from school the first part of the year and it didn’t make sense for her to go out looking for a job in the middle of an international health crisis. Luckily I was still employed and things were working out, I thought if my wife had some time off to relax maybe the anxiety would subside. So after a year of being off she found a new position in her field and a really understanding boss. As she started to go back to work the anxiety reared it’s ugly head again but nevertheless she fought like the wonder woman she is and got through it. The thing that didn’t make sense to her was that she was feeling confident in herself and there really wasn’t any reason that she knew of in regards to why her anxiety was coming back.

    That is until we found out she was pregnant... She quit smoking weed and cigarettes and took about a week to get off the Paxil. She had some emotional ups and downs for about two weeks let alone her hormonal changes from being pregnant. After those couple of weeks her she really started to feel a sort of calm and confidence, she no longer was having the awful anxiety in the mornings before work and quite frankly really resembled more of the eager person I knew before that first anxiety attack hit her. We initially didn’t know she was taking Paxil, she was using a genetic form of it under a different name and I thought it was a more mild anti depressant. I always understood Paxil to be a pretty heavy anti depressant. I started looking at the side effects of the medication and she nailed the majority of the bad side symptoms from this drug. The reality of the situation was that she probably could’ve and should have come off of it a lot sooner because as it turns out, it appears the Paxil was increasing her anxiety in the long run. Couple that with smoking weed and you can definitely have some severe anxiety.

    I’m so happy for her and glad we figured it out. Last year she her doctor would only work remotely because she has a blood cancer and needed to reduce her risk of exposure to coronavirus so she wouldn’t see patients directly. So my wife had to consult with different nurses and PA’s over the last year and was getting pretty sub par medical treatment. So there was no one to really say “hey, maybe we should dose you down from the maximum dosage”. So that’s history now and to see my Wonder Woman feeling like her old self again has been so wonderful. There’s so many good things happening it really puts a smile on my face. It was really hard on me many days when she just couldn’t get out of bed because she was effected so badly by her anxiety and then to find it to be exacerbated by the medication.

    So since the medication has left the building we’ve been having so much sex and she is definitely in control of my ass as she is making clear. My tongue has never been so busy I think it’s actually toned up a bit lol. A big surprise came my way from her last Sunday. My wife and my son were headed to the pet store to get some goldfish for my sons pet turtle. I was to stay home because she wanted me to clean our blinds they are an absolute pain in the ass to remove dust from. Before she left she took me to our master bathroom and told me to get my belt out of the toy box and put it on. I was very surprised by this, really thought the belt had gone to the wayside at this point. She gave me a devilish look while I put it on and then I handed her the keys. She called me a good slut and pinched my nipple, told me to clean the blinds and that she’d be back in a bit. It felt weird being in my belt again after being out for so long but it made me really happy. She told me her motivation for locking me back up was seeing me walking around with full morning wood that morning and knew I wouldn’t be able to contain myself.

    I happily cleaned the blinds and for the first time in a while felt motivated to do a lot more and really impress her. I had the blinds cleaned and the floors vacuumed and shampooed by the time they came back. That evening when we were alone she pulled me into our master bathroom again. She gave me the keys and had me unlock. She got down on her knees and gave me an incredibly hot and seductive blowjob and had me cum all over her chest. She stood up and I cleaned her breasts with a soft towel wiping them gently. She kissed me and told me we weren’t done, she unzipped her pants dropping them to the floor, I slipped my fingers into her panties and felt her warm wet pussy. I gently toyed with her clit, she rarely let’s me masturbate her pussy while she’s standing so that was extra fun. Her legs started shaking and she was starting to cum within moments. She pushed my hand away when she was done as we kissed again. Then with a matter of fact look she told me to lock back up! I could count on one hand the number of times I can remember her telling me to lock up in the last 6 years so being told twice in one day was quite a treat for me. Then she exclaimed how excited she was to see me locked in my belt. I said I really thought you’d lost your interest in the belt and she replied she forgot how much she liked it until she was watching me lock back up.

    So I guess this would be us turning the next page in our relationship. Post Paxil era and new baby on the way which are both great things. I think the next 7 months are going to be a lot of fun for us for many reasons but I’m quite excited about her increased confidence and drive and of course sex drive :). Her job is going very well and since she’s been contracted with a school to be their SLP she currently has most of the summer off! She deserves it, I couldn’t be happier or more proud of her.
    homebody and cshorts like this.
  7. Mojoman

    Mojoman Long term member

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    Good to hear your update and....... Congratulations !!!:+1::)
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  8. Guest 3729

    Guest 3729 Long term member

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    Thanks you! :)
  9. NZSenator

    NZSenator Long term member

    May 31, 2020
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    Thats quite the update

    Congratulations on the pregnancy. I remember when Mrs Sen was with our first child, she went through a stage where she was constantly horny and couldn't get enough sex, was short lived (due to her growing belly and uncomfortableness of many positions) but a great period.

    I can relate somewhat to the on again off again element of chastity but you are doing what is right for your relationship, push too much and it could well backfire so well done on that too, you are clearly attentive and you communicate well as a couple.
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  10. SubofSin

    SubofSin Member

    Jan 18, 2021
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    Congratulations on the pregnancy news mate. That’s awesome! Good work navigating that tricky time. We live this amazing fantasy in our heads and are quick to become frustrated when our better halves appear to forget us or lose interest. You did well to keep it going and reestablish your groove with some solid communication. Great update!
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  11. Guest 3729

    Guest 3729 Long term member

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    Thanks! We’re really excited and we’ve been having a lot of fun when we can. Her sex drive is definitely riding high but we haven’t been as able to take advantage of that as I hoped haha. Her magic wand has been getting the most attention lately. She’s has me locked back up for the last 11 days and hasn’t even allowed me to give her any attention, It’s driving me crazy. Our son is off fir the summer so it’s been hard to get him to bed at his regular bed time. My wife said I have to get him to bed by a certain time 8:30-9:00ish) or there’s little chance of anything happening for me. That kid is the king of stalling and dragging his feet about bedtime and it’s been a struggle to get him to bed any earlier than 10.

    My wife finds this quite amusing as she enjoys torturing me this way. I never mind the locked up part but when denies me being allowed to pleasure her is the worst for me, I just can’t stand that. We’re going to have some alone time next week for about 4 days and we’re really looking forward to that. I think her real goal is to deprive me anything until we’re by ourselves. The suspense is killing :)
  12. Guest 3729

    Guest 3729 Long term member

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    Thanks @SubofSin for the congrats and
    I also really appreciate your comments. Even though my wife and I have been together for over 16 years it’s really been with chastity in the last 6 years that I’ve really been able to open up to her. This lifestyle has really forced me to be more open with her and communicate my feelings which I struggled with in our past.

    I couldn’t agree with you more about the fantasies we create in our heads. They can sometimes cause more issues in a relationship when we create false expectations for our key holders. I will always have my fantasies where some of them might get to be lived out while I know others will stay in fantasy land. The reality of our situation is that I’m just along for the ride, it’s up to her what directions in which she feels comfortable taking us. I think there are parts of this lifestyle (mostly femdom control) that regardless how we are living our lives in the future regardless of chastity or not will always be a part of our lives. Which is why I think we still were on a relatively steady course with the lifestyle even though the belt wasn’t part of it for that short period of time. There was some confusion between us as to why my belt wasn’t being worn but I think she realized at that point what impact wearing the belt has on me and my overall behavior.
    SubofSin likes this.
  13. Guest 3729

    Guest 3729 Long term member

    Sep 16, 2017
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    To my beautiful wife and mistress

    I really miss writing you these notes telling you how much I adore you and how in love with you I am. In fact I’m sorry that it’s been this long since I’ve sent one but I know you know how I feel about you. I didn’t know what to expect when we first started dating all that time ago but I knew that I wanted to be with you forever after our first kiss. I’ve never felt for anyone the way feel about and how you make me feel about myself.

    When I brought chastity up as a possible twist in our relationship 6 years ago I honestly didn’t know what to expect. I was so afraid to tell you my desires for fear of what you might think of me even though you had done nothing but lead me to trust you leading up to me popping the chastity question. Even though you were initially shocked by my request, once you learned and had a better understanding about what I was requesting, you were all in making my heart dance. I have learned a lot about myself and about you, I don’t think we’ve ever been so open with each other. I never thought I’d be lucky enough or feel comfortable enough that I would tell anyone about my fantasies and desires no matter how shy or scared I might be opening up about them, even for things you might not quite find to your taste. I never thought I’d be lucky enough to live them out with the person I love and hold so close to my heart and soul.

    You are an incredible woman, my Wonder Woman, my love, my wife and my mistress. I love when other people see us together and how happy we are with each other and wonder as well as feel envious about what makes us special. I like being that annoying couple :). But most of all I love you and the life we live together.
    homebody, Trapped and Sexy Slave 69 like this.
  14. Trapped

    Trapped Long term member

    Dec 8, 2020
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  15. Guest 3729

    Guest 3729 Long term member

    Sep 16, 2017
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    Thank you :)
  16. Guest 3729

    Guest 3729 Long term member

    Sep 16, 2017
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    We’ve had a pretty active summer so far, at the end of June we spent a week in the Oregon coast in Lincoln city. We had a fantastic time and it was our first real family vacation with our son where it was just the three of us, well technically 4 if you count the baby on the way :). Then we had a week back home and then were gone again for a family reunion up in McCall Idaho for another week. My wife unlocked me the weekend before we left for Oregon, more out of convenience for us both. I stayed unlocked for that 3 week period, we didn’t really have time for anything to kinky but she did give me a discreet blow job that was wonderful and a hand job over those 3 weeks. Then she let me play with her pussy with my fingers and pleasure her too.

    After we got home from our last trip the Monday before I went back to work I locked back up. She didn’t ask me to do it but when she saw what I was doing and I handed her the keys she was all smiles. I’ve always wondered why she’s never insisted on me locking up because she’s always happy after I do. Maybe that’s just the expectation that I set, after all, I had voiced to her in the past that I would lock up after she was done playing with me. But I do enjoy when she insists that I lock up. That day after I locked back up she pulled me into our bedroom and let me play with her. It was so erotic as we both stood, her leaning into me while I held her and had my hand down the front of her panties. She came within minutes and then sent me along my way. Then she allowed it to happen again a few days later. I was flying high and have been in the best sub head space I’ve ever been in since we started down this path.

    A week went by without without a chance for us to play as either there was no time or we were to tired. It didn’t matter though because I was feeling so good and my wife was loving the extra attention. The lack of intimate play has been made up by a bulk of massaging on her when we’re both in bed at night. Staying locked up my motivation to pleasure her has increased so much more and my wife has noticed it so much more. So a couple of nights ago we got to bed a little earlier and Mistress was definitely feeling playful. We did our nightly routine where I start massaging her, after she felt satisfied with her massage she turned around and looked at me and said “I’m gonna fuck you up! Pull off you underwear.” I must’ve had a smile from ear to hear when she told me to hurry the fuck up. Over the next 10 minutes she licked all the exposed areas through my cage absolutely blowing my mind. I couldn’t believe how amazing it felt and how far away from cumming I still was, absolutely blissful. She told me where the keys were and to unlock. I only took the tube portion of my cage off leaving the belt in place. I was instantly rock hard and with the base ring in place I was harder than ever. I kissed and licked her breasts and she pushed my head down between her legs. It had been since before going on vacation that she’s allowed me to give her oral, her pussy never looked, tasted and smelled so good. After she came very hard, I moved to lay next to her, I stroked her with my fingertips. She looked at me clearly worn out and then down at my bulging cock and apologized, she told me I made her cum so hard I drained all her energy. She asked me if I wanted to cum and she was offering to let me have PIV sex with her. I was hesitant and told her that I did want to but I also didn’t because of good I feel and the sub head space I was in. I told her I’d rather lock back up. After I said that I looked at her to see what her reaction was going be. She couldn’t believe I didn’t want to cum, couldn’t understand how I could even contain myself at that point, I barely was. In the past, if she told me she wanted me to cum, I was going to cum. This was different because she actually gave me a choice but I think my wife really has noticed more than ever the value of keeping me chaste and what it does to me emotionally and mentally.

    After I told her I wanted to lock back up, and she gave her okay, I was hesitant for a moment, staring at my rock hard pulsating cock. She knew I was reconsidering about not wanting to cum. Reading my mind she just looked and me and said “I’m not going to change my mind, go lock up”. I fought my erection for the next 5 minutes trying to squeeze into the tube and lock the locks. I was dripping cum like crazy and everything that evening had been such a delicious mind fuck. I’m starting to wonder if she’ll start to keep me chaste longer based on my recent behavior while allowing me to pleasure her more often. Even though we have had some on and off time with chastity, when we are on, it’s 24/7 on but it was pretty common for her to let me out and give me an orgasm once a week. I’d just start to really get into that head space when I’d get to O and have to start all over again. I’m really wondering this time if she’ll really push me, another couple of weeks, maybe longer, it’s hard to say. She’s really doing a good job of keeping up the teasing and keeping me excited, while I was out today she met me know she pleasured herself with her magic wand. I love when she tells me she’s been masturbating. So much fun!
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  17. Guest 3729

    Guest 3729 Long term member

    Sep 16, 2017
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    All that being said I think I’m definitely at one of those be careful what you wish for point/scenarios. My wife really enjoyed herself Saturday night and like she said, I totally wore her out. I think this one one of the first times it was really truly empowering for for her just to be able to say okay I’m done and I’m going to sleep. Then not feel guilt for not allowing me to have sex with her or to have O. Empowering for her and It was really a thrill for me!
  18. SubofSin

    SubofSin Member

    Jan 18, 2021
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    Wow. Always look forward to these updates. It sounds as though you’ve both found a really good rhythm. She gives you enough to keep you motivated and not feel forgotten about, and in return you feel motivated to please the hell out of her. It’s a delicate balance. Good on you!
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  19. Guest 3729

    Guest 3729 Long term member

    Sep 16, 2017
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    Things definitely feel different lately and it does feel like we have a good rhythm going. That delicate balance is where we’ve struggled previously but I think my wife and I understand that a little better now. Biggest mistake I’ve often made in the past is making our dynamic to much about sex instead of service. When I really focus on pampering her and her needs is when she really rewards me and is motivated to keep me on my toes.
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  20. Guest 3729

    Guest 3729 Long term member

    Sep 16, 2017
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    She finally made me cum and wow! It had been close to a month since my last O and I was trying to get her to make me go longer but she wasn’t having it. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen since she’d kept me locked up while I was licking and using a gspot vibrator on her. She couldn’t take it anymore and demanded my tube to come off. I annoyed her by asking if she was sure, I know not to ask that question again :). She took they keys out of her hiding spot and handed them to me. I savored the scent of her juices on my face while I fiddled with the locks. My wife laid back down on the bed waiting for me, my tube came off and I was only semi hard which irritated her. I got back between her legs licking her again while my cock became fully hard. She told me to hurry up so I pulled my tongue out of her pussy and got on top. I slid my cock inside her soft, velvety wet pussy, she felt so amazing after not having that treat for at least a couple of months. I wanted that warm wonderful feeling surrounding my cock to last forever. She put her arms around me, fiercely looking me in the eyes telling me I wouldn’t last 2 seconds. It turns me on so much when she says that to me which probably made me cum even quicker than I would have. I don’t think I even went in and out more than ten times, each stroke feeling more amazing than the last. I was so vocal, I just couldn’t help myself and I came inside her. I just kept pumping and it just kept coming out of me. She giggled when I finished and was astounded by how full she felt. When I got up I looked down at myself and there was cum all over my cock, dripping down the sides of my base ring of my belt. I looked at my wife, then down between her legs and saw the most incredible cream pie ever, I’m getting hard right now just thinking about my beautiful wife’s beautiful cum covered pussy.

    I locked up right afterwards and gave her back her keys. I felt so good and wanted more, unfortunately we had to be somewhere and we needed to get ready. All I wanted to do was fuck my hot wife for the rest of the day lol but no such luck.

    We’d had a busy week since with both of us working and we hadn’t had any time for play. We lucked out and had this weekend to ourselves. I still have to work but we’ve had a great time together when I’m home just enjoying each other’s company and me massaging her. My wife gave me another treat last night before we went to bed. It was about midnight and I started turning the lights off in our bedroom. I laid next to her and was gently stroking her back with my fingertips. It was dark and quiet in the room when my wife coyly asks “you’re not too tired are you?”. I knew what that meant and I placed myself right behind her, the tube of my cage was snuggled tightly against her ass. I pulled her bra down over her breasts exposing her rock hard nipples. I played with her hard nipple while she ground her ass into my cage. I reached down to touch her pussy but she kept her legs closed making me want to touch her that much more. She turned herself more towards me, our lips and tongues met briefly in a passionate kiss. I massaged her breasts and played with her nipples a little longer when I gently ran my fingertips down her body to try and play with her clit again. This time she opened her legs let me touch her. I gently stroked her pussy feeling her wetness before softly rubbing her clit in a circular motion. I kissed her back and her neck while playing with her most sacred part. It didn’t take long before she was moaning and fully came. She took a moment to catch her breath before saying that was fun and then sweetly said I love you and wished me good night. I was riding such a high after that and went to sleep having great dreams. I think I stayed hard all night!
    SubofSin and Open2njoy like this.
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