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Discussion in 'Chastity and orgasm denial' started by steph17, Jun 22, 2021.

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  1. Guest 6019

    Guest 6019 Long term member

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  2. horse

    horse Junior Member

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    #27 horse, Jun 26, 2021
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2021
    I'd imagine he's just making the point that if you post what you suspect might be an unpopular position for the room then you may well have the majority angrily defending their position?

    Try posting anything to the Right of Mao on Reddit or Twitter and see what reaction you get...

    And it's a reasonable observation IMO, if you look at the Hypno scene now it regularly gets dominated by people seeking out extreme Sissy brainwashing.
    If you look at Feminism today it's actually morphed into Political Intersectional Feminism, dominated by questions over trans rights and whether they can be considered women and given access to previously women only spaces like prisons, refuge hostels and changing rooms.

    There is also the unspoken issue is that if your kink becomes largely associated with people you possibly feel uncomfortable around, then you may not like being open about it.

    Fast forward 10 years where Chastity has more of a normie profile and try bringing the topic up with your partner, I'd bet the first thing they'll think of is "Oh chastity, that sissy thing? Are you gay then...?"
    LGBT people are quite vocal about what they want, hetero people just aren't, so there is a perception that they are a much bigger group than they are. I'd imagine if you looked at the most frequent posters on here then they would all be sissies?

    And yes it's a fine line between giving up your male sexual autonomy as a power exchange, to actively emulating a different gender, but it doesn't mean that everyone is comfortable with what are two different fetishes being under the same banner.
    Tickling isn't the same as a abduction rape fantasy, but they are still both 'BDSM'

    Masculinity comes with a lot of insecurities and Chastity really messes with that, if he's uncomfortable that sissies are into the same kink as he is, then it is what it is.

    The wider question of 'is this is the end of the world' is also a reasonable observation. Most of Western culture has flipped into quite an aggressive Leftist position in less than a decade, unrecognisable to most people over 40 I think? A lot of social norms have flipped too, now we have Drag Queens on a children's cartoon channel singing about pride flags, while others burn their own flag. In response half the world is shouting "yass qween, you slay gurl", and the other half are other people crying "what the actual fuck is going on!?"

    The fact is that our species needs hetero people to reproduce occasionally, what happens to everyone outside that sphere of biological destiny is irrelevant. If you want to maximise your reproduction chances, then align with a biological median. You can define that as 'normal' or just expedient. If people don't want to do that then being nice to them is still free.

    Labelling something as 'bigoted' is too often used as a way to shut down topics we don't want debated, or we feel uncomfortable that other people disagree with us, and that's also a great way to maintain tribes of people that continue to think differently about everyone not like them.

    He asked a hetero centric question on a forum of vocal sissies and allies, the outsider was spotted and spears were thrown, luckily for him there's a vanilla section. This could have gone better I think, but this is the internet and everyone is offended now
    L-u-c-y and Robins toy like this.
  3. TomT

    TomT Member

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    All forms of chastity and FLR are interesting. I also get ***** off by some telling me my variant is not ok.
  4. Robins toy

    Robins toy Active member

    Jan 23, 2021
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    I read the OP and thought "this is going to be ugly!"......I wasn't wrong!

    The thing that struck me as most obvious were the responses that screamed about "inclusiveness" while simultaneously railing the the author, and others with his viewpoint, should be ostracized "eg. UN-included".

    I remember one respondent that was particularly not nice and it struck me that that person was the mirror image of the author, just a different perspective.....but equally as ready to bash a viewpoint or lifestyle that they found offensive.

    In the sage words of the "Great Uniter" Rodney King......can't we all just get along?
  5. true42

    true42 Owned member

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    You're mixing up cause and effect.

    I am hardly surprised that many here are sissies. That is because society doesn't tolerate that behavior, so this is (oh goodness, now I'm going to use this horrid term) a safe space for them.

    And that's pretty cool, that they get to be themselves here, while everywhere else they have to hide who and what they really are.

    I'm totally cool with that. I don't understand the whole "sissy" thing. But it's great that they can find others who understand them that they can communicate freely with here.

    Similarly, I don't go around showing people my dick locked up. For several good reasons. But among other things, it's not something that society is willing to accept at this point. But it's probably a lot less threatening to society than a woman with a penis, or a guy getting off on the idea of wearing women's clothes.

    Either kink is cool with you, or it's not. I'm specifically talking consensual, non-abusive, adult kink. I'd rather have a billion sissies than one child rapist. I'd rather have a billion trans people than one rapist. Gotta choose your battles, buddy. It does not hurt me in the slightest that some men want to wear beautiful women's clothing, and as long as they're enjoying it and not hurting others, then I'm totally cool with it. Still don't understand it, but I'm cool with it. Saw a wonderful article this week written by a trans man (i.e. born a woman); still don't understand it, but I'm cool with it.

    And be kind to people, when at all possible. A lot of people here have already been through some personal hell and back, and they could use a friend.

    Sorry to have gotten on my high horse and all that. Too little tolerance these days of things that don't hurt others, while we have way too much tolerance these days of things that do (purposefully) hurt others. I'm having a hard time staying quiet.
  6. HusbandX

    HusbandX Long term member

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    Why would I possibly do that? Why would I care? What has that to do with the price of tea in china? Or this thread?

    It's irrelevant.

    "Hypno scene?" Does that actually mean something? Are you talking about hypnotizing people? This isn't a thread about hypnotizing people.

    The original poster suggests that heterosexual men here are in the minority. This is a false statement. The original poster suggests that men who seek chastity involvement with their wife is a rare thing, eclipsed by other practices, such as sissification, homosexuality, etc. Setting aside the fact that such are not mutually exclusive (and thus the classification suggesting so is false and misleading), perhaps the single most common theme among those seeking a female led relationship, a female domination dynamic, or a female key holder, are married men who routinely ask how they can convince their wives (and girlfriends) to participate. Perhaps far more common than any other dynamic. To suggest that heterosexual men are a rarity, or men with wives or girlfriends are a rarity, or even men seeking chaste involvement with their wife or girlfriend is a rarity, is utterly absurd, and suggests that anyone who spends more than five minutes reading this site is an idiot. It doesn't take much more than that to find that most posters are married or have a girlfriend, or are looking for a woman to participate in their chastity journey. This alone invalidates any "genuine question" the original poster claims to have made, without even needing to touch the prejudicial and offensive manner in which he passive-agressively "asked" it.

    A reasonable observation? Utter bullshit.

    Half the world, you say? How much time do you spend in "half the world? I spend most of mine in most of the world, around the globe, in most cultures, continents, and countries...and I certainly dont' see anything remotely close to "half the world" behaving as you suggest. I'm quite certain that most of the world is entirely unaware of most of this, in fact. As for your sentence, "yass qween, you slay gurl," if you could be more specific as to what language you're speaking, we might address the comment, but I can assure you that half the world is neither saying that, nor asking "what the fuck is going on?" You should get out a bit more.

    If you think a reasonable observation is that a man who chooses to wear panties, rather than tighty whities or boxers, is somehow responsible for the decline of global civilization, or a decrease is species reproductive rate, you'd be very hard-pressed to back that up, or be considered with any degree of sincerity by anyone with the capability for rational thought.

    Further if any percentage of the population elects not to reproduce, to call the original poster's comments a reasonable observation would be to lend credence to the idea that any given person has a responsibility or obligation to reproduce: one is imposing one's own values in a demanding way and hanging the destruction of mankind on anyone who disagrees. This is completely unreasonable. It's also offensive.

    Lest you think I'm a fetishist who is offended by heterosexuality, I have a number of grown children, I'm a grandparent, I have sexual relations with my wife, and I would probably be considered by almost anyone to be as "vanilla" as they come, as would my wife. I find the original poster's commends offensive, and bigoted, and while you see that as dismissive, the truth is that what the original poster did was dismissive. Outright so. He simply stood atop his self-appointed ivory tower and spit up on the world around him, using generalizations to put down everything that doesn't see his way. It's particularly ironic, moronic, even, given that many of the posters here are heterosexual men seeking chastity with their girlfriends or wives. Ironic.

    And yet, this is not at all what happened.

    The poster isn't hetero-centric. Just bigoted. This isn't a forum of "sissies and allies." Quite the opposite, really. It is a forum of people who share a common interest; chastity, for a wide variety of reasons, and ways to practice it, including many who don't, but are interested, none the less.

    This is the internet, and people are offended in this thread because what the original poster said, is offensive.

    The ultimate irony here may be that the original poster condemns those who are not actively promoting reproduction in the human race...and he's chosen to do it in a chastity forum...where abstinance from sex and the ability to reproduce, is the goal.

    How stupid and tone-deaf is that??
    true42 likes this.
  7. tdk34

    tdk34 choreboy

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  8. steph17

    steph17 Junior Member

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    No one dare have a different opinion to Husband X or he will bring upon you the wrath of hell and you will be condemned for the rest of your evil life.
    borbulls1961 likes this.
  9. borbulls1961

    borbulls1961 Madame Vanilla's property

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  10. horse

    horse Junior Member

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    Hah, he sure is angry bro...
    People who get offended on behalf of other people are like a cult

    Normally I'd love dissecting a long list of weak strawman points, but gawd he's gone on forever?
    And I'm pretty sure he'll just come back with an even longer list and that wouldn't be interesting for anyone
    Guest 3972 likes this.
  11. horse

    horse Junior Member

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    I think I said that they were vocal rather than saying there were a lot of them (although that may be the case?)
    Current society seems to be quite tolerant of most things, but that's probably not for me to speculate on other people's experiences, what would I know. The internet seems well able to provide safe places for any interest.
    I assumed that they were here specifically because an aspect of chastity is a negation of male genitalia, and this seems to fit in with not wanting a male body? It's interesting that this didn't appear to be a thing a few decades ago.

    I think the interesting part of this trend is why now? Like the OP pointed out, the kink has widened to include new people but that only seems to have happened in the last decade.
    There's been a shift in power in most relationships, woman earn more, can achieve more in their careers. I've wondered in the past if bi-leaning men now feel a bit left behind by this, and so by adopting the persona of a woman that is a covert way to reacquire status, power and attention. Like why be a hairy beta male when you can be an idealised submissive female and be praised for how sexual you look?

    I think a lot of what we see now is actually Autogynephilia:
    rather than actually being in the wrong body?

    It certainly seems unlikely that we've had a sudden uptick in medical gender dysphoria, and I think it may be more to do with the positive public attention that (specifically, non hetero) alternative sexualities receive now, and the establishment of various LGBT identities as a political statement against a (White) patriarchy.

    I see the same fetishising of male insecurities in the cuckold scene, where submission to Black cock is idealised. It's the same political drivers behind that I think.

    Oh yeh, I think it's fine too, and it's an interesting fork in male sexuality that's probably been here since Victorian times when we first institutionalised sexual shame. That angry guy in a dress who sues women's salons for not waxing his balls, I could do with fewer of him around though...

    I can appreciate that hetero chastity may well become associated with sissies, especially as we've yet to have a public conversation about our kink and what it means. This might make it harder to find female partners or it might just be the thing that makes it more mainstream, certainly in a few decades woman might not feel the need to adopt the submissive role in a relationship.
    L-u-c-y likes this.
  12. HusbandX

    HusbandX Long term member

    Apr 8, 2020
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    When someone is enough of a dumbass to post offensive material, shitting upon those around him, and then declare that he believes he has earned shit for his offensive comments, he ought not be surprised to reap what he has sewn.

    The irony in your lie is that you opened the thread by making it clear that. you only tolerate those who agree with YOU; you blamed the destruction of mankind on anyone who disagrees with you.

    Your lie is to attempt to project this bigotry onto others, to suggest that they're guilty of your crime. You created the thread based on intolerance, and you went nuclear right off the bat. You weren't content with simply engaging in childish name calling or other such stupidity, but opened the thread by suggesting that this web site is made up of those who are guilty of the downfall of mankind.

    That is intolerance. That is arrogance, to assume that those around you are guilty of destroying your species, simply because they do not do as you do. Moreover, you lied: a great many posters here are heterosexual men with wives or girlfriends or women who hold their key, and you insult them too by your dismissal and outright condemnation. It strains credulity that one might believe you didn't intend the offense, or to generously grant that you're actually stupid enough to not know your offense.

    You are a liar. You've lied repeatedly, from your opening of the thread to each of your responses. I've encouraged tolerance and acceptance: you've condemned all who disagree with you for their crime of destroying mankind: you have acted as judge and jury, and continue to do so. When you suggest I condemn those who disagree with me, when I've explicitly stated the opposite, you lie. When you suggest that heterosexual men who perpetuate the human race are in the minority, you lie. When you accuse other posters here of destroying mankind and causing its downfall for their legitimate participation, belief, desire, practice, lifestyle, or interest, you also lie. You are a liar, and cannot seem to help it. Or so you seem to wish others to believe, and in that wish, you also offend, inferring that anyone would be so stupid as to believe it.

    I brought no "wrath of hell" upon anyone, but you did, from the beginning of this thread, when you condemned every member of this board as being the destroyers of civilization and the downfall of mankind. That was YOU, and in projecting your failing on others, you lie.

    It's what you do. Your intolerance and prejudice is an ugly lie, but it's one you embrace, and it does you no favor.
  13. Robins toy

    Robins toy Active member

    Jan 23, 2021
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    Dude, I could (and probably should, but won't) enumerate the lies that you include in your post. The original post, though unfortunate and ill-conceived, was not what you describe in your response.

    You rail against the arrogance of the OP. Have you actually read your response? That is one of the most arrogant grouping of words I have seen! You have a different world and life experience than someone else, ergo your perceptions are different. What you believe to be true is different. That is the way the human mind works!

    If you were brought up in a home where the father worked 18 hours a day, you would feel at home in a house where the bread winner worked 18 hours a day. If that was a wife or same sex partner, you would be thought of as progressive and forward thinking. If that were a hetero male, then you would be thought of as "preserving the patriarchal construct". In reality, you are just reverting to the base life lessons.

    If you grew up in a home where one parent was an addict.....or promiscuous.....or lazy.....or emotionally absent......the list goes on and on! That behavior repeats itself generationally. Few break free from it! Yet, you want to disparage instead of help. You are just as argumentative and arrogant as the OP! Add to that reactionary and you can see yourself in the mirror of the internet!

    If you wish to preach tolerance, you must first be tolerant. Then you can earn the respect of the ones that you wish to teach tolerance.

    You probably think I am picking on you, I'm not! I am trying to help you be more influential instead of inflammatory.

    Consider this. If you saw a police officer flash his lights to get through a red light and then, 3 blocks later, he pulled into a parking lot. You saw him or her get out and kiss someone passionately instead of going to the actual scene of a crime. Would you respect the blue lights next time they were in the rear view mirror? The reason you would not respect them as much as you did before? Because in order to enforce ANYTHING you have to be ,first and foremost, the example of it.

    If you want to enforce, or even work towards, tolerance, the FIRST thing you must be is tolerant of things that you don't like. Then you must build relationships with the ones who you desperately dislike. Then you have to change the mind of the other. Then you have to work on the heart of the other.

    Anything you try to force on another person will be resisted. It should be! It is a form of rape.....

    If you want to change something, be the change!

    Be tolerant!

    Be respectful!

    Be better!

    Just, please, stop being a dick!

    Around here, we put dicks in tiny cages and all but forget about them....
  14. HusbandX

    HusbandX Long term member

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    Did I read what I wrote? Yes. I did. I wrote it, brightspark.

    Clearly you didn't read it, and clearly failed to comprehend.

    Teach you? That would be a wasted effort.

    The original poster stated that those who didn't agree with his myopic narrow world view were the destroyers of mankind. In your case, you state that those who disagree are guilty of rape. Comical.

    I was not brought up in a home in which my father worked 18 hours a day. I was not brought up in a home with a father. I work 30 hour workdays, however. What I was brought up with has noting to do with what I believe, do, or who I am. Anyone who blames who or what they are on their experiences or their environment is living a lie, and fails to take responsibility for their choices.

    Do you do this?

    I am not preaching tolerance. The original poster preached not only intolerance, but accused all who are not part of his chosen lifestyle, as nothing less than the downfall of man kind. You apparently are unable to comprehend the difference.

    I don't think you're picking on me. You lend yourself far too much weight, and you assume yourself taken seriously. You're not.

    Nothing has been forced on you. You haven't been raped. No one is attempting to change your mind or heart. There are no police running red lights here. Just your melodrama, and the unilateral condemnation of the original poster. That's all.

    Grow up.
  15. L-u-c-y

    Staff Member Owner of Chastity Mansion Administrator Verified Female

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    Maybe you are not as tolerant as you think you are.

    You are coming across as the least tolerant person on this thread, including the OP.
  16. steph17

    steph17 Junior Member

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    With respect I only say what I see and what I posted was a reflection of what I see and read on chastity mansion, If any man trying to get his wife interested in a chastity life style showed her this site for her to gather information on the subject I would imagine the response would be something like F__K OFF or some other negative response, I genuinely think the mansion has been taken over by the alternative sexes.
    Remember this is from my point of view.
    borbulls1961 likes this.
  17. HusbandX

    HusbandX Long term member

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    Then, of course, you and the original poster are right. There are no heterosexual men on this board. No men with wives. No men with girlfriends. No men seeking keyholders.

    Only sissies, homosexuals, and others who are the destruction of mankind and the end of the human race. And the board has gone to hell.

    As you wish.
  18. starflyer

    starflyer Junior Member

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    I'm with you on this Gonzo....a straight guy that likes to be denied by my wife, dress me in panties and humiliate me and love hearing about other peoples experiences, no matter what there thing is
    Robins toy and Gonzo like this.
  19. steph17

    steph17 Junior Member

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    I really think this is a homosexual/sissy orientated site now and the straight guys are worried about being thought of as being part that group, no man wants his wife to think of him as being part of this group.
    Some men still want to be masculine, I cant understand why you folks find this hard to accept ?.
    Are we just supposed to accept anyone in the straight group ?.
    You tell me, I dont mean to offend anyone.
  20. Gonzo

    Gonzo Active member

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    I'm not part of any group. I'm an individual en so is my wife. We connect on some important parts and don't connect on some other parts of our complicated minds. Nobody is the same and we love to learn how other couples connect. We learn and use the things we like and just learn the rest.
    I hope some day you wil love yourself enough to not need a groep and be an individual and connect on different levels with other individuals.
  21. Peaches

    Peaches "kinky guy"

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    Very well said. I completely agree.
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  22. Peaches

    Peaches "kinky guy"

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    Don't go to any of the major porn sites. They have gay content on them. Your wife might think youre a homosexual if you go to one of those sites.
  23. billzboats

    billzboats 63rd birthday

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    I started this journey to spice up my sex life. My wife and I are up in years. Reading your posts on this site has given me the confidence to pamper my wife and finally give her the love and respect that she deserves. I now am not afraid to try new things, including wearing what I wish at home and getting punished when I am a good boy. I thank you all for changing my life.
    borbulls1961 and true42 like this.
  24. true42

    true42 Owned member

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    Well said, @billzboats ...

    Sometimes, people just make this too complicated.

    Find shared joy with the love of your life. Repeat.
    borbulls1961 likes this.
  25. SmallRyan

    SmallRyan Active member

    May 18, 2021
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    The ever perceptive L-u-c-y touches on something I think is very relevant in society today. Sometimes people disagree with what they perceive as intolerance so extremely that they become the more militantly intolerant themselves.

    And instead of persuading people with well reasoned arguments they just look as psychotic as what they sought to oppose.
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