Problem with CB6000s

Discussion in 'CB Range' started by Goddess_Donnas_slutslave, Feb 25, 2010.

  1. Goddess_Donnas_slutslave

    Goddess_Donnas_slutslave Junior Member

    Jan 9, 2010
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    About 2-3 weeks ago I got a small sore on the head of my penis but after a few days it went away. Then about 1 week ago 2 others showed on the left and right side of the head. It looks kinda like when you get a scrap when you fall. The difference this time was that I was wearing clothes, at home it's not allowed, and was out most of the day with friends and when I went to go use the bathroom it looks like pus around both sores. When I got home I took the cage off and clean it up and started applying A+D ointment and have left the cage off until it heals. So far the left side is mostly healed the right still has a bit of a scape on it and still tender.
    I started locking up back in beginning of Jan of the year and is this is the first time this has happened. I've read on here and another chastity forum about people with some kind of irritations and it was suggested to use ultra fine sand paper or the alike to smooth out the inside of the cage. The only even slightly rough spots are some circles like where it looks like the plastic was poured, which I guess could be the cause but hard to tell since like I've said worn it for almost 2 months and then it starts happening. But I'm also worried that if I try to sand it it could make things worse because I don't see how it could ever be perfectly smooth without something filling the sanding marks. From as best as I can feel while I can see the ones on the left side they feel smooth but there is a few on the right side that is raised enough to just barely feel something.
  2. filmriss

    filmriss Junior Member

    Jan 1, 2010
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    safety first!
    then again, i dont know whats happening to you. to give you scarring and, to top it all off, puss coming out of the wounds, my best guess is that there is something else involved other than your cb6ks. the molding marks on the inside have to be at least 1mm in strength and made out of steel (the sharp kind of steel) to give you injuries like that. (dont trust me fully on that, i also seem to be one of the few who dont have swelling-issues with the vents on my 3k.)
    so im gonna ask the obvious, when was your last check for vd?

    edit: just some thoughts running through my head. could it be that youre allergic to your lube? soap? anything you use on your penis? i guess thats just the med-student in me talking ;)
  3. DanniCB

    DanniCB Junior slave in training

    Feb 22, 2010
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    either your allergic or this is a sign of a bladder infection. which is serious. puss will come out then blood. its caused due to a blockage of piss when you go to the bathroom is constricted. it may be your device is too tight you may be able to get into it with lube but i think that's the problem.
  4. js11756

    js11756 Senior Member

    Dec 6, 2008
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    It may be that urine or sweat is building up. Urine in particular is a strong irritant- enough so that if I do not clean well enough, I break out within a day with small red bumps.

  5. Goddess_Donnas_slutslave

    Goddess_Donnas_slutslave Junior Member

    Jan 9, 2010
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    First off and to be perfectly honest, and I can't believe I'm saying that, since it's been about 15 years since I've had sex (long boring story so don't ask) with anything other than my hand then I can't see how it can be any kind of VD.
    I think what the pus was is that film you get when you get a cut or scrape and it starts to scape over and since it was in a confine space that was hot and moist (I was sweating me ass off it was a warm day) and little to no ventilation add to that the wound was pressed up against the plastic. Combine all of that and it wasn't able to scape over to start the healing.

    Not sure where you get bladder infection from, but no that definitely wasn't it.
    And I've never heard of anyone being allergic to plastic and you would thing if I was it would have shown up a lot sooner. If I was allergic to anything it would be news to me. The lube I've been using is Wet Platinum which again I've been using from the start and I would expect it to show any ill effects a lot sooner.

    Let's put it like this. Everyone know someone that's really over weight and their thighs rub together constantly? After a while, more so depending on the kind of pants/jeans/slacks they are wearing they get a wound of some sort on the inside of their thighs. And I speak from some experience here since it use to happen to me as a kid.
    Or another way to look at it is ever have a wicked itch, say a mosquito bite, that you scratched the hell out of for a long time that after a while the area around the bite was rubbed raw. It seems to be something like that.

    That very well may be what it was. I do try to clean out the end of the tube and the head itself with a Q-tip dipped in a bit of rubbing alcohol.
    And just throwing this out there; now that I think about it I had also noticed what must be some leaked pre-cum most likely for being locked for so long without release. Maybe when it drys it crystallizes that plus the movements during the night the normally occur might have rubbed it enough over time.
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