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Discussion in 'Journals and blogs' started by emsprisoner, Jan 30, 2017.

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  1. emsprisoner

    emsprisoner Senior Member

    Apr 4, 2009
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    Hi everyone. I've not been on Chastity Mansion much in a few years as we haven't been playing with chastity that much. I have a newish lori 18a now which I've pretty much got a good fit with despite a few minor fixes along the way. I'm getting the fit a little better slowly but surely, just a little file and re-polish here and there makes a big difference.

    Although I have not been locked away much for a long time, my Mistress and I have an agreement that I am am able to play with myself but never to cum without permission. Recently after about four weeks of no orgasm and literally being desperate to cum she kissed me, grabbed hold of my manhood and said "I think its time for you to be locked away again". I think she knew that I was getting to the point of losing self control and I locked myself in the lori 18a the next morning.

    She is taking my chastity very seriously! I initially had a list of jobs to complete for release which would took about a week, till she said "Unlock you? No", and just laughed.. I love her taking control of me like this. I know better than to ever ask her for release, it's not about a length of time for her, it's about my submission. That coupled with the unescapable lori device is having me straining every day in a mix of pleasure and frustration.

    She let me out for a bit of a breather on the weekend, I weakened and played with myself a little. She asked me and I confessed so she told me to lock in straight back up again and that it was going to cost me at least another week. Straining against the cage again knowing that I'll stay here for quite a while now as punishment has really taught me a lesson and I wont weaken like that again!

    The lori device has been a game changer. We used to use a CB3000, it was never much more than a deterrent, I never cheated but I always knew that I could easily. Knowing that it really isn't up to me anymore and her new attitude to training me is both wonderful and challenging.
    CagedAnimal2 likes this.
  2. emsprisoner

    emsprisoner Senior Member

    Apr 4, 2009
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    The tight inescapable lori cage is driving me to new levels of frustration now.. Sometimes I feel like I'm really close to cumming in my cage just by visual or mental stimulation. Loving it.. hating it.. loving it..
    ugams, permanentslave and Jblocked like this.
  3. Jblocked

    Jblocked Long term member

    Jul 24, 2015
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    Location: (Country, Region - and perhaps even City?):
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    Welcome back
  4. Wendygirl

    Wendygirl To offer advice and keep CM safe and welcoming

    Jul 31, 2013
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    Nice to have you around again .
    Xx Wendy
  5. emsprisoner

    emsprisoner Senior Member

    Apr 4, 2009
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    Thank you x
  6. emsprisoner

    emsprisoner Senior Member

    Apr 4, 2009
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    My Mistress is certainly enjoying having me so obedient! She is not a cruel domme but when she uses a certain voice I know that it means I better do as I am told immediately if I ever want to get unlocked again..

    She's enjoying herself so much she is considering wether to let me out again until I am completely submissive to her. Meanwhile I continue to strain against the steel cage as I think of more ways to please her. I don't think I've ever been so broken. I guess they do say that real chastity begins when you want it to stop, well I really want it to stop!
  7. emsprisoner

    emsprisoner Senior Member

    Apr 4, 2009
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    After 13 days of wear, the lori tube has had to come off for 24hours as I was getting a bit too swollen and a tiny cut developed. The device is getting easier to wear but it needs opening up a little on the inside and the PA pin shortening to stop aggravation. I really hope one day it becomes possible to wear it for at least a month at a time without problems as I love being locked away for her.

    I learned my lesson after last weeks extended chastity as punishment and am doing my absolute best not to touch myself. I know I won't be able to hide it from her if she asks me..
  8. emsprisoner

    emsprisoner Senior Member

    Apr 4, 2009
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    I used a rotary tool to hollow out the inside of the tube a little bit. It takes ages to smooth and polish it again. There's something very fitting about a prisoner having to spend hours creating his own punishment and demise.

    The fit seems better now and the skin isn't bulging out as much. The lori devices are great but I think the steel is thicker than it needs to be which adds a lot of weight. Luckily though if you have the patience it can be hollowed out for fine adjustments.

    So now I'm told that she is glad I have stopped asking for a release date and that I should be scared of how long she will make me wait for an orgasm! The chastity term which started out as do a few jobs this week and I'll let you cum because I can see how desperate you are, has turned into long term denial with no scheduled release date.
  9. emsprisoner

    emsprisoner Senior Member

    Apr 4, 2009
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    Oh dear... I thought I had adjusted the lori really well, the fit seemed much better with just an extra millimeter or so reduced from the inside. There wasn't any irritated skin bulging out and it seemed like a really sung and secure fit. After a couple of days though I felt a bit sore, squeezed my little finger inside and found a blister, ouch!

    The problem is that although I opened up the inside and polished it up again pretty well there were some very square edged on the inside which caused irritation very quickly. The fit was so snug that it took a while to notice the problem. Ah well.. out of the cage for a few days and another few hours rounding out the inside again. It's such a slow process to get an exact fit with a steel cage. I am so nearly there despite the blister and I think the next alteration will be much closer to achieving long term wear.

    It's a shame to come out because I have been enjoying and slightly going to pieces over my Mistress' new strict attitude to chastity. I miss being caged for her, forgetting what it is like to have an errection and getting more submissive day by day.
    CagedAnimal2 likes this.
  10. emsprisoner

    emsprisoner Senior Member

    Apr 4, 2009
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    When your Mistress decides to stop playing with chastity for fun and starts strict training...

    I was initially told to lock myself away with the promise that I would be released in a week or so when I'd ticked off a few jobs around the house. Well that was about 6 weeks ago and I am now told that will be in long term chastity! It's a bit of a shock to go from not really doing much chastity to being permanently locked in the lori at least until I break my record of 13 weeks.

    This takes a major head shift in order to cope with the frustration. There is no chance of escape of orgasm without her permission so I really do have to take it a day at a time and try and shift from struggling in the cage to enjoying the denial. Sometimes it feels like I can cum in the cage just from thinking about her but it's not quiet enough to orgasm of course.

    My wife is an online Mistress and has several long term chastity slaves in her stable. This is the first time she has decided to train me with strict chastity and I am a little nervous of what she is capable of. I know that she can be pretty cruel sometimes and how much she loves to get a chastity slave to the edge of orgasm thinking they will cum only to get them to lock themselves away again. Being trained by a genuinely strict but loving Mistress is a wonderful and scary thing.
  11. emsprisoner

    emsprisoner Senior Member

    Apr 4, 2009
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    Back under lock and key again after a break to adjust the lori cage. At the start of a long chastity sentance it always takes a while to get my head around the change. The process is usually..

    How exciting and scary, she wants to lock me away and I know she means business this time
    Mmmm, doesn't the cage feel nice and snug
    Oh wait, it's really not up to me any more
    I really want out now
    Is there anything I can do for you Mistress?
    I forget what it's like to have an errection
    I kind of get used to chastity and love being caged for her

    Day 2 of chastity and I know she is planning on making me suffer for some bad behaviour the other week. I'm somewhere between stage 2 and 3..
  12. emsprisoner

    emsprisoner Senior Member

    Apr 4, 2009
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    I'm getting a little more used to wearing the 18a now. I've been in for 14 days straight now and I'm seriously frustrated. It's still not quite right though. My feeling is that if you have a foreskin then a lori device will always be a bit tricky. I purchased some sports compression underwear and it keeps everything snug agains't the body which was a massive improvement. Using the bigger gauge PA pin also helped. I think it's because it's less of a pinch point for the foreskin to push against and I expect the bigger the gauge the better.

    I still have to move the foreskin around inside the cage every day or so, sometimes I pull it out as far as it can go to give it a break from swelling against the cage in one place.

    My Mistress has enjoyed having me locked up for so long and being completely broken and compliant. I will do pretty much anything to get of the this cage now and and well and truly in the zone of wanting it to stop. She of course is only just starting to enjoy herself. She scares me sometimes..
    ugams likes this.
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