Rachels Trip

Discussion in 'Journals and blogs' started by Rachel, Jul 31, 2009.

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  1. Rachel

    Rachel Owned by Mistress Michelle

    Feb 19, 2009
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    The Waxing or my latest adventure.

    As you all know the Fall Gathering is just around the corner and i wanted to be sissy smooth without having to shave every other day.

    This all started with a brow waxing and lash tint awhile back. (you can read about that here http://www.chastitym...p/page__st__420 post 436) So i thought i would go for a waxing before so i wouldn't have to mess with it. i had made the appointment 5 weeks ago when i had been in the salon for the same thing. Mistress said, ok if you are going for a waxing rachel and the ladies there want to meet My sissy so it shall be. you will wear your very short jean skirt with a petticoat. :confused0068: UH OH!!!!!!! but yes Mistress was all i could say.

    It has always been a fantasy to be out in public in my sissy attire. As you all know i live in a very small town and this salon is a 1/2 mile from my house right on the main street in town. At first this was supposed to be done at night after the salon closed. The two women that wax me though couldn't make it at night and suggested i come at 10AM before the salon opened. When i said OK i didn't know MM was gonna make me wear my petticoat and thought i would just be going dressed in "regular" women's clothes so i said OK.

    When MM told me a week or so ago what i was to wear i reminded Her this appointment was at 10AM. All She did was post a big smiley face and say, all the better rachel. i think She felt like this :jumping0046: . i was sure the appointment was for Thursday the 28th at 10AM. Thursday morning i got up and put my makeup on sherry said, are you going to your waxing dressed? Yes i told you the girls want to meet rachel. To which she replied, if you end up with your picture in the paper you can just come home and pack your bags.

    Anyway off to my waxing i went :character0182: . i parked along the street right in front of the salon. The open sign was on the door and i could see two women inside but couldn't see who they were. The open sign did cause me some concern as this was supposed to be done before they opened. So i sat in my truck and called. No answer, huummmm. i left a message asking if my appointment was indeed Thursday at 10AM and could they please call and let me know. No call, huummmm again. i sat there till 10:05 no call so i got up all my sissy nerve and walked in. OOOPPPPSSSS!!! One of the other girls that works there and knows or knew nothing of rachel was sitting there doing a ladies nails . :confused0068: UH OH what's a sissy to do. i looked at her and said, i thought i my waxing was today at 10. She said, no it's tomorrow at 10 without even checking the appointment book. i thought GEE don't you think you could have returned my phone call and told me. i felt quite embarrassed standing there in my short skirt and petticoat but neither the woman or the technician seemed to :confused0068: . Out of the salon i walked and returned home. When i called my wife and told her what happened she said, i was sure the card on your dresser said Friday the 29th at 10AM and didn't understand why you were going today. Gee don't you think you might have mentioned that this morning. MM on the other hand laughed like a woman gone mad :lol: when i told her.
    The next day it was time to do it all over again for the real appointment. The two ladies doing the waxing were expecting to meet rachel not sissy rachel though they knew of her from my previous trip. i was chatting with MM before i left and ask if i really had to wear the petticoat. Yes rachel :rules: . Mistress i will be very embarrassed. i know rachel and i will be here thinking of you laughing like crazy :anim_63: . It was very cool out and i wore a navy pea coat which covered most of what i had on. When i walked into the salon nothing was said other then hellos. When i took off my coat Christy the lady that owns the salon said, OH, don't you look cute. All kinds of feelings rushed through me. Embarrassment, relief that they didn't laugh, happiness knowing that MM was enjoying my plight. i had told MM that i would ask them to take a picture of me when i arrived so She would have no doubt that i wore the pettticoat. i handed Meghan my phone and as i explained the situation to her. About 1/2 way through my explanation Christy said and you need proof that you did as you were told don't you. That made me wonder if maybe these two know more about this then they are letting on :unsure: . i apologized for walking in the day before with a vanilla woman in the shop and hoped she wasn't offended by me. Christy said don't worry about that, all that matters is how we feel about you. These two women are so kind and accepting. i am so glad to have met them. Even though i don't see them any other time then when i go to the salon i count them among my friends and it doesn't seem like i can ever thank them enough.Now know why women enjoy going to the salon so much. As i started to disrobe i expained to them that this gets pretty silly looking. Christy said if you are uncomfortable we won't watch. It was about then that i removed my wig. Meghan said no she means with makeup on and no wig. Christy said, well don't worry about that rachel it won't bother us at all. In what seemed like the blink of an eye there i stood naked before these two vanilla women once again in nothing but a 3k with a little red heart on it that says, rachel owned by Michelle. Meghan started with my brows as it had been about 8 weeks since i had them done and i was taking on that Andy Rooney look. They don't have as much arch as i would like but you can't put hairs where there aren't any. Christy started with my chest. There is no spot that is MORE painful for me. My bikini area hurts too but not quite as much as my chest. Every pull causes me to suck in air and want to scream out. i was glad she started there and got the worst of it over with from the start. We made small talk during the procedure and i enjoyed my day of pampering.

    i was so happy MM made me go in semi-sissy mode. The only way it could have been any better was if MM had been here to walk me in on a leash. Anyway $100.00 for the waxing and a $20.00 tip i was out the door.
    When i got home i sent the picture to MM's phone. Maybe She can put it up here as i can't download it out of my phone.

    MM's sweetpea
  2. Rachel

    Rachel Owned by Mistress Michelle

    Feb 19, 2009
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    Well it's time for another story. i know, does this girl ever shut up.

    i will be leaving for MM's a little after 8:00AM today :character0182: . It will seem like i will never get there and once there the 10 days will go by like they are only a flash in time. Everything is packed or at least i hope everything is packed.

    See You soon Mistress. It will be so nice to be home again.

    Your sweetpea
  3. tiffiny

    tiffiny Senior Member

    Apr 20, 2009
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    I sure hope you brought a lot of apple butter with you. lolol
  4. Rachel

    Rachel Owned by Mistress Michelle

    Feb 19, 2009
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    i posted this on another site but wanted to save it in my thread here.

    i wanted to post this in the sissy advice section but couldn't find an appropriate thread there so if the moderator would want to move it there that is fine. Also if there is anything other sissies can add that i may have missed please feel free to post it. We all need to help the Mistress' and by helping each other we can do that too.

    This is for all the sissies that reply to an ad from a Mistress but can also be used when answering/replying to a Mistress' post. Let's call it Sissy Information 101.

    Mistress Michelle the one that owns me recently posted an ad for another sissy and all She received were some one line answers. This post is only meant to help not criticize.

    Do's & Don'ts:
    Always start your post with respect by addressing the Mistress properly. Hello Mistress Michelle (since this IS sissy 101 don't forget to change the Mistress" name if it is not Mistress Michelle you are replying to)

    Then introduce yourself just like MM did followed by a cordial greeting. my name is rachel, How are You today Mistress? It's like being a salesman knocking on someones door. When they come to the door you wouldn't just say You called my office and they sent me over to sell you this vacuum cleaner and i am just the vacuum cleaner salesman to sell it to You.

    Don't reply with just one line. i.e., i will be there just let me know where. Tell Her about yourself not your whole profile but just the basics and whatever you do leave out the sexual stuff unless the Mistress SPECIFICALLY ask for it. There will be plenty of time for that as You/you get to know each other in private conversations. Remember you are applying for a position as a sissy not a live-in whore. The last thing you want to do is make a prospective Mistress do the work of looking up your profile to learn the basics about you. Remember a sissies job is to make life easier for a Mistress not cause Her more work looking up information you have at your fingertips.

    Sell yourself what you can do and anything you are particularly good at, cooking, sewing, organization things like that. Also mention things you are not particularly good at but willing to learn from Her. Most Mistress' don't mind teaching sissies besides then you will learn exactly how SHE wants it done.

    Also look up Her profile and read it completely (not just the pictures). Get to know Her through Her profile. Read it carefully and mention in your reply that you have read it but you best remember some of it, there could be a quiz later, lol. If relocation is needed are you willing to relocate and what do you plan to do for work. Do you have a skill that will make it easy for you to find employment?

    Remember you are a sissy learn to communicate with a Mistress like any other woman would not a man with a hard on. This will require thought on your part but will also be a golden opportunity to show you are sincere and are intelligent.

    Most of all remember this is your introduction to the Mistress and you only get one chance to make a good first impression.

    Last but not least by any means ALWAYS use your spell check it is only a click away.

    In the following post you will see how i would have responded to this ad.

    MM's sweetpea
  5. Rachel

    Rachel Owned by Mistress Michelle

    Feb 19, 2009
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    Just so there is no confusion i am one of Mistress Michelle's sissies. She had known me for about 6 or 8 months on line before we ever met. Then it was about 6 months and a couple trips to Her house (hopefully to be my home soon) before She declared that She owned me. She has owned me now for approx 9 months.

    Hello Mistress Michelle,

    my name is rachel. How are You today?

    i am a 55 year old sissy. i am 5'6" tall or short depending how You look at it, lol. i can pass in public and go out shopping dressed quite often. i don't talk to much like a woman yet but i am working on it. Sometimes i sound pretty good and the only thing that gets me busted is when i hand them my credit card with my male name on it.

    As Your sissy my main focus would be to make Your life easier doing whatever chores you assign me. i would say i am a slightly above average cook and i do enjoy my cooking but i do have a problem making pancakes (that's a private joke). One thing i get a lot of satisfaction from is cooking and then hearing the room fall silent when everyone sits down to eat. i know how to clean, do laundry, organize cabinets.i am a skilled electrician, a decent carpenter and can also do light plumbing. Something i am not real good at is time management as i try to do too many things at one time but i have found out that if i just make a list i can stay focused on one task at a time. Perhaps You could help me with this.

    i see You are located in Roanoke, VA. and though i am in PA. near Philly i would be willing to relocate if You decide we are compatible.

    i would enjoy the opportunity to get to know You better through either im's, e-mails or phone calls.

    Thank You for Your time and hopefully i will hear from You soon.

    Your next sissy
  6. Rachel

    Rachel Owned by Mistress Michelle

    Feb 19, 2009
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    my piercing gifts to me from Mistress Michelle and i do truly consider them gifts as well as our tattoo. i call it our tattoo because we designed it together though the idea of me having one was originally Hers.

    i had both my ears pierced before i met Mistress with just the traditional holes. After meeting Mistress i have received many more piercings. First She said most women have two holes in the lower part of their ears so She started with those. i immediately felt more girly but had no clue what was to come. The next gifts She gave me were my nipple and belly button piercings. The belly button one is SO girly. Next came a Guiche. i ask Her what was the purpose of that She simply replied because I want it. The next gifts were two at the top of my left ear which also gave me a girly feeling. These two are especially important to me as Mistress did these two Herself with just a needle and a cork. They also made me feel more girly. Do you see a pattern here? The last two gifts She blessed me with were another Guiche and a Frenum. i have only had two orgasm since receiving the Frenum but OH ME if i had known the sensations this would provide i would have had one years ago. At this time Mistress also gave me two beautiful silver heart shaped nipple shields for those piercings. You got it so girly. i was never into piercings but now i can't wait for Mistress' next gift. She has already promised me a Prince Albert :).

    Our tattoo. It is located on my lower abdomin just above Her sissy dick. It is a butterfly that was hand drawn by the tattoo artist so it will be exactly like no others. The outside of both wings are light blue to signify the male part of me that i present to the vanilla world. The inner part of both wings are pink to signify the girl that live inside of me. Above it is my name "Rachel" in Mistress' script. Mistress has beautiful handwriting. i am hoping that as Mistress continues to drive us down this road the blue will be mostly gone and covered with more pink. She has promised me more ink and that makes me :) too.

    All of my piercings are a sign of Mistress' love for me and my dedication to Her. i am reminded of Her ownership of me all the time. When i shower, when i go potty and see our tattoo, when my shirt rubs over my nipples and even when i am fully clothed looking in a mirror and see those two very special ones in the top of my ear. Mistress is always in my heart but these gifts keep Her foremost in my mind also.

    Thank You Mistress for caring enough to mark me as YOURS.

    MM's sweetpea
  7. Rachel

    Rachel Owned by Mistress Michelle

    Feb 19, 2009
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    This time together was the most intense i have ever experienced so to those that were there if things are not exactly in the order they happened please forgive me but things got a little foggy for me.

    Thank You Mistress for taking me to new heights and experiences i did truly enjoy EVERY torturous second even as i was begging for NO more all i REALLY wanted WAS more.

    Well as you all know i spent Sunday with Mistress and Rick at missy's place. i arrived before Mistress and Rick and It was so wonderful when Mistress walked through that door. She was wearing jeans and Her red knee high boots and a winter coat. There was just enough Mistress showing that the vanilla world wouldn't suspect a thing but in my eyes there was a big cloud of Mistress dust all around Her. The Mistress mist was like it was oozing from every pore of Her body and could have been cut with a knife. After hellos, hugs and kisses Mistress had missy locked in the shower in short order. Mistress and i then made some pies for missy. Consisting of whipped cream and honey. Mistress took them and smeared them all over poor missy. It caused me to shiver at the sight of her. missy however seemed to love it as there was a big smile on her face.

    While missy was cleaning up Mistress took me in the bedroom and got out what has to be the most innocent looking paddle to ever come out of tiffs palace of paddles, aka Paddles of Distinction,. This thing is not even as big as a ping pong paddle and i thought how nice of Mistress to not start with something to harsh. Harsh hell this little thing is evil. It just flat out stings. It feels like a hundred bees with every loving strike. i am writing this on Friday and it just depends on how the frills on my sissy panties rub my sissy butt i am still reminded of the time i was with Mistress. Thank You Mistress for making sure i would remember our time together. i couldn't lay still so Mistress sat on top of me. i felt so helpless and try as i might to lay still for Mistress it was a most impossible task. At one point we ended up falling onto the floor with Mistress still on top of me. Ever think of taking up bull riding Mistress? Mistress was laughing the whole time and i was happy to be the source of Her amusement.

    Mistress then decided it was time to eat and Her two sissies sprang into action. i cooked the steaks, missy did the salads and veggies. Having to cook the steaks was a small price to pay for the invitation missy so graciously extended to me. Thank you missy for sharing your Mistress time with me. When Rick came into the kitchen he saw the bottle of honey from earlier and said maybe I can figure out something to do with what is left.

    Mistress then decided it was time to exchange our Christmas presents. i received a new wig from Mistress. Long and curly i wanted to insert pic here but couldn't figure out how to do it so if you want to see it you will need to go here http://www.chastitymansion.com/forum/index.php?/gallery/album/14379/1694-day-at-missys/. i like it alot and Mistress says it makes me look much younger. i guess She didn't mean to imply i was looking old before, lol.

    Mistress then put missy on missy's whippin horse and told me i was to come along and watch. As i was watching Mistress enjoy Herself Rick yelled from the living room, RACHEL COME IN HERE! or something like that. i wanted to run to him hoping he was thinking the same thoughts i was but Mistress had told me i was to watch. i stood there not saying a word but begging Mistress with all my sissy brain power and an expression of please let me go Mistress on my face. She looked at me for what seemed like summer would arrive before She said anything to me. When She did finally speak it was a command more then anything, like i needed to be commanded, you better get in there rachel. i think i made it from the room we were in to the living room in one giant step. There was Rick sitting on the sofa naked from the waist down when he saw me he said rachel go get the honey. Yes we were thinking exactly the same thoughts. At break-neck speed i hurried to the kitchen and back. i knelt in front of him poured some honey on his perfect piece of manhood and as slowly and as sensually as i could proceeded to remove it with my mouth. All the while just wanting to swallow every inch of him and give him the best blow job he ever had. After all this is the season for giving, lol. i felt warm inside and so happy to be used for his pleasure. It sent a chill down my spine.

    Mistress then summoned me to the room containing the bench. i hugged and thanked Rick and went to Her. i looked at missy butt and thought oh my but she had one most perfect "M" on her thigh from MM's initial paddle and i wanted nothing more then one or two just like it. i released missy from the bench and missy seemed a little to eager for me to take her place when she strapped me in. Mistress started with the evil little stinging bee paddle. Then Her purple crop. This is one thing i can usually take all She can give me. i don't know if my skin was more sensitive from the bee paddle or what but wherever She struck me with it where She had used the bee paddle it was almost more then i could stand. The way i lay across this bench i have trouble breathing after a while, sometimes it sucks being a midget sissy as things that fit others don't fit me. Anyway after a while i explained to Mistress that i couldn't breath and could i please stand up for the rest of the loving strokes i was going to be blessed with. Her and missy released my wrists but my ankles stayed attached. Mistress then got out Her "M" paddle and proceeded to mark me as Hers. Mine didn't get as good as missys and they are almost gone now [​IMG] but i enjoyed them while they lasted. i looked at them daily and thought i am owned by a most special Mistress who has a special husband and a wonderful sissy in missy. Thank You all for giving me yet another fond memory.

    MM's sweetpea
  8. Rachel

    Rachel Owned by Mistress Michelle

    Feb 19, 2009
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    Monday morning or as Paul Harvey says, Now for the rest of the story

    We got up just chatted some. Mistress had ask me yesterday if i wanted an orgasm after our play time was over and i declined explaining that i was just to exhausted. While we were packing Her stuff in the bedroom She ask me if i was feeling more energized. Yes Mistress i am feeling fine today. Well then strip, put your sleeping bag on the bed and you may have an orgasm. OH HAPPY DAY. Since Mistress had my frenum pierced i am so sensitive and it was not long till i was on the edge of a volcanic like explosion. Just before the first squirt Mistress pulled my hand away. i almost cried and begged Her to let me continue rubbing. my left hand was free and i actually thought about using it but i came to my senses thinking the punishment for that would be more then i was willing to endure. i hadn't had an orgasm since the gathering and now Mistress decided all i was to have was a ruined one.

    i told Mistress one time there are two things i cannot do to myself one is a ruined orgasm and the other is post orgasm torture. i have since found out Mistress has no problem doing either. The first leaves you feeling completely frustrated and horny and the latter feeling completely drained and exhausted. i can give myself a ruined orgasm but i can't stop with one and the frustration isn't as great after the 5th one.

    Then it was time for goodbyes. i was determined not to cry, like that had any chance of working. i gave Mistress a hug and a kiss, looked into Her eyes, told Her i loved Her and immediately broke down. i am always the one to leave and i had never experienced this from Mistress' side of our visits. i think it is even worse having to watch Her leave then me leaving. i sat in missy's living room and watched Her and Rick drive down to the end of Lonely St. as i remained in what now seemed like Heartbreak Hotel. i just wanted to run after Them and if not go along at least retrive my heart. Life gets in the way sometimes and all we can do is keep trying to acheive our goal of one day never having to do this again. missy was kind and tried to get my mind off it by making small talk and joking about the painting she needs to do. It did help some missy, thanks.

    Then it was my time to leave as i had to get home and go to work. On the way i checked the first few resturants hoping to see a white GMC Jimmy in the parking lot but there were non to be found, CRAP.

    Now the reason for the title of these posts. Mistress told me to unlock on Tuesday and as a test of my discipline i was to stay unlocked until further notice. Though i am NOT allowed to play with Her property, No rubbing, No edging, and most of all NO orgasms. This is truly diabolical. i thought being locked up and not being able to to get erect was torture. Being erect and dripping like 20 times a day and not being able to do anything with it is putting knots in my stomach and giving me the worst ache i have EVER had in Her cashews. So why not just rub one off you ask She will never know. Yes She will because i did that once without permission and felt so guilty about violating Her trust i had to tell Her. The switching that ensued a couple months later left me know in no uncertain terms i only orgasm when Mistress allows it.

    While at times we refer to this as play it really is far from that. What is the sense in saying you will submit to someone if You just sneak around and do what you want anyway?
    Thank you all for reading and commenting on my experiences.

    MM's sweetpea

    P.S. Something i forgot tell about untill i just went potty. Mistress brought some bells to missys to put on my cage. They are quite large and jingle quite loudly. She put one on the 3k and gave me two extra for in my pocket in case someone would ask why i sound like Santas Sleigh. i am to reply as i pull the two out of my pocket. i carry these with me to remind me it is the holiday season and i should be happy. Since i am now out of the cage i thought it would be a good idea if i hung one from my frenum piercing. i told Mistress and sent Her a picture. She said verry good girl rachel [​IMG]. Then i went to the bathroom at work and the jingle that bell makes in a tiled empty mens room sounds as loud as the Liberty Bell before it was cracked. Mistress however thinks it is just wonderful and says it will stay where it is. i wipe now instead of shake how girly.

    MM's sweetpea
  9. susie q

    susie q Dear friend of the Mistress Michelle clan

    Jun 1, 2008
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    Your the sweetest thing on the planet Rachel
    Can set your feelings aside
    Every step aside

    The kind loving person i know you are
    The love that you show
    Leaves no worries
    if i'm gone
    a ray of sunshine
    empty seat at the bar

    The dedication that you show to
    Mistress Michelle

    Only leaves me happy
    and know all will be well
    I think you are the kindest person in the world sweetie besides me but runnin a close second ...i love you girlllll hugssssssssssssss and kissessssssssss
  10. susie q

    susie q Dear friend of the Mistress Michelle clan

    Jun 1, 2008
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    :eek: Sorry had a buzzzzzz ;) hugssssss
  11. Rachel

    Rachel Owned by Mistress Michelle

    Feb 19, 2009
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    geez susie i would have never guessed. lol

    MM's sweetpea
  12. Rachel

    Rachel Owned by Mistress Michelle

    Feb 19, 2009
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    Well i am still unlocked. This is a true test of my discipline and dedication to MM.The following is a copy of an email i sent to MM this morning. The names have been changed to protect the innocent. Not really i just always wanted to say that :lol: .

    Mistress please understand as always i am not complaining and i know You are enjoying my predicament :anim_62: .

    i don't know how much more i can take. i almost want to ask You to be locked back up. i woke up at 3AM with Your sissy :penisdance: in my hand hoping i hadn't done something bad in my sleep. When i became fully awake and my cashews still felt like someone did this :balls: i knew all was ok. i tossed and turned until 4 with Your property pointing the way home the whole time, Well it was pointing somewhere and as i talk to You now it still is. You have given me some difficult tasks in the past but this is the hardest one yet. Being in a chastity device is much easier then this. i would really like to rub myself some but know i would fail horribly at stopping so that is out. Hell i am afraid to take a shower for fear of how good soap feels. i am glad i shaved the day You started this as lathering up would definately be too much and would only end up here :jerkit: and neither of us wants that. i am torn between wanting to be locked back up to ease my suffering and yet suffering for You and thinking of You all the time is very nice too :anim_37: . Then there is the bell. When it jingles during the day i think of Your control and how much i DO love it. i could do this for NO one else. i would just go have at it and end up with 5 minutes of pleasure for hours of missing the feelings in my stomach. Why do we have to live so far apart, 2 or 3 hours would be nice, in the same abode the ultimate. In my present state You would want for nothing that i could provide You. All You would hear cross my lips would be our two favorite words, Yes Mistress.

    The edge i am on feels as high as the Matterhorn in Switzerland and just as slippery. i fear though it would only be a matter of minutes to complete the journey from top to bottom. This is like when You give me a :sex020: in that all i want is for You to stop the torment and all i want is for You to continue the torment.
    YOUR sissy :bitchintraininga1-v but :LilPrincess:

    P.S. my butt is still somewhat tingly and my nipples still very sensitive. Thank YOU Mistress for making sure i wouldn't forget that You and You alone own me. Still gives me a shiver and a feeling of complete happiness :D when i say that.
  13. Mistress Michelle

    Mistress Michelle Magical Mistress

    May 17, 2008
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    My dear sweet rachel.... I know this is quite a predicament for you, to be locked, or unlocked, free or caged, this is why you do not get to make decisions ;) LOL

    Frankly I am enjoying tormenting you and as I now know, is just as easy to do without a paddle LOL. Not sure how long I am going to torment you though, and even if I did I wouldnt tell you, that would ruien all the fun! :p

    Mistress Michelle
  14. Rachel

    Rachel Owned by Mistress Michelle

    Feb 19, 2009
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    If it were my decision i would have have had a nice fantasy wank about doing this but living it is so much better. That is why such decisions are Yours and Yours alone.

    Yes Mistress there are many ways but PLEASE don't put the paddles away. As always i enjoy being the source of Your fun.

    Your sweetpea
  15. Rachel

    Rachel Owned by Mistress Michelle

    Feb 19, 2009
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    Has anyone ever had this or something similar happen?

    You were having a kinda down day but then you remembered someone had told you they sent you something in the mail and it should be here today. you go to the mailbox and sure enough there it was a card from someone very near and dear to you. While this brightened your day when you opened it it was so much more then just a card. They had wrote something just for you and it lifted your spirits to heights you hadn't expected that day. That's what happened to me today.

    i am putting it in my journal so i will always remember that on Dec. 21, 2010 i was reminded how much i mean to someone. So please tell your someone special, with a word or a small gift, today they are important to you and how much they mean to you it may be just what they need.

    MM's sweetpea
  16. susie q

    susie q Dear friend of the Mistress Michelle clan

    Jun 1, 2008
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    8:17 AM
    :) I know i have rachel many many times and thats the kind of giving that probably means more to a person than any ammount of money or a gift,knowing it's from the heart... the gift of love and it can't be spent,taken back to a store and traded or regifted,the kind of gift you take to the grave with you love you sweetie and glad your in better spirits B)
  17. Rachel

    Rachel Owned by Mistress Michelle

    Feb 19, 2009
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    Hello again to all my faithful followers. That sounds kinda pompous. Me thinking i actually have faithful followers, lol.

    i had been feeling a little down lately. i was never a big fan of winter and now it seems i dislike it a little more each year. Anyway MM said maybe i needed a rachel day and i was to go grocery shopping in rachel mode. i was planing on going Tuesday then my Dad ended up going in the hospital, nothing major and all is well there, but i thought Tuesday was better spent visiting him then grocery shopping. i told MM i would do it Wednesday forgetting i had dart league on Wednesday night. Seemed a little pointless to get all "racheled" up for just a few hours during the day only to have to come home and get all "un-racheled" for darts. MM and i were chatting before i left for darts and i mentioned that She hadn't taped me in quite sometime and how much i like the sound of peeing like a girl. MM said then you will tape yourself tonight before darts and leave it there until morning. But Mistress i can't do that sherry will wonder if i go in the bedroom for 15 minutes to do it. Then she will come in and say RANDY WHAT IN THE HELL ARE YOU DOING NOW? MM replied you can do it and you will i don't care how you do it but you will do it. Yes Mistress i said with much trepidation. Having committed to it i left for darts early to find a parking lot where i could accomplish my task. Ah a Drs. office parking lot with a dusk to dawn light how thoughtful of them i thought. So there i sat in my suv with my pants around my ankles pushing my cashews back up in the chambers from which they came and taping my sissy dick back so it would appear i didn't have one. When i was finished i took a pic with my phone and sent it to MM so She would know i complied. i had never peed like this in a public rest room before, gadszooks is it ever loud. Only once did anyone come in while i was using the facilities. To guys from darts came in and i cut it off mid-stream but the pressure built to where i felt i was holding back the Missippi River. The two guys were talking when the dam broke and my pee came out with the force of a military missle. Silence fell in the mens room and i swear i could hear them thinking, randy pees like a girl though neither spoke a word. After a long uncomfortable silence they resumed their conversation. This all happened in a matter of seconds but it seemed like a lifetime to me. Then it seemed like the sun would rise before i would be done the noise went on forever.

    Back to today.

    Finally it happened today. i got dressed in a nice black skirt, a pinkish sweater, black hose and black calf high boots and my new curly wig MM gave me for Christmas. Yes Mistress it felt VERY GOOD, thank You. You always seem to know what Your sissy needs. Truth be told i needed last night too it has been too long since i was under Your control. i could not have made a list of things i wanted in a Mistress and came up with someone better to Own me than You. i knew from the moment i walked through Your door if You would have me i'd be Yours forevermore.

    Mistress had told me She would call me and Her timing was perfect. i had just pulled into the parking lot and the place was packed that is when my phone rang it was Mistress. After hellos i told Mistress this place is packed and i just know i am gonna run into someone i know. Mistress Michelle: you will be fine rachel. rachel: but i just know i will get outed if i go in there. Mistress Michelle: just go on in rachel, hell you don't even look like you. rachel: well to me i do. Mistress Michelle: just go in and act like who you REALLY are and you will be fine. You are what you are rachel no sense hiding it. It's time for rachel to come out of the closet. That little pep talk was just what i needed at that moment so we said our goodbyes and rachel went shopping.

    When i first started dressing i did it for the sexual high it provided but now i do it because it feels right. i feel better about me when i am dressed, more at ease really and no one gave me a second look well two guys did but i took that as a compliment, not even the lady that said excuse me ma'am when she wanted to get past me. Even when i replied Oh sorry she just went on about her shopping it was then that i realized i was just another woman out getting her groceries. That made me feel very good. Even the checkout girl didn't bat an eye when i ran my credit card and it said my real name.

    When sherry came home she saw my new hair for the first time she said i don't know if i like that hair on you. i said well it is a lot different, it will grow on you. What i really wanted to say was MM and i like it and that's all that matters. So as i sit here now still dressed in my attire for the day i feel much happier inside and comfortable with the real me. Thank You again Mistress for all Your time and effort.

    MM's sweetpea

    P.S. one thing i forgot. i learned this this morning when i removed the tape. NOTE to self shave before you tape.
  18. Rachel

    Rachel Owned by Mistress Michelle

    Feb 19, 2009
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    8:17 AM
    Deleted weather woman was wrong.
  19. Rachel

    Rachel Owned by Mistress Michelle

    Feb 19, 2009
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    What i would like to look like on New Years Eve.


  20. susie q

    susie q Dear friend of the Mistress Michelle clan

    Jun 1, 2008
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    :) Me to but in my case would take a time machine,miracle from God and 3 other things...keep up the good thoughts though sweetie ;)
  21. Rachel

    Rachel Owned by Mistress Michelle

    Feb 19, 2009
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    i had a talk with my wife about what we want out of life. i now have her permission to move to VA. [​IMG]. It was a most difficult discussion. Now all it will take is employment. Living and serving Mistress is so scary yet there is nothing i desire more. To give myself to Her to do with me as She will. i trust Her completely to do what is right with me for all of us, Herself and Rick as well as myself. She has demonstrated to me many times She knows what is good for Her sissy even if Her sissy doesn't agree at the time it always turns out in the end She was right. i am filled with excitement at what is to come but also some sadness that i will be leaving my home, family and acquaintances. She ask me last night if i thought i would ever tire of rubbing Her feet, massaging Her legs and serving Her in all other sissy ways. i told Her i am sure there will be days that i don't feel like it but that is part of real submission, doing it even when You don't feel like it, to give yourself completely to another. So as 2011 is about to begin it will definitely be a hallmark year for me. Here's to hoping the new NEVER wears off and not knowing what is in that deliciously diabolical Mistress mind of Hers i am confident it NEVER will.

    Mistress told me last night that She is now gonna collar me and i was to start shopping for a suitable collar. i have wanted this for a long time but it just wasn't doable before. i went straight to searching the net. i found a site that has beautiful collars that aren't all that expensive but are very feminine looking and sutiable for Mistress' sissy. When i showed them to Her She agreed. i cannot wait for the day She puts Her collar on me because then i will feel truly owned and the world will know it.

    Mistress has had me unlocked since 12-14-10 though i am not allowed to rub myself and definitely not allowed an orgasm. She told me it would be a test of my dedication to Her and Her desires. This has been a most difficult task. The last orgasm i was allowed was on 12-13-10 and She only allowed me a ruined one. Between that and knowing how intense an orgasm is since She got my frenum pierced at the Gathering i am constantly on edge and dripping. i think i could orgasm in 30 seconds or less. Mistress has told me that i am not to worry as soon i will be locked back up again for a LONG time and i don't know if i will be allowed an orgasm or not, before She tells me to lock Her sissy dick back up. PLEASE keep your fingers and toes crossed for me.

    MM's sweetpea
  22. maid katrin

    maid katrin chaste sissy maid

    May 15, 2008
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    Dear Rachel,

    i wish you all the best for the new year and all the changes that lay ahead for you. We all should try to make the best of our lives and the best is what makes us happy. I am sure you will find your luck in serving Mistress Michelle, even though it all seemes quite scary to you.
    I don't think it all will wear off, even though it will be difficult at times to get adjusted to your new situation and to get used to be owned. You are a true submissive sissy deep inside and surrendering your life to such a nice Lady like MM must be like stepping in heaven for you.

    I will cross my fingers for you and please feel my firm hugggggggg

    Kisses, Katrin
  23. Rachel

    Rachel Owned by Mistress Michelle

    Feb 19, 2009
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    Katrin thank you for all the well wishes and a little pick me up, i needed that.

    You may uncross your fingers and toes now as Mistress had me lock Her sissy dick back up this morning and even though i was an :innocent0003: since being unlocked i was not permitted to :jerkit: before the lock clicked shut :sad0002: . Mistress said you have gone much longer then this rachel. i don't think Mistress understands what it feels like when your panties rub on it everyday for two weeks when you are not used to that anymore. Then again maybe She does.

    MM's sweetpea
  24. maid katrin

    maid katrin chaste sissy maid

    May 15, 2008
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    That's ok Rachel. I definitely understand your worries ... mixed up with an anticipating excitement [​IMG]

    Of course you are an :innocent0003: ... but this is no reason at all to :jerkit: ... that's such a nasty male habit and so it is only consequent to keep you locked ... (well done MM)

    I am sure She knows perfectly, but She know as well what a temptation it was/is to feel your panties caressing you down there ... She's just saving you from being a naughty girl.

    Enjoy your chastity.

    Hugs and kisses,

  25. Rachel

    Rachel Owned by Mistress Michelle

    Feb 19, 2009
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    8:17 AM
    Mistress said i was to put it in my thread as well so here it is.

    i wrote this for Mistress in response to a poem She wrote for me for Christmas

    When i
    walked in & saw Her sitting there
    In vanilla clothes on a kitchen chair

    i knew it was no use to resist :anim_37:
    It just was natural to call Her Mistress :smilies_xxx22:

    Her husband Rick put me at ease
    Rachel just Trust Her just trust Her Please

    She sprinkled some Mistress dust on me
    And She saw a sissy i didn’t see :blushy-girl-2:

    Mistress Michelle doesn’t expect perfection
    She only ask that i pay attention

    This magical Mistress owns me completely
    All that She ask is i do my chores neatly :chores004: :chores003:

    Not that i haven’t had some transgressions
    But nothing like a switchin’ :sex020: to teach sissy a lesson

    The first time i was sent for a switch
    When She saw it She said RACHEL that’s a damn stick :fighting0092:

    When the switchin was over and my butt was on fire
    She hugged me and kissed me said angel try a little harder :rules:

    i give all 100% of myself glady to Her
    i don’t feel the need for a safe word

    Hurt me She will but harm me She won’t
    She knows it’s not meant it when i scream MISTRESS PLEASE DON’T

    She calls me Her angel, sweetpea and friend
    i loved Her in the beginning and will love Her till the end

    Some may not understand our close ties
    It’s really quite simple tell the other NO LIES

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