Anyone notice they redesigned the Bon4?

Discussion in 'Bon4' started by billie, Jul 14, 2011.

  1. billie

    billie Active member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    So, my CB-6000 broke, and I need to provide my keyholder with her options. I was preparing a list for her, and I wanted to be thorough and include the Bon4 on the list. they now sell a regular cage (which seems like it might be smaller overall than the first one) a large cage, and a plus package that gives you both cages at once. They also have 4 rings sizes now, instead of three, and they made the ring more narrow. It looks like the cage is not as pointy as it used to be as well. I have no idea if they did this two weeks ago, or two months. Also, it is confusing because there are clearly websites out there selling the old model. Extreme restraints is even selling the old model, with the three rings for $149, and the Plus model, with two cages, and four rings for $189, but of course they do not point out the difference.

    Anybody try the Bon4 second gen yet? here is their product page. They claim that they listened to complaints and made it better, but I don't exactly have a lot of cash to throw around on new devices, especially when my main device is broken.
  2. somwguy335

    somwguy335 Junior Member

    Dec 16, 2009
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    That's interesting. I wish you could just buy the cage, because I have the original and would gladly spend another $50 or so to try the larger cage. But I'm not about to pay full price again.
  3. billie

    billie Active member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    I hear you, but I am not even sure that is possible, since they redesigned the rings. My other concern is that they didn't give it a distinct name, making it difficult to tell what you are getting when you order online from anyone other than their official site. I know that they can't control how others market their product, but how hard would it have been to call it the Bon4 2? hahah, or the Bon5?
  4. cockislocked

    cockislocked Senior Member

    Dec 12, 2009
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    We have just bought the latest BON4. I have written about it in my blog.

    Bottom line is that it is a nightmare to get on. The rings now have 'belt hoops' to stop the locking belt being removed. Its an OK device, but I am not sure I would have spent the money had we known how hard to fit it is. In my opinion, you just can't beat a decent metal cage, they look great and feel great too. I have a CB6000 and an unused tube that I am going to put on EBAY shortly.
  5. somwguy335

    somwguy335 Junior Member

    Dec 16, 2009
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    It's weird that they added belt loop type threading to the rings. I never had issues with getting the plastic strip up and over the ridge on the ring. But maybe with the additional size ring it was necessary.

    I e-mailed the site and they got back to me, you definitely cannot use the new cages with the old rings. So that means absolutely no chance that I can try out a larger cage since I'm not ready to spend that much money on a device we use once ever few months. Especially since it doesn't add anything to the girth of the device apparently. So does the extra 8/10th of an inch, and more rounded and less pointy tip of the cage really make that big of a difference? My main complaint about the old model was that the pointy tip made it really difficult to get your urethra flush against the end of the cage, making it harder to use the bathroom. I really had no issues getting it on, I could get the ring on just fine. It was needing to use some water to get into the tube, then the tube being so tight it was hard to keep it clean.
  6. kidkaito

    kidkaito key holder!

    Mar 20, 2011
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    i did and they get a mini one also
    and they have plus now for people who need two chastises(two cocks?)lol
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