New guy looking for encouragement....

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by richboy40, Mar 1, 2012.

  1. richboy40

    richboy40 Member

    Feb 23, 2012
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    Hey everyone! I'm recently seriously interested in chastity. To tell the truth, being restricted from cumming makes me hard; I know it makes no sense, but it's true. Despite being in a relationship, I promised myself I woudl not cum for all of Lent, forty (40) days of self-imposed chastitiy. To be clear, I'm not doing this for any religious reason, the timing just seemed attractive. I doubt I'll be called on to "perform" anytime soon, so we're really just talking about restricting my habit of wanking like a sweaty, disheveled, panting monkey. I'd love to spend the whole time wanking, but not cumming, the ultimate edging experience, but I doubt I'll make it. I only lasted eleven (11) days last year. The trouble is, I don't have any devices to lock myself into.

    Anyway, what do you think; does anyone have any suggestions? Do any of the other guys into chastitiy want to coach me through denying myself? Do you think I really need a locking device, or can I do this all by myself?
  2. richboy40

    richboy40 Member

    Feb 23, 2012
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    Update: Well, guys and girls, I'm still on track to my goal. It has been fourteen days since my last cumm and I'm doing okay. I am getting hard at the least little provocation, but I figured that would happen! LOL I still wonder if I can get through this self-imposed chastity, but I'm going to give it my best. I punished myself for wanking this weekend, because I think I edged too close to cumming, and maybe this will work; we'll see. Later....
  3. Mistress Deborah

    Mistress Deborah Long term member

    Jan 9, 2012
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    Hi rich boy,
    Welcome to the bitter sweet game of chastity !
    My slave and I have been in chastity for approx 5 months and we are having a blast.
    After reading your post I feel that a chastity device will not only help you resist temptation but heighten the sensations for you and your partner.
    There really is nothing like it , the feelings that it evokes can be immense.

    If you want to get an idea of how things can develop have a look at our posts, mine and slave's, known as philfred.

    I will get slave to reply and give you some hints.
    Good luck and let me know how you get on!
    Regards in your torment,
    Mistress Deborah
  4. richboy40

    richboy40 Member

    Feb 23, 2012
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    Hi Mistress Deborah! Thanks for your reply. As this is my first foray into chastity, I'm feeling my way along, so I need all the encouragement I can get! I look forward to hearing from your slave, thanks for allowing it!
  5. Lucy

    Lucy Lucy X

    Jul 6, 2011
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    Hi Richboy40,

    Welcome to the club :) As mistress says its a very strange feeling, self chastity is an interesting one and I think it depends if you are a prolific w*nker or just someone who can go for a while without doing anything? I never was although I used to like to come when I had sex and now I don't get to unless I am told to - and thats been over a week since the last orgasm.

    It is a journey and my advice is to decide what you want, it doesnt have to be about being a sissy, a slave, or being in someones control - it can be whatever you want it to be and take your time if choosing a device - metal seems better but devices can be expensive - make sure you measure yourself around and length when flacid and when choosing anything get something that fits closely with about 1cm or so in length to you - then when you get a erection it will stop it and contain it...

    By all means buy a cheap device off ebay - but remember they are what they are... and not one size fits all ever works - lol...

    My device comes from fetish felix and if you look in the reviews for stroppy as well you will see we both love them and they let you try before you buy...itd does cost you about 60 eUROS to refund it but thats much better than wasting maybe $300-$600 dollars on a device that is wrong!

    Good Luck!

    Phil fred
  6. richboy40

    richboy40 Member

    Feb 23, 2012
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    Hey Phil fred! Thanks for the welcome! I've actually been a serious wanker for years, every day at least, although that has slowed down the last couple of years. My interest in chastity really started when someone explained edging to me, which didn't make sense, at first. Why wank if you're not going to cum? But after trying it a few times, II soon figured out the amazing upside to it and fell into a routine of edging for a couple hours a few times a week, always ending with a great cum. This actually made my wanking habit een worse! So, I started imagining the next step, which seemed to me, to be controlling even my ability to touch myself. Given that I'm doing this alone (partner does not know, would not be interested) I think I am missing some aspects of chastity, but the exploration promises to be a lot of fun! I am actually looking at devices for the psychological aspect of symbolically locking myself up so I can't wank. I have to make up my mind soon, because today is 21 days since my last orgasm, and I'm finding it harder and harder not to give in....
    BTW...I love reading your posts and your Mistress's posts.
  7. finallyChaste

    finallyChaste Procrastinating Sub

    Jan 6, 2009
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    Welcome Richboy40. I, too, have been essentially self-locked. I am lucky enough to have a wonderful "Keyholder", but she lives several hundred miles away from me which leaves me pretty much on the honor system.

    I agree with those who have advised you to get youself a device, not only because it will make it more likely that you will be able to follow though on your chastity ambitions, but also because it will significantly enrich Richboy's experience. After messing around with a plastic device (Exobelt) and a couple of silicone ones (Birdlocked), I finally made the jump to a stainless one (the Jailbird from Mature Metal) about a year ago. The stainless device is so superior in every way (including comfort, hygene and sense of security) that I wish I had started out with it. Though it cost somewhat more than any one of the others, it cost considerably less than I spent on trying and discarding the series of "cheaper" ones; and I would have saved a bundle had I started out with one I could stay with. Mature Metal ( makes what might be called semi-custom devices. You provide them with a few measurements according to detailed instructions which they provide. In fact, for the most critical measurement --the base ring-- they will send you a set of rings in a whole series of sizes so you can try them out and order the size which you know from experience will work. The final product, when you get it, is beautifully finished.

    Good luck on this journey upon which you are embarking.
  8. al_krington

    al_krington Member

    Dec 21, 2011
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    As with finallyChaste I experimented for a long time with plastic and silicon devices and spent far too much money - I was never satisfied with the result and in exactly the same situation I too went for a metal device and very coincidentally also ended up with a Jail Bird - how bizarre!

    It was the best thing I did and do so wish I had known about these devices many years ago - it would not only have saved me money but also my desire to remain long term in chastity would have been fulfilled a lot sooner - with the previous devices I was in & out of them constantly, due to either discomfort or just finding it hard to be locked up in them. However, the Jail Bird ticks all the boxes for comfort, design, and even for pretty much ease of urinating and cleaning. To be honest, there is absolutely no reason to take it off .. well only one and that will be later in the year when I fly. So ... pretty much the consensus here is ... be locked up and spend the money wisely on a metal device that will last a long time!
  9. AliceInBondageLand

    Moderator Verified Female

    Apr 5, 2012
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    Wow, that makes my giving up soda and ice cream for Lent look small in comparison.H

    Happy Easter Saturday... did you allow yourself to cum on Good Friday or are you waiting until tomorrow?

    Sounds like a good reason for some easter-themed masturbation, though. I woudn't be able to resist putting your "eggs" in a basket with the bottom cut out and a bunch of green plastic grass for effect. :)
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