Recent content by factorycouple

  1. factorycouple

    Early 3d chastity model for printing

    I have sold many models on shapeways, I just keep sexual content off their site:
  2. factorycouple

    New prototype device available

    Ok, so I know that six of you ordered and received them, but I have not gotten any feedback. I know the holes need to be cleared and the teeth bent forward for security, but does anyone like it?
  3. factorycouple

    New prototype device available

    Hi Scob89, The joints do not pinch much if you wear it tight or at all if you wear it loose. Earlier prototypes did, but now the edges are more rounded and the joint area is pushed further away from the spikes. If you were to experience pinching an anti-friction stick from the footcare area...
  4. factorycouple

    New prototype device available

    Hi Deena, It is meant to be worn on its own.
  5. factorycouple

    New prototype device available

    This would not be a torture device, the lotus petal spikes are set up to catch the skin and prevent unothorized removal, it should be tight but comfortable when flacid, and constricting but not painfull when errect. This is more in the line of a chasity inspired symbol, jewlery which reflects...
  6. factorycouple

    New prototype device available

    The idea is to use the flexibility of the material to make the device wearable overnight, unlike traditional KTB type devices. The spikes are depressed and rendered (mostly) harmless during erection but they dig in at removal attempts. It is a stand alone device, but could possibly be used...
  7. factorycouple

    New prototype device available

    I have been testing and modeling a new type of KTB wich uses flexible material for the spikes. They bend during noctural erections but dig in at removal attemts. I would love to get feedback from test wearers. http://www.shapeways.../shops/kalidasa
  8. factorycouple

    Permanent Chastity has arrived

    Seeing that photo gave me the same warm feeling i get when newlyweds show their rings. Congratulations!
  9. factorycouple

    Homemade KTB pics

    The spikes are angular like a Chinese finger trap, and there are four rows of spikes. With two rows it is easy to escape, with three it is hard, with four it just is not worth the paint and damage. If you mean cutting the tie without authorization, well... I would not even think of doing that.
  10. factorycouple

    Homemade KTB pics

    I am wearing an old design of mine today. I want to see again how it failed, take notes and try again. The first photo is me from today. The second photo is the whole design in transparent acrylic, there was a KTB cock and ball rings connected with a numbered zip tie. Ring I am wearing now...
  11. factorycouple

    Mini review Bulkier, harder to get on and easier to get out of that a CB. Not for me! I will say that they shipped fast.
  12. factorycouple

    KSD-G3 for my CB6000-So far so good!

    KSD-G3 diaspointment Since my wife purchased the CB6000 for us (as my suggestion) we both knew about how insecure it was, but we persevered waiting for the new KSD or Kali's teeth. She pre-ordered the KSD-G3 and had me try it a few weeks back. The smallest size worked! I was fully and truly...