Recent content by manmaid

  1. M

    Home-made Humbler

    the photograph of my homemade humbler in my gallery, is two metal tubes with one small hole each end to allow small padlock to be fitted, I can report it works fine :blink:
  2. M

    "Secure Emergency" Key

    Old fashioned Sealing Wax works too.
  3. M

    New young lady

    welcome! glad another Lady that is interested in the benefits of male chastity
  4. M

    Welcome to the site

    Welcome to the site
  5. M

    Punishment Ideas?

    I alway thought the application of ointments like Firey Jack or other muscle ointments quite effective on the dangly bits :unsure:
  6. M

    Welcome to the site, I look forward to sharing your view on male chastity

    Welcome to the site, I look forward to sharing your view on male chastity
  7. M

    welcome to the site

    welcome to the site
  8. M

    welcome hope to chat sometime

    welcome hope to chat sometime
  9. M

    just like to say welcome, i enjoyed reading Your profile

    just like to say welcome, i enjoyed reading Your profile
  10. M

    An introduction

    Welcome, I look forward t hearing your view on chastity.
  11. M

    gagging for relief, willpower weak!

    gagging for relief, willpower weak!
  12. M

    in need of control

    in need of control