Recent content by martinb

  1. martinb

    That Prostate thing

    @HisFreakySide is absolutely right that the oft-quoted study is very weak, and cannot be relied on at all. I asked my GP several years ago about medical issues associated with chastity / denial and his initial response was that apart from mechanical issues (abrasion of the skin, crushing of...
  2. martinb

    Mood swings of Sub

    As others have said, the uncooperative mood straight after orgasm is very common, and probably primarily hormonal. Some was to deal with this include: Toleration - Just putting up with it, until he gets back 'in the mood'. Scheduling - Maybe arranging his release just before a business trip...
  3. martinb

    Another paradox of chastity

    ...and this is a similar paradox. Most men who crave physical (and to some extent non-physical) punishment seem to me to be motivated by a mixture of things: - the purely physical sensation of corporal punishment - the experience of being punished to atone for real or imagined sins - the...
  4. martinb

    Another paradox of chastity

    I would say that there are conflicting emotions going on, which explain the apparent paradox. Most men desire sexual release, but some men also feel that such release is shameful or undeserved, so they also desire to be restrained by chastity. So they both dislike and revel in chastity, as it...
  5. martinb

    Key Holders in the Wild

    Oooh. I live in Gloucestershire. And I know someone married to an Amanda.....
  6. martinb

    Are there any devices that don't use ball-trap, or a piercing, and aren't a full belt?

    There is the 'tether spout' thing:
  7. martinb

    Mistress Lucy's Moving Company

    Don't worry, I am very relaxed indeed.
  8. martinb

    Mistress Lucy's Moving Company

    That would probably be a nice enhancement of the suffering and satisfaction for the male slave workers, but would not be of any benefit for the women involved. If you know Miss Lucy, you should not be surprised at all. The whole point of her narrative is that the slaves serve for the convenience...
  9. martinb

    Mistress Lucy's Moving Company

    What a presumptive and snarky response! Although it is fiction, lots of people really like to serve, and calling these (fictional) examples 'idiots' comes across as extremely small-minded and judgemental. How would you feel if people called you an 'idiot' for your own chastity choices and other...
  10. martinb

    Mistress Lucy's Moving Company

    Great story, Miss Lucy. Useful labouring for a beautiful mistress - what a joy for the slaves.
  11. martinb

    Locktober and Nomember

    I'm quite looking forward to the idea of being locked throughout Locktober, but I'm not sure I'm willing to book the surgery necessary for Nomember. :)
  12. martinb

    Simultaneous chastity competition

    Miss Lucy makes it pretty clear how to achieve this, if it is what you really want.
  13. martinb

    Well done! Keep up (Humm, is that the right term?) the good work!

    Well done! Keep up (Humm, is that the right term?) the good work!