Chastity cages and Christianity

Discussion in 'Chastity and orgasm denial' started by Guest 3944, May 13, 2021.

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  1. JaySaysYes

    JaySaysYes I identify as someone that is always right

    Mar 2, 2020
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    Well, this is embarrassing...and hilarious.

    haha, what a load of bullshit. I have seen that story in books and blogs many times, and the orginal author is not you.

    ...and many many more...
  2. Kat9s toy

    Kat9s toy Long term member

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    The Buddha and the Vedas actually historically predate Christ (which absolutely in no way minimizes or devalues his teachings):

    Siddartha Gautama (aka Buddha) - c. 6th to 5th century BCE or c. 5th to 4th century BCE
    The Vedas (early Indian texts) - c. 1500 - 900 BCE
  3. Guest 6019

    Guest 6019 Long term member

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  4. JaySaysYes

    JaySaysYes I identify as someone that is always right

    Mar 2, 2020
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    I was kinda hoping for a few more Christian perspectives to be honest.
  5. Robins toy

    Robins toy Active member

    Jan 23, 2021
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    I agree with your first statement. That is precisely why I put "sins" in quotations.

    I also agree with your (apparently) snide little insertion about "people of the book" treating each other poorly.

    I don't participate in organized religion. I recognize that as an attempt to use a powerful concept to control the behavior and wealth of a large segment of the population.

    However, that doesn't make the underlying teachings moot. In reality it gives them more credibility due to the absolute sway it can have on the human psyche.

    I know people that believe all manner of crazy things. I don't always agree with them on the principle. But, as long as what they believe doesn't harm others, I agree that they have the absolute right to believe in those things.

    Can we, at least agree with that?

    I don't spend an excessive amount of time on the internet. You trolling me because of the fact that I had an experience that many others have had isn't cool. I thought it was rather profound when I experienced it.

    If you doubt that it was my personal experience, please dm me. I will happily exchange phone numbers or whatever and I will let my Mother in law tell you the story herself. She likes talking to strangers, even at almost 80 years old. (She also makes one hell of a cheese cake!)
  6. Proud to be chaste

    Proud to be chaste Active member

    Aug 9, 2021
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    Thanks for your lovely post. I totally get where you are coming from. As a christian myself, who experiences A LOT of benifits of practicing male chastity in my marriage, I really appreciated your post. I am sorry it turned out to be disscusions on biblical theology and religion in general. Let me just right back at what I read as the purpose of your post: could male chastity be something that the christian God would approve (or even greatly encourage)?

    I am myself a devote christian male, married to my lovely wife. For me marriage is wonderful and regular intercourse is nothing less than AMAZING. Neither me nor my wife really need any kink to spicy it up.

    It was evident from the very beginning of our marriage that I have a significantly higher libido than my wife. At the same time, I also had a deep urge to make true selfless love the very core of my sexuality. For years, I struggled to reconcile these two sides of my sexuality. The answer used to be... masturbation! Stupid, I know. The logic was: If I masturbate->I want less sex->I will pester her less for sex. The premis behind this logic was that my higher sex-drive was in conflict with making my wife happy. The sex-drive was a negative force that needed to be put away by self-gratification, rather than a force that - channeled in the right way - could be a great benefit to both my wife and our marriage.

    While wife was okay with me masturbating, she wasn't happy either - especially as it over time made me initiate less that she wanted. Also, making masturbation my primary outlet was conflicting with my view of what God intended marriage to be. The text you mentioned is interesting, and I really liked your reflections. I think of other texts too. As you I don't want to argue about biblical exegesis, I just want to show texts that inspired me immensly.

    First of all, in Genesis Gods first "commandment" to human kind is to have sex (be fruitful and multiply). (This "commandment" might be built into us as a sex drive, perhaps the text simply means that both male and female are designed to be very sexual beings?) This "commandment" predates the fall. Sex is the very opposite of sin: sex is the ultimate expression of love, originally designed for a sin-less (pre-fall) world, a wolrd full of love and based on love, a world that knows of nothing other than love, where and everything and everyone is love; a world where God the creator is love and sex is the ultimate human expression of the very essence of God and the universe! (If this doesn't make a man urge to use his sexuality for the best for his wife - what will!)

    I also think about Paul who writes that a husbands body is not his own, neither is a wifes body her own, their bodies belong to each other (1 Cor 7:4). Could this be a hint not to masturbate in marriage? I think so. It could certainly mean more, but it should at least mean abstaining from masturbation in a marriage (as long as it isn't encouraged by the spouse). If so, I would think there were quite a few christian couples in the churchs early days who practiced a lifestyle not too far from male chastity (honour system).

    Think about it. Imagine they were just as sexual 2000 years ago. Then imagine a christian married man (with a high libido) sitting in the church of Cornith one Sabbath morning (or Sunday, whatever) listening to the latest letter from Paul being read. It has been a few days, and the wife hasn't been overly sexual lately. He already knows he is to "love his wife as his own body", so forcing her to have sex is out of the question. He also knows that his sex drive is way higher than hers. And then he hears it - his body, including his penis and his sexuality, belongs to her and her alone! He imidiately realizes that he has no right to use her penis for his own gratification only. His head is racing: "But what about the fact that I am desperate for sex after a few days only? What about the fact that she according to Tora is not to have sex with me for 1-2 weeks every month?" What if she only wants sex once or twice a month - or less? He feels desperate, vulnerable, helpless... And at least a few of the men I can imagine have to conceal a rock hard boner behind their robe, this morning in church...

    I don't think the bible ever calls masturbation a sin. But it is probably a deviation from Gods purpose for marriage. I would never shame someone for masturbating and I don't believe God condems anyone for doing so. But I think it is better (in general) to save ones sexuality for sex with a spouse, and I think it shows extreme dedication and love for one spouse (and for God?). It is a submissive lifestyle, and I believe that more than a few christian (or jewish, islam, etc.) felt quite submissive in their own way, even though they didn't use that word or conceptualized it differently

    So what has MC done for me and me wife? It has given us more love, more intimacy, more closeness, more happiness, playfulness and joy, more acceptance (of the disparity in libido and of each others needs and preferences in general). And may I lend the religious vocabulary: male chastity has made our marriage a small taste of heaven; it has helped us closer to Gods ideal for marriage as it is hinted to in the bible. In chastity, I am constantly reminded that I have huge needs that I can never meet myself. I depend on my wife and long for her grace (to give me sexual relief), which is also a reminder of human dependancy on God. I feel helpless and sometimes humbled (MC kind of kills my masculine ego), and it reminds (agape love is a choice and a way of life, not something you do automathically) me to set her first in and outside bed. Both feel more loved, and my wife absolutely loves male chastity (even though she is not dominant naturally), and she wants to do it forever, and don't want me to masturbate ever again. I happily submit to her in and outside the bedroom, and she think it is a beautiful mark of my love and dedication for her.

    Honestly, my primary inspiration for becoming a submissive is these and other texts in the bible. I really believe the bible made me submissive! However, I am not a submissive that craves my wife to do certain acts of dress a certain way (for those of you who are - good for you! I respect that a lot, it's just not me). I am simply extremely turned on by the thought of making her happiness the very purpose of my sexuality - to use my sexuaility to please her sexually and non-sexually, not serving my own pleassure, but serving her.

    Male chastity can be many different things, and as you said, I don't judge. But I can testify that MC (among other things) for some can be an amazing tool for making a marriage (regardless world view) a taste of heaven. If a sex-toy can help a couple to get closer to Gods purpose for human sexuality, I am sure He would approve! And I honestly believe that him not masturbating and her still remaining totally free to have sex when and how she wants (as well as deciding whether he can orgasm when having sex) would better most or (almost) all marriages.
    FLRsubken, Beyondheat, KyDave and 9 others like this.
  7. cj0434

    cj0434 Active member

    Aug 2, 2021
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    I do believe that God can use chastity to improve a marriage. Here's how it happened for me...

    My wife and I had been sick, and she'd also had some other health issues, so our sex life was pretty much nonexistent at that time. After we were better, I decided to bring up the topic. We were lying in bed, and I said that it was time we rebooted our sex life. To my surprise she said that she wasn't ready. She wanted to feel better about our emotional connection before doing that. I was taken back. So, I started thinking and praying about how I might better connect with her emotionally. That's always been tough for me. After 4 days of praying about it each morning I woke up on the 5th morning with a thought in my head: (a non porn web site I had visited at some point in the past about using chastity to improve a marriage). This happened for 3 mornings in a row! A very strong thought. I went to that web site and also did more research an found that men in chastity are much more attentive, emotionally connected, and helpful to their wives. So, I started thinking that maybe God was prompting me to offer my chastity to my wife. I wasn't sure about giving up masturbating and was pretty nervous about it, but I determined I'd at least offer it to her. I carefully worded a text message where I said that I thought God was wanting me to offer my chastity to her and gave her the link. She was in another room when I texted her and after she had looked at the web site she came in where I was sitting. She seemed pretty cautious about it, but open. We discussed it for a bit and also looked up some more info and finally I asked her what she thought. She said she was "intrigued". That was her way of saying let's try it! I right away ordered a kink3d cage.

    I started right away on the honor system and then when the device came in, I locked myself up and handed her the keys. I asked her to hide them, so I don't know where they are. The whole week all I could think about was all the ramifications of what I am doing, and I was so horny all of the time. I noticed that already I was feeling a strong draw to my wife. I didn’t resist but started to talk to her more and reach out to her more in various ways. My work productivity went through the floor as I couldn’t stop thinking about this. She was trying to do her part by doing some simple teasing and letting me give her orgasms. It felt like our sex life went from nothing to off the charts. I felt so happy. God really does know what he's doing. She wasn't sure how long to initially lock me up for but was leaning towards 3 months.

    Sometime during the next week, she said to me: Do you realize how much you've changed?
    I knew I was pursuing her more, but it didn’t seem that big of a deal. She went on to say that she’s going to take a wait and see approach. Not convinced that this wonderful change was going to last.

    ... there's more to the story, but I'll leave it at that for now. I will say that we had a trip a month later when I got unlocked. She had me locked for 34 days, the longest period I've gone without an orgasm. We had the most amazing 3 days of sex on that trip (2 of which I wasn't allowed to cum).
  8. Guest 6019

    Guest 6019 Long term member

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    I'm happy for you, but give yourself and your wife the credit. Those thoughts, those epiphanies, came from your own wonderful mind, from the chemical changes denial brings From your own experiences, not some external agency. Enjoy the ride dude
    Curious Guy likes this.
  9. captivatedbyher

    captivatedbyher romantic want to be

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Perhaps, but where did that wonderful mind come from?
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  10. Guest 6019

    Guest 6019 Long term member

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    Then I ask you, where did the mind of the entity you are hinting at come from? Who created the creator?
  11. captivatedbyher

    captivatedbyher romantic want to be

    Jan 28, 2018
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    I have no idea! I was hoping you could tell us where this mind came from. But you seem to be dodging the question
  12. Guest 6019

    Guest 6019 Long term member

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    Absolutely not. I'm saying that suggesting a sky god created minds raises other questions. Who created the creator? Is a valid question, which leads to infinite regress (then who created them.....etc).
  13. captivatedbyher

    captivatedbyher romantic want to be

    Jan 28, 2018
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    OK, but again, you have not answered the original question! Please dont leave all of us potential converts in the dark. I have read your intense and relentless arguments against Christianity, but now its time for you to provide some answers!
  14. captivatedbyher

    captivatedbyher romantic want to be

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Yes, I have found this to be true. I think its a redirecting of energy we once spent on self satisfaction now goes to meeting her needs. It's this idea of looking unto the needs of others and not ourselves.
    Self sacrifice is hard! There have been a few great people in history who have offered themselves for the benefit of others, even unto death!
    Saying no to our fleshly desires is hard, but what good is a gift that cost you nothing?
    Thats great! Don't expect much from her, you can do chastity as a gift to her at no cost to her
    It's not what you were doing but what you were not doing, men need to think about the ramifications of masturbation, they are not good!

    I feel the same, it seems like we have two options as to what we do with our sexual energy, we can dump it on the ground like Onan or use it to bless our wifes
    Chastity is better than any amount of self discipline or resolve because its effects do not fade and you dont have to keep the juggling act going. Do you think you could manufacture the same changes perpetually that your wife was talking about? I've tryed many many times, but by saying no to self gratification and using my sexual energy to pursue her the changes come naturally. I think that's how it is suppose to be. Keep it up and keep us posted!
    KyDave and littleguy3 like this.
  15. Guest 6019

    Guest 6019 Long term member

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    Obviously and simply. Our minds are a product of evolution. I am not against Christianity or Christians, or religion or the religious. I am against creationism because it is clearly not true. Now answer my question
  16. littleguy3

    littleguy3 Adoring husband

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    I'd love to hear more when you have time. How long ago was it when you went away on that 3 day trip and how long did / will you remain in chastity after that?
  17. captivatedbyher

    captivatedbyher romantic want to be

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    I did, please pay attention, I don't like rehashing material that has already been covered. I said "I don't know".
  18. Guest 6019

    Guest 6019 Long term member

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    That's rich. I don't like rehashing? Hypocrisy
  19. Guest 6019

    Guest 6019 Long term member

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    One of the most important moments in our history, and the development of self-consciousness was not the first language, although that was the starting point. It was when we learned certain linguistic tricks.

    "That thing over there that looks like this"
    "That thing that happened in the past"
    "If we go here tomorrow (7 moons) we will find this"
    "If you do it like this"
    "Save the best seed for next year"

    Some of the catalysts that propelled our imagination. We began to communicate in a very interesting and clever way. Studies have shown a correlation with changes to the FoxP2 gene. The mind was already there. But self-consciousness came along for the ride with our new complex system of communication, and the ability to describe something abstract. An idea. And the birth of religion. Which I am not against, if you actually read my thoughts on the subject. I disagree, I don't hate. I don't want to end religious belief. I wish happiness to all.
  20. Rohitstad

    Rohitstad New member

    Jun 20, 2022
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    It confuses me that this topic is still taboo. Moreover, not only for our parishes but also for ourselves. I'll be honest with you, it's a huge relief that I can talk about my experiences anonymously.
  21. Rohitstad

    Rohitstad New member

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    Moreover, not only for our parishes but also for ourselves. I'll be honest with you, it's a huge relief that I can talk about my experiences anonymously. Tell my mentor about having sex with my wife??? I don't know what confuses me more, his possible reaction or mine. I recently became a member of my church. At the moment, I feel ashamed to ask someone how they feel about discussing such topics. I have ignored the topic of sex for so long that I still subconsciously try to blame myself for these thoughts. It's hard to imagine how I can calmly discuss this with someone.
  22. cj0434

    cj0434 Active member

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    I agree that space needs to be made within the church for such conversations. For me I talk with a Christian friend weekly on the phone. We shoot the breeze, but also talk about our sexual temptations and where we’re struggling. Challenges in our marriages. We can be encouraging to each other. Pray for each other. The Bible says we should confess ours sins one to another. That’s especially hard with sexual things. I would like to see churches support and encourage groups where we can be open about these types of things.
  23. Guest 6019

    Guest 6019 Long term member

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    I find it rather strange that your church has about 50 lines of text explaining their beliefs in brief. Then 700-800 lines on abortion, reproduction, and sex. I thought I was the one obsessed with sex. Apparently not.
  24. Guest 6019

    Guest 6019 Long term member

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    Does this friend know about your method of practicing chastity? In some ways I'm surprised the church hasn't caught on to it. Perhaps all Catholic priests should be submit to being pierced and permanently chaste. Would go some way to solving their public image problem and prevent much of the abuse that still goes on today.
    tiruh811 and cj0434 like this.
  25. JaySaysYes

    JaySaysYes I identify as someone that is always right

    Mar 2, 2020
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    I'd really like to see a Church of The Chastity Cage, where all males, from puberty, are permanently caged all through their lives until God releases them at death.

    The problem of male masturbation within The Church of The Chastity Cage would only take one generation or so to be fully eradicated.

    Praise Jesus, angels on everyone's body!
    TradWife likes this.
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