
Discussion in 'Chastity device reviews' started by Slave john, Aug 10, 2010.

  1. Slave john

    Slave john Junior Member

    Jun 16, 2009
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    Hi , I am in a MM Mistress about a week now,I am holding off with the reivew till I can get at least 4 weeks in but, so far so good.The only problem I have is ,well lets say I am a grower.I can ce as small as 13/4" and not very large around then the big head takes over and starts giving little head ideas well if not caged 7+" and really thick.The issue is this I ordered a very large cage and ring (great service there had it re sized , back in 3 days) well I have no problem wearing it the occasional burn but because i get aroused alot the foreskin starts to swell;I have not taken it off or should say Mistress has not because when I shrink down there is enough room in the Gage for a VW BUG.So the question is do I just let things ride or take it off and let the edema go away this is the first day i have noticed it.

    Hope this is the right place to post this, thanks Sjohn
  2. Spike's Bitch

    Spike's Bitch Long term member

    Jul 4, 2010
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    I got edema a few days ago (MM jailbird).
    I think you can get them in any device.

    I took mine off for a day and everything went away and hasnt come back.

    Mistress and I are pretty sure it happened because she demanded that I go back in after sex (no orgasm for me) while I was still hard. So i had to put alot of force on everything to stuff it back in.

    Some other posts suggest you may need some 'extra room', but i not sure about that.
    I suspect (purely a guess!) that a device that is too big for when you are soft, but too small when you are hard is actually worse then a device that is nice and snug when soft and prevents any kind of partial hard on.

    I am going to test this idea in the next few weeks when i sent my jailbird back to MM to make it smaller (length wise).

    Anyway. I highly recommend you take the device off for 24 hrs and then use plenty of lube during the next days to keep things smooth (olive oil is a great lube that lasts longer then sex lubes).

    Your mistress can probably come up with a temporary solution for chastity, like zip tie your equipment to your balls or something along those lines.
    In my case mistress zip tied my PA piercing to my balls, which garantuees you do not want to get a hardon :)
  3. Slave john

    Slave john Junior Member

    Jun 16, 2009
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    Thanks spike, that was also my case we took the cage off for inspection and a good cleaning and after some tease and denial back on it went but this time I was stuffing it back in lol,one day later swelling.I shall take your advise, I have a PA but I think I will just be a good boy
  4. Burger_01

    Burger_01 Chastity Geek

    May 16, 2008
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    You might want to move the foreskin over your glans, or further back, out of the cage. I had some puffy swelling going on a few days ago (I'm out now for a break). Before that I had my foreskin pulled back and all the spare skin on the body side of the cock & ball ring. As soon as I moved all that spare skin down into the cage (with the glans still uncovered) I got a bit of swelling.

    That said, I also changed the effective size because I put some Points of Intrigue on a day before that which gave less space through the opening of the cage.

    It's a tricky business, thats for sure.
  5. JackStrap

    JackStrap Member

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    Sorry, no idea about that.

    I still want to share my experience. I'm not mutilated, and for the first almost 40 years of my life I kept the FS over the glans, except for having sex or jacking off.

    When I started my experiences with chastity in the first quarter of 2010, I had to pull the FS back to wear a device (PA5000). Sooner or later (less than 24 hours) I always had radically swelled FS and had to give up.

    I have no recollection how long it took for my FS to adapt, but now I wear PA5000 without any kind of discomfort, and if I'm not wearing the device, my FS stays put behind the glans with no swelling. My current PA5000 is one size smaller than the one I started with, but that's probably not the key point.

    I modified the larger PA5000 (but not the current, smaller) by filling in some of the holes (to prevent FS from mushrooming through them) but what I think happened, is this:

    The front edge of my FS was originally quite tight. Not so tight it would matter; having sex or pulling the skin back was painless and I never experienced any problems. However, when keeping the skin back, the tightness did block something and the fluids were held inside the FS. Slowly the frontal part of the FS stretched and it's not tight anymore, so nowadays it does not block the fluids anymore and I can keep the skin pulled back for indefinitely long time.

    Check out what others have written e.g. here http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_do_you_stretch_your_foreskin and do what you feel is right. Keeping the skin back several hours a day, extending the time slowly, when simultaneously using a tube type device -might- help (skin stretches and tube migth prevent swelling).

    Note, however, that I have no medical training or degree and I have just played with my own (errrr... her) dick and read plenty of stuff on the Internet. YMMV, buyer beware etc etc.

    Good luck.
  6. Mistrus

    Mistrus New member

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    I'm afraid we are gonna wait a very long time before you can write your review. The belt on your picture does not allow your skin to breathe, and it's even the ballsqueezertype. There are belts (not tubes) out there allowing you to follow her wishes, without getting injured. I always put them in a belt for a very long time, and I think your four weeks is a good start if you have the right belt. 4 weeks in a plastic toy is plain torture.

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  7. Paulette the Tart

    Paulette the Tart Male maid

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    I'm unmutilated too and I've worn a "Curve" and a "CB3000" and in both cases I suffered from œdema* and now have a My-Steel florentine style belt and still have a tendency to a little œdema.

    It would seem to me that those of us who have not been hacked are seeing the results of some kind of self-protection process which our bodies still demonstrate and that all we can do about it is to have the patience necessary for acclimatisation.

    * The word œdema is of Greek origin and has always had either an "o" or the "œ" dipthong at the start with the exception of the US truncation. I've used the traditional spelling although the modern spelling is oedema and the American spelling edema. The thread now has all three spellings so that the search engine can find this thread for people who aren't aware of the American spelling.
  8. Spike's Bitch

    Spike's Bitch Long term member

    Jul 4, 2010
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    edamame are delicious. I boil them and eat them with some butter and salt. Yum!

    (now we have 4, but it has nothing to do with anything above!! :) )
  9. Paulette the Tart

    Paulette the Tart Male maid

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    'Bout time your "hairy bean pods" were locked up!!![​IMG]
  10. Spike's Bitch

    Spike's Bitch Long term member

    Jul 4, 2010
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