Did you choose your sexual fetish/proclivity?

Discussion in 'Chastity and orgasm denial' started by Divine Mistress Angelique, Apr 17, 2011.


Did you choose your sexual fetish/proclivity or did it choose you?

  1. I was born normal, and developed into a fairly normal sexual being. I then chose my current lifesty

  2. I was born normal, and developed into a fairly normal sexual being. I then chose my current lifesty

  3. I have been obsessed with my fetish/lifestyle for as long as I can remember. I did not choose it, a

  4. I developed normally but at some point in my life I became obsessed with my fetish/proclivity. I did

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  1. Divine Mistress Angelique

    Divine Mistress Angelique Divine Mistress Angelique

    Mar 27, 2011
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    Did you choose your sexual fetish/proclivity or did it choose you?

    Whatever it is that brought you to Chastity Mansion, forced chastity, sissification (forced femininity), cross-dressing, BDSM (bondage|discipline|sadism|masochism), cuckolding, domination, submission, humiliation, anything out of the norm, did you choose to be that way, or did life choose it for you?
    Newlover likes this.
  2. maid katrin

    maid katrin chaste sissy maid

    May 15, 2008
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    Dear Mistress Angelique,

    when it comes to feminization and my desire to be as feminine as possible I can definitely say that I did not choose it. It has been something that was in me as long as I can remember. As for all my other fetishes - chastity, bondage or being a true pain slut it is rather difficult to decide. At first there were just woolly desires which were hardly to describe but at some point in my life I came along my fetishes, felt excited and eventually stuck with it. So did I really choose them? I would say that life just kept them in store for me but wanted me to discover them myself.


    maid katrin
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  3. Divine Mistress Angelique

    Divine Mistress Angelique Divine Mistress Angelique

    Mar 27, 2011
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    Well said, and probably true on many subtle levels.
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  4. Shimone

    Shimone Long term member

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    I would agree with Maid Katrin, that you neither choose nor get chosen by your proclivities. They are just part of you.

    Some you might be aware of right away, some you'll have to discover first.

    Once you are aware of them the only choice you have is to live them out or to fight them.

    For my part I chose to live out my preverences. Why should I actually deny a part of myself ? Due to some social norms ? Definitely not !
    Newlover likes this.
  5. Rachel

    Rachel Owned by Mistress Michelle

    Feb 19, 2009
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    Like Maid Katrin my feminine side has always been there. It was only society that made me hold her in. It just wasn't what "boys" did but no matter how many times i tried to put her away she always came back so i would say that it chose me. As for all the kinky stuff sexually i always had fantasies about it so when i had the chance to experience them why not? Then i kept those also.

    MM's sweetpea
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  6. muzzledman

    muzzledman muzzledman

    May 16, 2010
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    thanks for the ?.i started self genital bondage at a youg teenage years & evolved from there.cant get enough or escape it.have finally inked - tattooed my slave no. & tresekle on me.it reinforces my ways to me & any who view.always ongoing process.
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  7. bondagefan65

    bondagefan65 Long term member

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    Post and vote removed
  8. Mr Gee

    Mr Gee Active member

    Apr 18, 2010
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    I learned a long time ago not to allow other people to pigeon-hole me....I will determine who I am, and what is "normal" changes as I grow!
    Why, there are times now that I'm older, I can be almost mellow!
    ( a little tongue in cheek)
    Mr Gee
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  9. Mr Gee

    Mr Gee Active member

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    Thank you for starting this
    Mr Gee et al :D
  10. Divine Mistress Angelique

    Divine Mistress Angelique Divine Mistress Angelique

    Mar 27, 2011
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    If you have not voted yet (or need to change your vote):

    Of course a fetish cannot actually choose you. Of course every aspect of our personality is a part of us.
    The questions were phrased so as to be symbolic, not specific, so as not to influence any answers, or exclude anyone's sexuality.
    The questions consider only our perceived control over our sexuality vs our sexuality's control over us.
    The questions need only be answered in this context.
    "Do you control your sexuality, or does your sexuality control you?" just seemed way to broad a question for a topic I feel is important.
  11. Divine Mistress Angelique

    Divine Mistress Angelique Divine Mistress Angelique

    Mar 27, 2011
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  12. Divine Mistress Angelique

    Divine Mistress Angelique Divine Mistress Angelique

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    See simplified poll here:

  13. Reizla

    Reizla Active member

    Mar 7, 2011
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    I think everyone is born with his/her sexual interests (in fact, all you are is genetics, but that's an other story :rolleyes:)...

    For me I found out that BDSM was my thing when I was 13-years old and my brother and I played "Houdini the great escape artist" games. During one of our games I felt I had to 'pee' and my brother released me quickly and I went to the toilet. No peeing there, but I had a great feeling (hey, I was 13, and how was I to know bondage could be sexually? :p)
    3 years later I found some BDSM movies in a local video-rental store and took one (a California Star move) and I loved it! Ever since I've been watching BDSM movies and trying to push my GF into BDSM. Too bad she wasn't into it. My later GF (now my wife) was more into it and loves to tie me up and just 'ride' me in whatever way possible :p

    Chastity is an other thing. I just recently (not even 2 years ago) found out about male-chastity and it immediately cought my interest. Now I'm trying to get my wife to become a full-time KH for me. She has the keys already, but she still has a love/hate relationship with the CB3K :(
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  14. Wench

    Wench Owned by Mistress Freya

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    I've always been a little oversexed and constantly struggled with desires. At the same time I've always been intensely loyal, I'm bound by my word. Kinks developed as an intellectual exercise, experimentation in ways to keep a long term monogynous relationship intensely passionate, exciting and new. Rather than turn outward to satisfy my sex drive I turned inward. Luckily for me my wife (now often Mistress) is up for a bit of fun.

    We found through experimentation that she was more comfortable being dominant than submissive. I find both roles exciting, though perhaps being submissive is a bit more refreshing. For us chastity is tied in with Femdom.

    I voted for 'I can stop when ever I want'... and we do take breaks every now and again... and I'm sure if I wanted to I could stop... it's just I don't want to right now.
    Newlover likes this.
  15. subklik

    subklik Office Girl

    Jun 19, 2009
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    I have been desperate to be tied up and humiliated since I was a small child.
    When I was three years old my mother found me in bed where I had tied myself up to the head board and I was twisting around saying a girls name over and over again.
    Hmmm...ok that one is a bit out there, but whatever.

    By the early sixties I developed a SERIOUS NEED to wear girls clothes.
    I learned to do self bondage as a young teen and etc etc etc.

    I read with fascination about "chastity belts" at the school library as a teen and wished I could be put into one by a strong woman who would keep me prisoner. Belts didn't even exist back then as far as I can tell at least not belts for men.

    I struggled with it all and hid it for years. As a clinical "shrink" I even helped clients "overcome" it....hahaha (Blind leading the blind). until I met my irreplaceable wife, together we grew into this place we are now. I am in chastity 24/7 and I sleep in chains and a hood most nights unless She wants to use me and it is beautiful. She is as bent as I am but we are truly devoted to each other and we both clearly recognize the difference between fantasy and reality, what is erotic and safe amd what is crazy and dangerous. She wants to torture me to the max but never wants to hurt me.

    Everything I crave to do was learned in the normal way, invented from my imagination. There was no internet and no one even really knew what a computer was back then. The TV had between three an six channels total if you were lucky and NOT ONE of those stations would show anything remotely risque. Oh and there were only six pro hockey teams in the NHL for those that care.

    By the time the internet came around and I started playing with windows 3.1, I saw that the web had caught up to my perverted thinking. So this is not a new lifestyle at all, Now here we all are together. 50 years ago most of us would have thought we were freaks, or the only ones. I don'tknow about you all, but I feel a lot better about things now that there is a forum like this one. Especially Chastity Mansion where so many of us are rather nice to one another and tolerant.

    I am in a very philosphical yet funky low brow mood today. Can't believe the things I am telling you all.

    Thanks to all C-M'ers who make this such a damn nice place to be.
    Especially Mistress Watchfull, that is where it all starts after all.

    Well subklik is done for now.
  16. meredith

    meredith New member

    Apr 8, 2011
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    Dear Mistress, Angelique,

    I voted that life chose it for me. My earliest recollection of my proclivity was when I was 5 years old and wanted to dress as a witch for Halloween. Between 5 and 10 I was fascinated by the women in the foundation pages of the Sears, Wards and Penney's catalogs dressed in their girdles and stockings and fantasized about being confined in one that was tight fitting and restricting, especially the ones with the shiney satin front and back panels. I still get aroused to this day thinking about it. I eventually experimented with my sisters lingerie, trying on her stockings and panty girdle with the straps, then pantyhose, filling the crotch with a t-shirt pretending I had a pussy. I even experimented secretly with these garments in my first marriage. I now have a GF who is completely understanding of my proclivity. She is comfortable with my desire to wear stockings and panties. I am new to MC and currently doing my research as I am intrigued with the lifestyle and the thought of having my orgasms controlled. I have for as long as I can remember I enjoyed the feel of having my genitals confined and restricted and at the same time experince the feeling of soft silky fabric rubbing against them.

  17. Divine Mistress Angelique

    Divine Mistress Angelique Divine Mistress Angelique

    Mar 27, 2011
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    A Unique Perspective?

    First let me thank you for sharing what must be considered the most intimate aspects of your life. Marv Alpert was outed as a cross dresser way before I discovered my sexuality. I didn't know anyone enjoyed humiliation at the time, but I thought so often about the humiliation he was put through as the whole world learned of his secret lifestyle. I truly hope he is one of those who enjoys humiliation, so that is wasn't a completely negative experience for him.

    Since I was the one who started this poll, I had no intention of posting my opinion, but it seems my position is unique, so perhaps some of you will find it interesting. I started this poll for jamie because I know he is often tempted to think there is something wrong with him. He doesn't understand why a little boy would enjoy thoughts of being bound, about to be tortured or executed. I don't have an answer, but I know he's not alone.

    I will try to be brief, but as you know, that is all but impossible for me.

    I adopted this lifestyle for jamie, so you could say life chose it because of jamie's sexual needs. But I didn't have to choose it, so I chose it of my own free will also. I can't say I'm addicted to the lifestyle, but I am addicted to the power. I can't say I'm addicted to the sexual gratification of cuckolding, I'm just addicted to sexual gratification (specifically orgasms; I have about 16 years of orgasms to catch up on). And while I don't need cuckolding for my sexual gratification, jamie needs it for his.

    When I kneel down in front of jamie and take my lover's cock in my mouth, especially a long thick dick (he prefers black for the ascetics (and because he really likes Frank)) I maintain eye contact with him the entire time. These are the most intimate moments we have ever shared in our lives, including of course, our marriage. The more I express my satisfaction with that cock, the more I moan and smile and swoon, the more jamie's eyes glaze over in ecstasy.

    I look into his eyes and I can see that his stomach feels weightless, like when you shoot down a drop on a roller coaster. I can see that he's in heaven and hell at the same time, and he is happiest when he experiences both together. As long as heaven and hell are in balance, he continues falling down that infinite drop, his tummy tickling like it did when he was a boy imagining that the Indians had tied him up. When his mind clings to jealousy and pity, he hits bottom with a crushing G force. When his mind shifts to remembering that my happiness is all that matters to him, he begins climbing yet again to an even higher peak. I will remind you, as I often remind him, "I may be fucking someone else, but I'm making love to you (him)."

    When jamie and I first came to this board, we had no idea such a place existed, or that there were people who enjoyed chastity. We both accept it, but I don't think either of us understands it. I got jamie a CB6000s purely to control him, frustrate him, and train him to have orgasms only with permission, and to a degree, only on my command. (Permission means he comes some time after I have given my ok, on demand means he comes as soon as I order him to.) So, not only is my perception unique, it is very narrow. I don't understand many of your predilections, but I, we, certainly embrace them. We have met so many sweet, understanding, open people here. The world may consider us oddballs, but it is obvious that our oddities have shaped us into caring openhearted oddballs.

    Ok, I think I'm done (for now).

    Newlover likes this.
  18. Rachel

    Rachel Owned by Mistress Michelle

    Feb 19, 2009
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    i have often wondered the exact same thing when it comes to my "dressing" and liking feminine things. i have often wondered and stated "why can't i just be normal". Why i can't be i don't know the bigger question to me is, why can't the world except me for what i am? No children or minors are involved yet many times i feel i am treated as some kind of pervert. i hurt no one yet am often hurt by the reactions i see on peoples faces. One happened a couple weeks ago after i had my nose pierced with a little feminine type stud which i like a lot. A young couple i would guess in their early twenties walked past me in the grocery store. They both had big septum piercings through their noses as they walked by the young lady looked at me and i can only assume my nose jewlry as i wasn't dressed. A look of disapproval crossed her face as she shook her head in a sideways no type of motion. i said nothing but thought have you LOOKED in a f-----g mirror lately.

    i guess what i am saying is maybe there is nothing "wrong" with any of us it is socities lack of acceptance for us that is wrong. So tell jamie i also know he's not alone because i and many others feel the same.

    MM's sweetpea
  19. Divine Mistress Angelique

    Divine Mistress Angelique Divine Mistress Angelique

    Mar 27, 2011
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    Of course there is nothing wrong with us sweetie ,not with you or jamie or me or any of us. It is, as you say "society's lack of acceptance for us that is wrong." And that is what needs to change. I am so sorry for your unpleasant experience in the grocery store. I know attacking the attackers is not the answer but every time something like that happens I just want to bitch slap the ignorant sonsabitches. It seems like the only way to knock some sense into them.

    The nature vs. nurture argument has been going on at least throughout my lifetime, and will probably continue for some time. All I know is that even though many of us my be proud--or at least unashamed--of our sexuality, very few of us chose it, at least consciously. Who would choose to be gay knowing the pain and ostracization that awaited them? Who would chose to be a child molester knowing they would be the scum of the earth; hated by everyone, loved by no one?

    I am in no way shape or form condoning child abuse, but the only way I could ultimately forgive my father was by realizing he didn't choose to be the way he was. He was no doubt abused as a child himself. For the record, I forgave him for my benefit, not for his. I forgave him because 30 years of being a victim and damaged was not providing me a happy life. I forgave him so I didn't have to constantly carry this hot coal of condemnation, which was burning my hand, so I would have it ever ready to throw it at him.

    I learned acceptance and forgiveness from a professional dominatrix, not from a lifetime of going to Mass every Sunday. So why do we put priests and nuns on a pedestal, and condemn dominatrices? I don't know of one dominatrix that's been charged with child molestation. Let's show the world there's nothing wrong with us by not succumbing to their judgmental looks, and condemning comments. Let us be free--even my devoted slaves--while they remain imprisoned in their narrow little minds.

    Sluts and whores and sissies and dommes and subs are as deserving of love as any of God's children. And they're more capable of giving love than those who are so self righteous they lack empathy and compassion for anyone who is different from them.

    Ok, my soapbox just broke, I'm done.

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  20. chastity4slave

    chastity4slave Junior Member

    May 20, 2010
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    i was into kink before i knew it was called kink. i just knew i was different, i saw no evidence that anyone i knew shared any of my same interests.
  21. Tina in training

    Tina in training Sissified maid, eunuch & cuckold to Mistress Angel

    Mar 30, 2011
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    But then, you already knew my answer, didn't you?
  22. GhostUser

    GhostUser New member

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    Strange that on a bad night like tonight, I run across this question. I'm pretty sure I did not choose to have these fetishes and desires. My mind cycles between mildly positive acceptance to fiery hatred of these facets of myself. I have pissed away plenty of money consulting mental health professionals for a 'cure.' There is no cure for something the experts believe is normal, or at least in the range of normal.

    Ugh. I want to be a live and let live vanilla guy, instead of a perpetually angry periodically hateful bastard who has been known to spew the sort of venomous bigotry that usually comes out of the mouth of an ignorant jackass. I don't hate you. I frequently hate myself, and then project it on to you. A fine distinction...

    Time for the deep breathing exercises.

  23. filltee

    filltee Junior Member

    May 21, 2010
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    Don't have to be locked and /or denied but on the whole do prefer to be, though I would much rather have a significant other that got at least as much if not more out holding the keys.
    I don't have to do this or much of anything else for that matter but what the hell I enjoy TTTWD
  24. Newlover

    Newlover Active member

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  25. Newlover

    Newlover Active member

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    BDSM intrigued me. I love learning too.....
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