Locked Journey

Discussion in 'Journals and blogs' started by loctnloaded, Jun 1, 2022.

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  1. loctnloaded

    loctnloaded Active member

    Jun 19, 2019
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    It has been a crazy month. The song “Wale me up, when September ends” has run through my mind on continuous loop. A lot of personal, life changing events have happened including deaths of family members that we are very close to. I am temporarily on some medication to help me out. I never cared for the medicine before because I cannot achieve an erection while taking it. Doesn’t much matter now since I am always locked. I am feeling better though. My wife offered to unlock me as we go through these situations, but I declined. Losing others has a tendency of making me want to love my family even more and this is a way to show it.
    we had unexpected had to drive 3,000+ miles in just a few days. Chastity can get very uncomfortable in those situations, but I persevered.
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  2. spider203

    spider203 Long term member

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    Sorry for your loss.
  3. loctnloaded

    loctnloaded Active member

    Jun 19, 2019
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    As mentioned before, my friend and I are very competitive individuals. Both with each other and overall in life.

    Yesterday, we went on a couple’s night out. It seems to be a common occurrence recently. We went to this bar and it was trivia night. The wives thought it would be fun to have us guys compete. The goal was to beat everyone in the bar. We were one of 9 groups in the bar. The goal was to win. If we won, we would both get unlocked for the evening when we went home.
    We were doing well. We were in 2nd place going into the last question. We were down by a point and had to wager between 1 and 15 points. We had to put 4 events in chronological order. We made our wager and went all in. We figured that would be our best chance to “score”. We were wrong We dropped from 2nd to 5th. Both of us were disappointed but we tried our best and were in the same predicament.

    What we didn’t realize was the prizes for the game. 1st place got $40 gift certificate, 2nd $30, 3rd $20, 4th $10. The wives were disappointed that we did not win Money based on our last wager so decided that we would be locked for a minimum of the dollar amount we didn’t win. That means we will both be locked for at least another 40 days. If we wouldn’t have gone for broke, it would have been 10 days

    lesson learned, but the rules will probably be different next time anyway.
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  4. loctnloaded

    loctnloaded Active member

    Jun 19, 2019
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    I made a mistake this weekend. We were out and enjoying a good time. I of course was very horny and made sure I was very vocal and expressed it to her. We don’t have a FLR in a sense that I am afraid of her, but she makes the decisions. I asked her to have sex with me. Big mistake.

    On the way home, we stopped at the grocery store for some groceries. She told me that we needed a bag of ice for drinks at home. I, none the wiser, grabbed a bag of ice. When we got home, we put the kids to bed. She went downstairs first and I heard her running a bath. I walked into the bedroom/bathroom and she handed me the 5 lb bag of ice and told me to finish drawing my bath. She told me that she was going to cool me down from my thoughts. She put about 10-12 inches of water in the tub and I walked over and dumped the ice in. I begged not to do this, but she told me I was in no position to decide.

    I got in, the water was up to my belly button. It was soooo cold! I have a metal cage, so it was THAT much colder. She set a timer for 15 minutes and told me I needed to stay in or she would add 2 minutes for each minute I stood up. After about 10 minutes, I was getting used to the cold. She asked to make sure I was ok, and I told her it wasn’t as overpowering now. She then dumped a bunch of salt In the water and told me to mix it around. Holy crap!

    after 15 minutes, I was allowed to get out and dry off with a hand towel. The towel was soaked and did nothing to warm me up. She then locked me in the 1/2 bathroom (the coldest room in the house). The AC was on, so I struggled to get warm. I was in there for about 30 minutes. She then let
    Me put on a pair of briefs that I wear to bed and we went to bed. She kept telling me to not touch her because I was making her cold. Once in bed, I warmed up pretty quick.

    This was definitely the most sadistic thing she has ever done. When we briefly spoke, she said that since I have grown to expect and enjoy spanking, she wanted to get more creative. Her hope is that I treat this as a true punishment and learn my place.
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  5. loctnloaded

    loctnloaded Active member

    Jun 19, 2019
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    I was at work yesterday and my dermatologist called. I had an appointment set for today, but with the hurricane coming, they were closing. They offered to see me me yesterday and had an opening in 15 minutes. I was able to leave work, so I rushed over. I completely forgot that I was wearing a jockstrap. It’s much more comfortable for me while at work. The nurse walked me back, asked the questions and then told me to strip to my underwear. I told her that I was wearing a jockstrap and was “exposed”. She told me it was ok, just that when the female doctor came in, there would have to be 2 of them (doctor and nurse). That apparently is how they handle when someone isn’t wearing underwear.
    It was a black jock, so they couldn’t see the cage. I guess I just got a little more thorough of a check!
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  6. loctnloaded

    loctnloaded Active member

    Jun 19, 2019
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    My wife received a phone call from her friend this morning. She wanted to inform us that we won this round! I guess the 2 of them had sex last night and he couldn’t resist an orgasm.
    So now the reward/punishment. We will have a nice, expensive meal on them and he will have a “punishment”. Knowing what mine was with eating dinner naked and going to an adult store and admitting the cages were too big for me, what do you all think we should do for his punishment?
    They made it a little over 2 months. My wife and I discussed it this morning. We could have sex and be on the same cycle as them. Honestly though, right now we are super happy. We have sex, just not PIV and I am not permitted an O. We both really enjoy pegging. She likes it, because she has control, I give her oral before and after. Our discussion basically led to me not asking for an orgasm until at least New Year’s day. She will determine if it happens before then or after then.

    Anyways… what should we have our friend do???
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  7. loctnloaded

    loctnloaded Active member

    Jun 19, 2019
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    My wife and I had a long chat last night. His wife has requested we do something with a butt plug. He has been against anything in regards to him bottoming. Apparently, my KH told his KH all about our pegging adventures. I thought I would be mad, but I feel pretty free with someone other than the 2 of us knowing.
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  8. loctnloaded

    loctnloaded Active member

    Jun 19, 2019
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    We settled on our “punishment”. This weekend, our favorite teams play each other. During the game, he will be wearing a vibrating plug. He will have a chance to take a break at halftime. During the game, for every point my team scores, the plug will be turned on for that many minutes. Example- 7 points = 7 minutes. IF he orgasms, he will have to do the total number of points in the game in minutes of being plugged after the game. For example, the two teams score 39 combined points, he will have an additional 39 minutes plugged. I doubt that would happen though. He claims that he has only ever used fingers.
    If it was me, I would probably orgasm every score. I am anally sensitive.
    They are going to the adult bookstore today to get the plug! It should be a fun afternoon tomorrow!
  9. loctnloaded

    loctnloaded Active member

    Jun 19, 2019
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    Last weekend was fun. Our teams played each other and my friend did his “punishment”. He said it was the first time he had anything in his butt except his fingers. At the end, he said it was uncomfortable at first, but was pleasurable when the vibrator was on. All in all, uneventful. Staying locked and no orgasm for me!
  10. loctnloaded

    loctnloaded Active member

    Jun 19, 2019
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    You would think I would learn my lesson…

    we agreed that I would not talk about sex until at least the new year. Well, this weekend we were going to a holiday party. I made the comment that she was beautiful and maybe since we were going out drinking and no kids for the night that we could come back and have sex. She told me to take my shower and lay naked on the bed. She came over, tied my hands and feet and said to wait there while she got ready. She went into the bathroom and came back out and said “Oh, one more thing. You need to cool off”. She proceeded to put icy hot on my balls and taint. She made sure to put a copious amount on her finger and rub it underneath my metal cage. Wow!
    When she was done getting ready, she came over, untied my legs and then took out my favorite thong to wear. She added some icy hot to the front of the thong and pulled them on me. She untied my hands and told me to get dressed. I was to wear this burning cold lotion to the party and not wipe it off at all. I was nervous about someone smelling the icy hot, but no one made a comment. Not even the uber driver.

    It was a long night. She did allow me to take a bath when we returned home. She told me there was no way she was letting me touch her for the night because she didn’t want to risk getting icy hot on her at all.

    I probably still did not learn my lesson. Only 2 weeks until I can talk about sex again!
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  11. loctnloaded

    loctnloaded Active member

    Jun 19, 2019
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    Life has been crazy! My wife has been sick for about 3 months which has changed the dynamic. It will be a long recovery as well. She hasn’t had the energy to have sex, so I have truly been chaste. No unlock or release since February which is by far my longest. I did have a wet dream about 2 weeks ago. I woke up and immediately told her about it. She had me lick clean my underwear and sheets and then I had to hand wash everything. I was wearing a jock strap that night to bed. We have a pool with a clothes line out back. I had to hang it up outside, which was a little embarrassing. Only our friends that know about our dynamic came over that day so I wasn’t too embarrassed. That night, she had me sleep in 3 pairs of underwear just in case I made mess again. That I am not used to! The top layer were boxer briefs. I haven’t worn that much fabric as underwear in years!
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  12. loctnloaded

    loctnloaded Active member

    Jun 19, 2019
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    My brother is an alpha male. I bring this up, because he is in town visiting at the moment. I try my best to hide stuff from him and my wife understands and respects that boundary. I guess it started as kids.Well during this visit, he got more of a glimpse of who I am and it was by complete accident.
    I do all of our laundry in the house. This didn’t change with company either. I was talking with my brother in the kitchen and I heard the dryer stop. I decided I was going to go change the laundry and we continued our conversation. It was the whites in the dryer and I started to pull out the laundry into the basket, not thinking he was standing right next to me, and he saw me pull out one of my thongs. He was shocked and asked if that was mine. I took a deep breath and said yes. He then asked if I really wear those and if I wear them in public. I told him that my wife enjoys seeing me in thongs and jock straps, so that’s what I wear. He then asked if that was all I wear and I told him that I rarely wear boxers or boxer briefs, I mostly wear briefs and depending on my outfit will wear more revealing underwear under my clothes. He was shocked. He then asked me what I would wear to the water park tomorrow. I told him I researched the locker room and would put on a thong because there are private stalls, but truly it was nobody’s business.
    Throughout the rest of the day, he made snide comments. He would say he had to pick his wedgie, that I had something stuck up my ass, etc. This is why I never want him to know anything about me. But, this has been a growing opportunity for me. I doubt he will ever change. This is probably why he is going through his 3rd divorce. If he only knew about the cage!
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  13. loctnloaded

    loctnloaded Active member

    Jun 19, 2019
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    So, a crazy event happened. My friend who is also in chastity got arrested. He did something dumb, non-violent but the interaction led to him being arrested. Apparently the police officer was patting him down and felt the cage. I guess the answer to “what’s that?” Isn’t “my dick” when it’s in a stainless steel cage. He said it was embarrassing. He was taken to the jail and processed. When in a private area, they checked him to see what it was. When he called his wife to pick him up, she told him that she doesn’t suggest he allow any of the other inmates to see his cage while he was in there.
    The guards wanted to cut it off, but he was going to be there for such a short time that they monitored him.
  14. loctnloaded

    loctnloaded Active member

    Jun 19, 2019
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    It has been a few months since I updated. A lot of stuff has happened over this time, but sex isn’t part of that. My wife has been sick for a while. She will eventually be well, and that is what we will look towards. She recently had a hysterectomy so my lock up is extended through at least her recovery time.

    the only other thing that happened over the summer was that I helped our friends move. My wife went with me to their house to move and my friend’s mom watched all of the kids while we moved them in. They moved into a really big house with a pool and a separate house with a gym. Us guys moved a lot of furniture, hung tvs, etc. The last thing we moved in was the gym equipment to the guest house. We were exhausted. On the equipment, I noticed a sauntered on latch. I questioned what it was for. My friend told me that his wife will sometimes lock his cage to it and leave him there as a punishment. I mentioned that I thought that was hot.
    The next day, we went over to do a few random stuff. The ladies teased me about finding the locking idea so erotic. I gave consent, they locked me to the equipment and cuffed my hands around a bar. I didn’t expect to be completely unable to move. The 3 of them went swimming in the private pool area and I could see them from a distance. They played music in the room so I couldn’t hear them. Nothing else happened, just the experience. The girls joked that there’s enough room on the latch to lock us both to it together next time.
    We have read a lot about loctober this year. Honestly, we already started. My last orgasm was in July. With the recovery period of 2 more months, it will be longer than the end of October. I’m good with it, which may lead to a much longer period.
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  15. loctnloaded

    loctnloaded Active member

    Jun 19, 2019
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    I am in the middle of a 100 day lockup which started in September and will end at the new year. I have mentioned in other posts the dynamic of these 3 months but I wanted to update this journal as well.
    Every 25 days, I am getting a new cage. My wife had told me that each cage would be smaller. At the 25 day mark, I got a new cage but the difference was so minor since I was already in a cage which was 1.58 inches long (now 1.5 inches). In October, I remained locked all the way through. I was pegged 4 times throughout the month. The last time was supposed to be on Halloween. I usually can orgasm with minimal anal stimulation. Before trick-or-treating, I put in a small plug in anticipation of a fantastic pegging when we got home. We ended up not being able to do it and I removed the plug and we went to bed.
    My wife had told me in September that we will also do NOvember. For the month, I will be locked except the day to get a new cage (on Friday the 10th!). I also will not receive any pegging and she hid the toys to make sure I don’t cheat. She also added another wrinkle to NOvember. I am also participating in no shave November. This is abnormal for me as I stay trimmed in the front and the back as she likes it. I also was told it is a no look November as she doesn’t like to see me with unkept body hair. As of right now, I’m not sure how next Friday is going to go, just that I am getting a new cage. It’s going to be a long month!
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  16. loctnloaded

    loctnloaded Active member

    Jun 19, 2019
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    So, I didn’t think that things could get more frustrating. At this point in life, I am used to chastity. I am also a very sexual being. I think about sex a lot through my day. Chastity has altered that, but when I wanted sexual attention, I could get it from my wife. Through October, it was only 4 times. I usually cum 8-10 times a month.
    The teasing in October was also relentless. I enjoy it so much that it is a sexual high for me. As of November 1st, there has been no teasing. No seeing her naked or her seeing me naked. Last night, I tried to cuddle with her in bed. She said that since I was trying to ruin her plans for us, I could try to sleep on the couch for the night. Love you! So I grabbed a blanket and moved. A slight punishment.

    This is only day 6! How is this going to go on for a whole month?!
  17. loctnloaded

    loctnloaded Active member

    Jun 19, 2019
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    I am now 2 days away from getting a new cage. So far, my wife will not tell me which cage it is, just that it is not a flat cage. I am currently in a 1.5” cage so I m ow it will be smaller than that.

    our friends are gone on a cruise for most of the week. I normally wouldn’t think of it, but my wife told me that before they left, he was unlocked. I guess their plan was to have copious amounts of sex on vacation. My wife said, “Any is way more than you are getting for the whole month.”

    That was humiliating in a way. The other humiliation she gave me yesterday was she asked if my pubes were longer than the cage yet. I told her not yet and she said they will be. Either I am going to grow long hair over this month or she’s going to put me in a much shorter cage!
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  18. loctnloaded

    loctnloaded Active member

    Jun 19, 2019
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    So this just happened…
    I got a phone call at work. It was my female friend that they just got home from their cruise and they were locked out of their house. I have a spare key to their house. Since I work about a mile from their house, she asked me to come over to let them in.

    when I arrived, I did not see either of them. I went to put the key in the front door and it was already open. When I stepped in, both of them were in the kitchen. She asked, “How much time do you have on break?” Seeing how I am the boss, I could take any amount of time i needed. I asked her why…

    “Happy day 50! (Wife) sent a package over here for you. You need a new cage, but she doesn’t want to see you this month. You are getting your cage now!” I was quite surprised as you can imagine. She then said, “Strip!” I know better than to disobey.

    After I took off all of my clothes, standing there in my cage, she walked behind me and cuffed my wrists. I was then led to their spare bedroom which has a lot of toys in it. I was cuffed to the bed and my legs were spread apart. She then put a bag of ice on my cage and told me that she didn’t want me getting too excited.

    just when I thought this was a fantasy of mine, my male friend walked in. She instructed him that he was going to change out my cage. I was appalled and completely did not expect this. As you know from some of my other posts, we have an open friendship. I am bi(ish) but he is not. She said something along the lines of not to disappoint her and so he knelt down on the bed between my legs. He then took off my cage, and replaced it. With a steel cage that is less than an inch long. This is 1/2 an inch shorter than the last one. She made a comment about how tiny the cage was which was a good punishment for how unkept my pubic area is.

    once the cage was on me, she said we had to switch places. She instructed him to strip and for me to strap him down. He was uncaged. I am assuming it is because they just got back from vacation. She walked in the adjoining bathroom, ran some water and came back as I was locking the straps on his legs. She handed me my old cage and told me to put it on him. He is about 1.5-2 inches bigger than me so it was a struggle to get on him. As I was placing it on him, she snapped a picture with his penis in my hands, half caged. She sent it in a group chat with “thanks for giving us this tiny cage. I appreciate it, but I’m sure he isn’t going to!” When we were done, she asked us both if we have ever touched another man’s penis before. He said no, I said yes. She responded “Glad you admitted that. I already knew the right answer. Go back to work.”

    so yes, that just happened. Here I am, back at work. Smaller cage, heart racing. Although they are very close friends, that was the most humiliating thing I have ever done. Also knowing that my cage (and penis for that matter)is so much smaller than his. I am shaking but also excited at the same time. I do have to say though, this smaller cage feels good minus the hair pulling. That’s something I am not used to.
  19. loctnloaded

    loctnloaded Active member

    Jun 19, 2019
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    The next day, I am still trying to wrap my head around what happened.

    I discussed it with my wife. She said she wanted to hold true to her promise not to see me naked this month and thought this plan was best. She was thinking out female friend would do it, but she loved the humiliation of my best friend doing it. Not sure how much more humiliated I could get, and not really looking to find out.

    We also discussed the cage size. This cage is very comfortable. I am in a steel cage which is 1 inch long. I am more of a grower so it is very comfortable for me. It was definitely humiliating having suck a small cage placed on me. It’s also humiliating getting a text from my best friend telling me that he has no idea how I could handle such a small cage for so long. And that one is 1/2 an inch bigger!

    25 more days is December 5th. It will be interesting to see what cage I get at that point. I should be able to groom by then, so my wife will be able to change it out. I also do not know what December will bring, just that I am in a 100 day lockup without being allowed to orgasm by penis stimulation. I still have 19 days until the earliest I can get relief from pegging
  20. loctnloaded

    loctnloaded Active member

    Jun 19, 2019
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    “Don’t forget your appointment.”
    “Thank you, love you babe.” I responded in a half awake response. It is rare that my wife wakes up before me. Only if she wants to wake up before me, does she actually do it. Today was one of those occasions.
    Wait a minute, my appointment is in 30 minutes. I immediately got up and ran in to take a shower. Today is my annual dermatology appointment.
    When I finished with the shower, I text my wife and asked if she left the key for me. Her response was “You had to be tied up to change your cage. You expect me to trust you alone unlocked?” Point taken.
    Unfortunate for me, I have to strip to my underwear for this appointment each year. A quick calculation in my head determined I could we are a pair of black briefs. With how small this cage is, it probably wouldn’t show. Right?
    I went to the appointment and was told to strip down to my underwear. I was the first appointment of the day. The medical assistant said that the doctor was waiting outside so there wasn’t a need for a gown. I stripped down, adjusted and hoped for the best.
    The exam was normal I had to stand up.l in front of both females, but I turned away as she checked the back of my legs. She pulled my waistband back to look at my butt (good thing it’s no plug November haha) and then told me to get dressed as she left. That was close!
    I text my wife about it afterwards. She said next year she will remind me to wear something more see through. Let’s hope she forgets!
  21. loctnloaded

    loctnloaded Active member

    Jun 19, 2019
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    Not a whole lot has been happening lately. We are 10 days from December, and this is the longest I have gone without releasing my fluids in some time. I actually had a difficult time sleeping last night as all I wanted was an erection and just couldn’t have it.

    We haven’t been able to see our friends since that day. Our friend dynamic has definitely changed. We used to only text each other about football. We still talk football, but now we have integrated discussions about our lack of sex lives as well. He did tell me that they had sex at least 3 times every day on their 5 day cruise. But now, he said he is going to be denied “for a while”. He is hoping for release in December. What I would do for 15 orgasms!
    My wife showed me my next cage online. It’s a custom cage which is about 3/4” long. That will be the smallest cage I have ever been in. We spoke about the possibility of going smaller. She said that she doesn’t want to get completely away from our sexual nature but this past 60+ days have been nice. She feels that if we go with a smaller cage, we will have sex less often. If that is the case, I don’t want a smaller cage!

    My suspicions are confirmed. In December, I will be waxed. All she is telling me right now is that she has an appointment set with the woman that does her treatments. She has been going to her for the last 10 years. I was told not to worry, I wouldn’t be the first guy she waxed.
  22. Stephplayswithyou

    Stephplayswithyou Long term member

    Apr 18, 2022
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    You said they had sex 3x/day every day on the cruise, but did he actually say he had an orgasm each time?
  23. loctnloaded

    loctnloaded Active member

    Jun 19, 2019
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    I asked him if he orgasmed each time and he said yes. Jealous!
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  24. loctnloaded

    loctnloaded Active member

    Jun 19, 2019
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    My wife and I had sex last night. This was unlike any other sex that I have ever had. Remember, she doesn’t want to see me naked until after the end of the month.

    she came up to me as I was working on my laptop and told me she needed an orgasm like no one’s business. I told her I would love to please her with my tongue as we walked to the bedroom. She told me that wouldn’t do, she needed penetrated hard. When we got to the bedroom, there was a latex bodysuit on the bed. She instructed me to strip down and put the suit on. On top of the suit, I was to put on a tight pair of latex underwear. She didn’t want me to start getting hard in the cage. Once I got dressed, she would come in.

    The suit was tight. It felt like nothing I ever had on before. It is a full body suit, so the only skin that was visible was above my neck. It even had hands and feet covered. When she came in, she handed me the Strapon with a really good sized dildo on it. Realistic looking, made by doc Johnson. She bought some fake cum with it and had lightly heated it up in the microwave to body temp. She said, “Now is the time for you to fuck me like a man.” Normally, she very much takes charge, but this time I was able to do all the moves I see in porn. It was wild. Every 5-10 minutes she would tell me to cum for her and I would spurt the fake cum in her and on her. This happened 4 times in various positions. After she had countless orgasms, she was spent.

    I was instructed to take off the strap on and then clean up the mess. I can honestly say this was my least favorite part. The fake cum tasted like chemicals. It was not satisfying at all. She was however satisfied by the look on my face as I cleaned up her body. We then went to the bathroom and she got in the shower. I was told to join her, but leave everything on. The heat and the steam from the shower over top of the latex was exhilarating. I was getting hotter and hotter as I scrubbed her down. Once she was down, I dried her off and took the suit off and hung it up to dry. Top 5 best sex I have ever had and I didn’t even get an erection or orgasm during the entire thing.
  25. loctnloaded

    loctnloaded Active member

    Jun 19, 2019
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    5 more days left in November. I can’t wait. Deep down, I am a very sexual being. The lack of sexual interaction has me so aroused and frustrated that it isn’t funny. I said to my wife this morning that I cannot wait for November to be over and would do anything to cum. She just responded “Anything huh?”
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