Stressing about chastity device effect on prostate cancer

Discussion in 'Difficulties with wearing a device?' started by Unremarkable Jamie, Apr 27, 2024.

  1. Unremarkable Jamie

    Unremarkable Jamie Active member

    Mar 15, 2018
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    MRI diagnosed prostate cancer in October, follow up in February indicates no spread outside the prostate. Scheduled for surgery in June, but not wearing my Behind Barz is really affecting our sexual intimacy.

    Any thoughts or experiences about how attempted erections in a device might press back up into the prostate and just mechanically shake loose some cancer cells that could end up elsewhere, complicating the whole scenario? Or am I just being overly anxious?

    Also any experiences getting back in to chastity post surgery (RALP)? How long did you wait?

  2. Spankuuuu

    Spankuuuu Long term member

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    Wow sorry to hear that hope all goes well for you. Sorry can’t help with your questions though.
    CuriousRK likes this.
  3. Queens servant73

    Queens servant73 Long term member

    Sep 14, 2020
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    First off, hope everything turns out well and you have a speedy recovery!
    I don’t think erections being pushed back can have any affect on prostate cancer or anything at all.
    I can only provide my evidence that chastity has had on my psa levels, in the last 7 years of TRT and the last 5 years spending the majority of my time locked in a chastity cage, I’ve had bloodwork checked probably close to 20 times in those 7 years and my psa is always about the same. It has very slightly increased between 7 years ago and now, but obviously so has my age. And my level is still way under anything alarming and my doc said I’m at an excellent number.
    I believe that something like 80% of males will develop prostate cancer if they live long enough, and probably wouldn’t be the thing that takes the majority of that 80% out.
    Obviously everyone is different and should consult their doctors if they’re worried.

    Again, wish you a speedy recovery
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  4. atxmtb

    atxmtb Long term member

    Sep 4, 2023
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    I think we all share your concerns. Wishing you the best.

    I wouldn't think a chastity cage affects a diagnosis unless.... It raises your testosterone. I don't know if this is true or not but I find that I'm hornier when I'm wearing the cage. And I do associate horny with testosterone. Does that mean the cage increases testosterone? I don't know. The mental aspect may do something.

    What I've heard is that testosterone acts as a fertilizer for prostate cancer. In other words, it stimulates growth. That typically a urologist will prescribe you something that sucks out all your T to keep the cancer cells from growing. If your urologist hasn't done this, I'd ask why? And I assume that they are monitoring your T levels. Just make sure they are not too high.

    I've heard this too. It happens almost to everyone but fortunately it is the most treatable and is also very slow growing. As cancers go, it's the best. (strange comparison). I hope things go well for you, and that you stay horny.
  5. Zevon

    Zevon Long term member

    Jun 6, 2023
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    No cage caused your cancer. Take that to the bank. More to the real point here, I STRONGLY suggest you do some reading before having that surgery. My wife was diagnosed with Stage 2 B breast cancer July 23 2021. She was within hours of having a masectomy after she panicked at the diagnosis. This is the usual, desired response from the medical murder mafia. Divine intervention from someone we did not know and had never met led us to postpone surgery and educate ourself on cancer, and how to rally control it. Long story short, she is fine now., Biopsies to prove she had cancer, multiple tests to show it is in full remission, Holistically, 100 %. No chemo, no radiation, no surgery. No oncologist either. Just wonderful help from many light warriors, and reading over a dozen books on cancer. She still has her breast, albeit mishapen, and feels great. The tumor does not go away. It shrinks a little, but is just dead tissue now.
    Cancer is a lifestyle problem,, a deficiency problem, Insufficient nutrients, and oxygen . Toxic immune system, acidic body (cancer starts at a ph of 6.7), atrocious diet (SAD- Standard American Diet) loaded with toxic seed oils, polyunsaturated fats, sugar, chemicals ,glysophate, etc. You don't catch cancer,. it develops when you can no longer make ATP by the Krebs cycle and it switches to fermentation due to lack of oxygen and other problems, Cancer is not even a disease, it is a symptom. The tumor is a symptom. Except for skin and uterine cancer , cancer is systemic. Unless it is due to a blockage, or a tumor pushing on a vital organ like the brain, cancer does not kill you. The underlying causes of the cancer, like a toxic liver, lymphatic system kidneys ,gall bladder, etc, or the chemo and radiation are what kills you. Cancer is the body's last ditch attempt to wake you the Eff up and correct what caused the cancer cells to develop .

    This is not just what we have read. We have lived this. Know anyone else who has beat cancer holistically? Neither do we. Neither do we know anyone who knows anyone. But, it is the only thing that is really going to work.
    Here's a few books you should read if you value your body and your life. "World Without Cancer. The Story of B-17", by G. Edward Griffin. "Healing is Voltage", Dr. Jerry Tennant". "Killing Cancer, not People", Bob Wright. "The Enzyme Factor" by Hiromi Shinya, "The Truth About Cancer" , by Ty Bollinger. Read them all. At least twice,. And over 8 other cancer books. Watched lots of podcasts too. All we did for 7 months, and I still read them every week., including this morning. We have talked to Bob Wright multiple times, plus visited Dr. Tennant's clinic in Dallas twice. Make this your life until you get everything back in order.
    One final note. If you are not willing to change your diet and lifestyle, you ain't going to fix anything.
    Good luck
    JaySaysYes and remyruff like this.
  6. atxmtb

    atxmtb Long term member

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    That is true. The question was more about whether there are things he can do or not do that would improve the prognosis. And it's a fair question. You raise some good suggestions.

    Honestly, I think there is a good question about whether a cage is good for existing diagnosis of prostate cancer. I'd know I'd like a study on this.
  7. Stanley39520

    Stanley39520 Member

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    Congratulation on your success. Sometimes wonder if I could have doe the same. instead of the surgery. Would like to know more about where you learned this
    Zevon likes this.
  8. Zevon

    Zevon Long term member

    Jun 6, 2023
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    Everyone can do the same with cancer if they overcome the fear and stay the hell away from the Rockefeller MMM. Good people, and good books. will get you there, and here is all you need.
    Bob Wright helped us a lot, as did his book "Killing Cancer, not People". Dr. Dr. Tony Jimenez spoke to us too, and we watched many of his excellent weekly podcasts. Dr. Tennant in Irving TX is an absolute jewel we have seen twice, and his "Healing is Voltage" original and offshoot books are priceless. Dr. Hiromi Shinyoas "The Enzyme Factor" is the first cancer book we read. G. Edward Griffith's "World Without Cancer, the story of B-17" is as much a must read of his much more famous "The Creature from Jekyll Island". Ty Bollinger's "The Truth about Cancer" is probably the original cancer book that gained rightful fame. Read those, and you will understand the shameless criminal cartel that is the Rockefeller medical murder mafia. BTW, we have read all of those at least twice, and over a half dozen more cancer books. All we did for 7 months, and still reading and rereading today.
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