CB6K mods

Discussion in 'CB Range' started by hobbes221, Jan 31, 2012.

  1. hobbes221

    hobbes221 Member

    Jan 31, 2012
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    I just recently picked up a 6K and found that I could pull out fairly easily with the smallest spacer and the 3rd ring size (that's the smallest I can comfortably and safely wear). I'm looking into a frenum piercing for added security. I don't want to risk losing the ability to pee standing up, hence why I'm not going for the standard PA. I've been thinking of ways to lock a frenum piercing to the cage but they involve modding the actual cage.

    Is it difficult to drill/dremel a 10 or 8 gauge hole through the polycarbonate material without cracking? Also, do any of you have experience gluing things to the cage? I'm thinking of gluing a little piece of plastic to the outside of the cage for a place to attach a lock, but I want the bond to be as strong as possible. I'm sure some glues work better than others in this case. Unfortunately, I don't have much room for experimenting with which glue works and which doesn't because I only have one cage.

    Thanks in advance :) If this frenum mod works, I feel the whole chastity experience will be much more similar to what I imagined it to be like
  2. Bobby

    Bobby Junior Member

    May 21, 2010
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    For drilling, I would use cobalt drill bits, which are meant for drilling into really hard steels like stainless. Start smaller than you need and make a pilot hole. Make sure to go slow (rpm). Then, expand to increasing larger diameter bits until you get the correct size hole.

    As far glues go, my bet would be two part epoxy. Experiment first with one of the rings that don't fit you to see if the material will stick together sufficiently well.

    Good luck!
  3. chloe.2b

    chloe.2b Gurl

    May 17, 2008
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    for glue: you will need something that actually bonds to the material. regular epoxy will work initially, but WILL wear off. While trying to fix my pa5000, i found that the one i needed was a solvent/cement made especially for acrylic. It's called "Weld-on #16" made by IPS corporation. (from Gardena, CA, USA) Worked great, but was a little tricky to put on as it's pretty liquidy and can get all over the place.

    Because it's a solvent, for your health, it's not good to do this in an enclosed space.

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