
  1. PornAddict103

    Adding a room in the chat...

    I was looking at settings in the Chat room this morning and saw an option to create a room. I didn't actually create one, I was just looking at options, but I noticed there was a setting for a password... If I were to leave that field blank, does that mean that anyone logged in chat join the room?
  2. Bees and Honey

    Private message window has vanished

    I found this to be the case a couple of days ago. I have tried 2 browsers and checked they are up to date. When I try the messenger window, on PC or phone, the messenger window contains no profile name and has 2 tabs that say "private" and "Chatrooms" I can use the chatroom as normal on its...
  3. Brat2lck

    Chat rooms, an Important Discussion. Please read this.

    Hello, fellow CM members. I am visiting quite regular the chat rooms lately, and it has come to my attention that many of the discussions in general chat there should not be happening there. I don 't have personally any problem with these discussions, in fact I have probable take part in some...
  4. SubVerity

    Chat-Room Link here: Until we have a working Tab for the chat-room on the main menu this is a neat workaround. Why not paste that link into your signature...