
  1. MH Macdonald

    #InternationalWomensDay - let's increase the number of FLRs out there& make the world a better place

    I am not really one for assigned artificial # day crap but if I am going to at least appreciate one, it would be this, International-Womens-Day (and by extension, Male-Chastity-Day, so that's two!) not least because I am one and because misogyny seems to be on the rise, perhaps because society...
  2. F

    Airport Issues

    Beep! Beep! The metal detector went wild as he tried to pass through. “Could you please step aside,” the female security guard asked Grumbling, he moved over - then again, he expected some difficulty. Chaste males often ran into issues, particularly when they were trying to leave the...
  3. Betamale78

    Kind of leadership in FLR

    Just want to share my 2 cents here, what is the true meaning of FLR? Does paradoxically FLR would lead to a new term such as 'womensplaining' and gender based discrimination like male leadership used to do?
  4. Dr MBogo

    Just learned the term, "Gynarchy"

    I saw this term on another site, and it got me thinking. What if women ran all governments exclusively? And men were routinely submissive to their ladies. Perhaps better yet, if men were routinely locked into chastity after hitting puberty and assigned a key holder? No more wars, perhaps...
  5. subinte

    Hello from Norway

    Hi all. My wife and I live in a FLR. We have lived like this for 2 years now and have been married for 7 years. She, Madame Sime owns me and is in charge of everything in our life. The only place she isn't in charge is at my workplace. There I have a female boss who is in charge. My wife has...
  6. I

    The Academy of Chastity

    ISORA CLARK Founder of the Academy of Chastity I'm a woman in her forties and an active member of Gynarchy. I live by the rules and laws of Female Supremacy. I believe that the secret to optimal health are pleasure and being happy. The world of Gynarcy...