hi all... i m new here

  1. SammyG

    Chastity Virgin

    Hi, glad I’ve found your forum, seems like there is tons of useful info. So I’m naturally submissive, my partner is very vanilla so never really delved into the kink world. I had known about chastity for a while but never mentioned it. Until my partner commented on my masterbation habit and...
  2. Prettysmall


    Seems like everyone I've met so far is older sorry not that there is anything wrong with that but I was wondering if there was anyone here in or around there mid to late 20s
  3. M

    Hi from Germany

    Hi, as it seems to be used to be done here I'd also like to introduce myself. I'm an 18year old virgin chastity slave... well.... or at least this is what I'd love to be again, as I'm single right now... Anyway, looking forward to get to know you all... Greetings, M
  4. Locked Turkish Boi

    Hi everyone!

    Hi everyone! Found this site when lookin 4 sum chastity advices! I think its so usefull <3 Now i can easily find solutions/advices for my problems! From Turkey, with love
  5. LittleTito

    Hello! Long time lurker

    Decided to finally make a profile and come out of my shell. My name is LittleTito, I am a married white male in chaste. I am happy to finally join a community of likeminded people.
  6. Ghanfrooz@1981

    hi all, i m sissy hubby from Kerala, india and looking forward to go further iwith my chastity an.

    hi ,how to change the mundset of indian wifes and pull them in to chastity and FLR life style..