holy trainer v4

  1. Comfortably Numb

    Wanted: Holy trainer V4 nub/nano with PA extension

    I already own the V4 nub and nano, but want to add the PA option. If anyone had one to sell, let me know.
  2. cts00


    I wear a knockoff Holy Trainer v4 Nano. Thinking about downsizing to a Nub. Interested to hear from others who have gone from Nano to Nub. How was the transition? Is it possible to go too small? Besides the shorter penis tube, does the tube/base ring gap change? Any problems?
  3. 101shadesofgrey

    WTB Genuine HT V4 Small

    I am looking for a genuine Holy Trainer V4 in the small tube size with the 45mm ring. I would prefer the clear coloring, but could consider other options depending on pricing. Thank you! 101shadesofgrey
  4. U

    For Sale UK HT v4 small with rings and lock - knockoff version

    For Sale UK HT v4 small tube Black - Holy Trainer with rings and lock this is a knockoff version purchased for sizing purposes and is unfortunately unsuitable Offered at postage cost second class signed foe £4.75 say a fiver Unless you want to make a small donation... Of course all...
  5. Corncob420

    Holy Trainer V4 small with 3 rings for sale

    Selling Holy Trainer V4 set, cage was used only one time. 2 cages - both is small sizes - one cage is sanded down, and the other untouched. 3 rings sizes - 55, 50, and 45 ring asking for $210 (paid almost $300). I’ll be happy to cover shipping costs.
  6. Chavez_Vegan

    Excited to be here! (but not TOO excited)

    I've been visiting this forum regularly for the past few months to read about members' experiences with chastity and the posts have been REALLY helpful in guiding my own journey. It took me some trial and error to figure out a comfortable size and device. I'm currently switching between a Holy...
  7. D

    Holy Trainer v4 + CB-6000s + Extras for $80

    Look at what you can get for only $80 Holy Trainer v4 Small CB-6000s + Points of Intrigue + Anti-pullout If
  8. D

    Holy Trainer v4 + CB-6000S + Accessories

    Holy Trainer v4 + CB-6000S + Accessories $110 for everything (includes UPS shipping) Holy Trainer v4 options include: 45mm (1 3/4") Ring Small Tube Clear Color Accessories include punishment pins and anti-pullout inserts for the CB-6000S
  9. davidbs90

    Holy Trainer Small V4 - Black

    Hello, I am selling a small Holy Trainer v4. This device was only worn once or twice. Mistress decided she liked the original cage. Holy Trainer Small V4 - Black Ring is 45mm. Tube is a small. Has both the keys and lock. Attaching photos below. Price: $100 Seller is in the United States and...
  10. O

    Holy Trainer and chafing / vs metal devices

    Very new to this and decided to drop a lot of cash on the holy trainer which I understood to be high quality. I am only a day in but one thing I’ve noticed was some chafing / burning sensation that I feel on the bottom of the scrotum where the ring makes contact with the skin. Applied some...
  11. Butterflykisses

    V3 or V4 Nub?

    What do you prefer the v3 or v4? My sissy is locked in the v4 nub in pink he likes the wider ring and pee hole! I think the v3 was a tighter fit tho...
  12. G

    First time in Chastity, The beginning of my journey

    Hi there all. I have been fantasizing about being locked in for a couple of years, but never found a way to really express my feeling to my lovely wife. She has mildly expressed disappointment with how long I take to cum sometimes, which she knows is because I can't leave it alone. Anyway...A...
  13. Sissy-Jessy

    HolyTrainer v4 nano with anti-pullout device

    As a grower, it has been too easy for me to exit the HT cages from the top when flacid. Good news: with some minor modifications, the v2 anti-pullout device is really effective with the HTv4 tube. You have to adjust the pins lenght to fit your anatomy and once in place no way to escape. Once...
  14. Noah B.

    HT v3 extended sheath causing irritation

    Hi everyone! Newbie to the site here. Wondering what other's experiences have been using the HT v3. I personally love it aside from one annoying feature. The sheath extends too far behind the ring and presses against my pelvis while sitting. Over the course of the day (desk job) the "U"...
  15. T

    Does a smaller ring prevent nocturnal erections better?

    I am wearing the holy trainer v4 24x7 these days and I am super comfortable in the day. While my nights are not painful they are uncomfortable and my sleep quality not so good. I have noticed that my penis remains flaccid but its base engorges and pushes the cage down which squeezes the balls...
  16. Peter Rabbit

    Holy Trainer version 4

    Ok folks, I’m going to post photos of the new Holy Trainer version 4. I’m hoping some of you with eagle eyes can point out the differences. It was announced today, and is up on their website: The Prince Albert tether And here’s the version 3 for your comparison.