
  1. Pneuma

    BDSM, Psychology & Therapy

    This short life story of mine was inspired by a curious question leading to a series of questions regarding therapy as a fetish. I don't blog as often as I'd like anymore. This one was struck very sudden and powerful and it lined up perfectly with re-re-re...joining CM. I hope it finds you well...
  2. M

    Opinion: Slavery

    Yes, the S word. People don't like this word these days. Even in computing you have advocates for doing away with Master-Slave jargon in favor of Primary-Secondary and the like. But the reality is, this femdom male chastity FLR life style DOES create a Master/Mistress-Slave dynamic. The...
  3. iome343


    I am curious to know (mainly from the KHs) if the use of the cage also has an aesthetic value, in your choice. Let me explain. I believe that a flaccid penis is uninspiring to the eye, however, it is a condition that covers most of a man's day. On the other hand, the availability of cages of...
  4. Breathe

    The Power of Perception

    Tons of excellent content can be found on this channel, but I thought this video in particular was rather intriguing. I find this to be a fascinating social concept that seems to have supporting evidence everywhere you turn. We humans truly are complex, seemingly impossible creatures. I won't...