
  1. T


    I would like to ask one thing and that is about penis shrinking in the chastity cage. I know the shrinking is not permanent I just wonder how long I have to wear the cage to see the penis shrink. The length of the cage is 1.57 inch (40mm) Penis length is 4.33 inch (11cm) soft...
  2. B

    M 21 new to chastity has question

    Hi to everyone I never used any chastity devices but they really turn me on. I often see those micro chastity cages and I would love to wear one of those. I would like to know if it is possible to wear a micro chastity in my situation. My penis is 12-14 cm (4.7-5.5 inches) when flaccid and...
  3. S

    Big frustrating question

    Hi All, I've decided to start my own journal to answer one question where it seems there is a lot of dispute: does the penis get smaller after being confined in small cages for long periods of time (with continuous wear and no breaks for rest, cleaning, whatever). I have looked both on this...
  4. Blue Eyes

    Chastity Cage Shrinkage/Pullout Issue

    Hello everyone, Two days ago I ordered my first chastity cage, the CBX Mini Me, and till now enjoyed it quite a bit. I'm still playing around with finding the perfect ring/spacer combination, but I've stumbled upon one problem. When I was originally measuring myself for the cage I ended up...
  5. longtallsally

    Making measurement embarrassing?

    Hi, I'm a relatively new key holder. One of the concerns my partner had, before agreeing to be caged for anything more than a day or so at a time, was that he would shrink. I responded that I would take it out every so often and measure it. I know that makes his stomach flip, I guess because...
  6. longtallsally

    New kh question: Will it shrink? Are erections different?

    Yet another silly question, but this one feels quite important. Is the shrinkage thing real? I mean, really-real, not fantasy-real? I need honesty here, and preferably sources! And if so, how much time does he have to be locked to have an effect? And would it affect the flaccid length only, or...
  7. G

    New, smaller cage

    Today, I drove two hours in my car, knowing that when I made my destination, a permanent, zero unlock, zero orgasm period of exactly 8 months and four weeks would end. My mind was full of thoughts about what lay ahead, what my future would hold and how I would cope. The event itself was almost...
  8. G

    New SMALLER cage

    Today, earlier than expected my new cage arrived. Same type, smaller size. The start of my key holders obvious intentions. I've been instructed not to open it up and arrange to give it to her to swap it over. When she swaps them it will be the only, brief moment I will have been unlocked in...
  9. G

    Permanent downsizing -Things to come

    Today I've been locked for 231 days. The cage has never been off. I was told its a permanent, no unlocks, zero orgasm state. Then there was talk of a brief unlock for me at the one year anniversary. The cost of that, though was being kicked in the balls. I would have time to process and accept...
  10. Dillen Chau

    Shrinking Mission

    I know that chastity can't cause permanent shrinking, at least not normally, but I'm trying to shrink my penis down so that I can fit the The Flat Gatling Chastity Cage on myself, which is only 0.63 in. Right now, my penis is at around 3.5 inches when flaccid, and I'm using a 1.97 in chastity...
  11. J


    So I am a big guy, and I love chastity, but have never been able to wear a cage for more than a day or two. Most times, my penis shrinks into the fat around it, and I know this is called turtling. The problem is that at this point only the scrotum is ensuring everything stays in place. The...
  12. Axx

    New Year's 2 year challenge

    ** New year, 2 year challenge! ** I've been into chastity for a while. Since about 20. So almost 10 years. But the past 2 or 3 got me really into it more. My wife and I have always just kinda played around with chastity. But to the point of leaving the cage one for a few weeks or a month. Then...
  13. Lady Jessica's Danny

    Graduating to a smaller cage?

    Hey everyone, I was thinking about giving a try to a smaller stainless device when I wondered; do we move towards smaller cages because it's actually shrinking in there? Or are we getting to wearing it and adapting as we go? I personally believe it to be more the latter, but would love to...
  14. Peter Rabbit

    How much have you shrunk?

    My cages keep shrinking. How much have you shrunk over the years? In 2014, I was in a 2.5” long by 1-3/8” ID Contender ball-trap cage. In 2018, I was stepped down to a 2” long by 1-1/4” ID Contender. In 2017, I got my 1-1/4” ID Glans Armor 2 cage, and I thought I filled it well. This...
  15. Prettysmall


    I want to shrink my cock a few inches to where it's basically useless any ideas thanks
  16. PupGizmo

    Emlalock missing... humiliation (NSFW pics)

    Despite my body's many protests, I've become hooked on chastity over this summer. And while I've really enjoyed Emlalock as a platform, I find that all the potential built in to its system (wheels, requirments, votings, pillory) get underutilized for deep humiliation play. It really needs that...