
  1. Locked For Health Goals

    Locked For Health Goals - Wife-assisted fitness

    Hi there, new user here. My wife and I are currently working on a project together as a couple with my body as the subject. The goal is to reduce my weight to around 90kg, have me start jogging, and improve my wellbeing. I am kept in a male chastity device to ensure my accountability to her and...
  2. Slave to Wife

    Blue balls

    Ever have a day where your chaste balls feel about 10 pounds heavier from being so horny without relief and plus they have to bear the weight of your balltrap chastity device? At work yesterday, I hated whenever I had to walk because of the blue-balls torture (but, as you all know, liked it at...
  3. A

    Is working out possible with Jailbird???

    I am about to order a jailbird for 24/7 wear. My question to all you people currently in a Jailbird. Is this going to hinder me from being active. I walk and move around a lot. Go to the gym from time to time and want to get in better shape. I would hate if the chastity devise made it to where I...