Body Adjusting


Sep 2, 2022
Dallas Texas USA body is adjusting to the cage I have. Smaller rings that didn't fit are becoming a real option. Overall, it's so comfortable that I can forget I have it on. (Except for the inevitable early mornings that come with chastity in general.)

My issue is that with one testicle being very small...during the day it can slip out of the 50mm ring. Switching to the 45mm solves that and yet then is almost unbearable in the early morning. I need a 47.5! Hahaha.

My solution I guess is more time with the 45mm and bide my time till my body adjusts. Any thoughts?
That is what i did.
Today is 8 months in my HTv4
Started in the Maxi and 55 mm ring today in the nub and 45 mm ring.
The reality is i was afraid ro start that small.
Been a great journey.
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sounds like this may be the ball gap rather than the ring size, thats the gap between the bottom of the ring and the bottom of the cage entrance. What device do you have? if its stainless steel it should be possible to bend the cage downwards slightly to close that gap, you can do the same with some plastics eg Holytrainier by leaving them in hot water to become softer then bending them.
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Try hot swapping on waking and before sleep. I did this for ages. I'd have a larger cage and looser ring for night, then compact for day. The night setup was loose enough that I could move in it, but not so loose that it was easy to get off or masturbate.
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