Covid-19 and Life

Singapore and Qatar had some of the highest jab rates in the world and relied on Moderna and Pfizer mRNA.

A normal person would look at this and ask the obvious question: why are so many people dying?

I mean, an excess mortality of just 5% would be of grave concern. 37% is off the charts catastrophic. It is a mass die off unless it halts.

What is even more stunning is the complete and total silence on the matter.

I can't tell you how many people I know that are dying these days. Age is certainly part of it, but the acceleration has been dizzying.
Major Oxford-Backed Study Reveals Strict Chinese Coronavirus Lockdowns NO MORE EFFECTIVE Than Sweden’s Open-Economy Approach During Plandemic
A major study backed by Oxford University has suggested that strict Chinese Coronavirus lockdowns were no more effective at reducing infections than the Swedish-style softer approach, which allowed more personal freedom and recommended rather than mandated behaviors aimed at reducing the transmission of the virus.

This conclusion challenges the tyrannical lockdowns adopted by many countries, including the US, during the Chinese Coronavirus plandemic.

You’ll recall that while the US shut down all commerce for years and destroyed the economy, Sweden took a different approach to the Chinese Coronavirus plandemic on the first wave of the Chinese Coronavirus than most other countries and just allowed the China coronavirus to run its course. Instead of shutting down businesses, the government relied on voluntary measures and recommendations to slow the spread of the virus. These measures included social distancing, working from home, and avoiding gatherings of more than 50 people.

The research, published in the prestigious journal Nature Human Behavior, challenges the widely held belief that stringent lockdowns are the most effective strategy to control the spread of the Chinese Coronavirus.


Major Oxford-Backed Study Reveals Strict Chinese Coronavirus Lockdowns NO MORE EFFECTIVE Than Sweden’s Open-Economy Approach During Plandemic
View attachment 70038
A major study backed by Oxford University has suggested that strict Chinese Coronavirus lockdowns were no more effective at reducing infections than the Swedish-style softer approach, which allowed more personal freedom and recommended rather than mandated behaviors aimed at reducing the transmission of the virus.

This conclusion challenges the tyrannical lockdowns adopted by many countries, including the US, during the Chinese Coronavirus plandemic.

You’ll recall that while the US shut down all commerce for years and destroyed the economy, Sweden took a different approach to the Chinese Coronavirus plandemic on the first wave of the Chinese Coronavirus than most other countries and just allowed the China coronavirus to run its course. Instead of shutting down businesses, the government relied on voluntary measures and recommendations to slow the spread of the virus. These measures included social distancing, working from home, and avoiding gatherings of more than 50 people.

The research, published in the prestigious journal Nature Human Behavior, challenges the widely held belief that stringent lockdowns are the most effective strategy to control the spread of the Chinese Coronavirus.


we will likely never even comprehend the staggering loss of life, commerce and opportunities due to this fiasco.

Worst mistake in human history.
On The Horizon: mRNA On Steroids - The Deadliest Vaccine Brew Yet
If you thought mRNA injections were the craziest thing the vaccine industry has cooked up, you haven't seen the half of it yet. This new shit is like mRNA, but on steroids, causing your cells to churn out replication-competent live viruses! What could possibly go wrong?

  • “Immunization DNA” or iDNA is a novel class of gene therapy “vaccines” that encodes for THE WHOLE VIRUS;
  • iDNA “vaccines” transcribe the full-length genomic RNA of the live-attenuated vaccine virus. The full-length viral RNA then initiates replication of live attenuated virus in the tissues of the “vaccine” recipient, supposedly resulting in an immune response;
  • The iDNA platform can be used to create vaccines in two different ways. You can either grow the iDNA in a culture to produce the vaccine in the conventional way, or you can inject the iDNA directly into the recipient and allow the body to produce the live attenuated virus internally;
  • The first human trials for an iDNA shot that codes for a live virus could begin as early as 2024; and
  • In early April 2023, microbiologist Kevin McKernan reported he’d discovered DNA fragments in the mRNA shots made by Pfizer and Moderna, raising concerns about the possibility of genomic integration, autoimmune diseases and cancer. McKernan now reports having found a dose relationship between the load of DNA contamination and serious adverse events.
This is crazy shit: It’s like mRNA, but on steroids. Rather than instructing your cells to produce a small portion, the spike protein of a given virus, iDNA products instruct cells to produce the complete virus in its entirety. As described in U.S. Patent 8691563B2:

The iDNA generates live attenuated vaccines in eukaryotic cells in vitro or in vivo for pathogenic RNA viruses ... When iDNA is injected into the vaccine recipient, RNA of live attenuated virus is generated by in vivo transcription in the recipient's tissues.

This initiates production of progeny attenuated viruses in the tissues of the vaccine recipient, as well as elicitation of an effective immune response protecting against wild-type, non-attenuated virus."

What could possibly go wrong?


And NO ONE can predict or study what all of the interactions are of all these shots. Once you take, say, two or three medications, what's happening in your body can be anyone's guess.
Immunity from chicken pox after you get it is not life long. You needed to be exposed to it periodically to keep your immunity. With the advent of chicken pox vaccines, that population of kids with it no longer exists. Ergo its (much more deadly) cousin shingles evolved to be a real problem. Never was before the advent of the chicken pox vaccine. Got this from RFK Jr.
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Longer COVID School Closures Linked To Youth Suicide Rates

Researchers have found that longer Chinese Coronavirus school closures were associated with more emergency department youth suicidality visits.

The report, published on JAMA Network Open on Nov. 10, was led by researchers from the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School.

"This cohort study found an association between longer school closures in the public health response to the COVID-19 pandemic and increases in youth suicidality," the authors wrote, adding that further investigation is needed so that "policy regarding school closures may better align with the mental health needs of youth."

See:,pandemic included widespread school closures.

*** AND ***

UK Study: The More You Followed Draconian ‘Covid Restrictions’ the Worse Your Mental Health Is Faring Today
Once again, the so-called ‘conspiracy theorists’, a.k.a. ‘people who did their own research’, are getting vindicated over the gullible, obedient face-diapered people who ‘trusted the science’ – unaware it was just propaganda – and entrusted crooked $ Big Pharma $ with their health and even their life, many times to tragic results.

The ultra left-leaning rag, The Guardian, actually reported today:

“Those who followed the restrictions most closely when the pandemic hit are the most likely to be suffering from stress, anxiety and depression, academics at Bangor University have found.

[…] However, people with ‘agentic’ personalities – who are more independent, more competitive and like to have control over their lives – were least likely to exhibit those behaviors.

‘The more individuals complied with health advice during lockdown, the worse their wellbeing post-lockdown’, concluded Dr Marley Willegers and colleagues.”

The study looked at ‘how compliant with the rules’ 1,729 people in Wales were during the first UK-wide lockdown in March to September 2020. They cross-referenced this data with measurement of stress, anxiety and depression found among these same people.

Something tells me we will all be better off if the Branch Covidian church of St. Fauchist finally come to their collective senses and the follow Jonestown example!


interesting study about the efficacy of the covid vaccines which is provoded by this website. It is very informative.

I read it at work from time to time, if I am not too busy.
And of course I had to check the story about the miscarriages.
I couldt find anything about this extreme development here in Germany.

The statistische Bundesamt says that the number of stillborn is rising since 2010. But not with to percentage of 8 percent or so.
See the charts for a closer look.

Red: germany
Blue: easterngermany with berlin included
Black: western germany

Black: all women
Red: women with german passsport
Blue: women without german passport

Which trainee ever wrote the promille in percentage needs to get a gilden traineemedal.

So there doesnt seem to be a connection between vaccination against covid
and stillborn babies.

Since Dr. Bliss has been cited with miscarriages and not explicitely stillborn, I also checked this and here it is not possible to find any solid data, since many children already die in the first trimenon.
A reason why one shouldnt tell others of the pregnancy. This is like this since decades. Many of those miscarriages happen unrecognized.

The propability of a miscarriage is depending from age. Young women have less miscarriages (7 %) than older ones (30%). So it is not possible to give a straight answer. But the literature seems to give about 10 to 20 percent of miscarriages.

This is really much I thought, but I always found the same answers.

So the USUAL propability of a miscarriage is way higher than promoted from Dr. Bliss.

In germany we call it a Fehlgeburt ( Miscarriage) , if the foetus is under 500g and under a certain (20?) pregnancy week.
Everything above is a Totgeburt (stillborn).

I am not sure, what she is meaning and if you mix these numbers together in US and so you get completely different definitions and percentages.

To compare: miscarriages are in percent, stillborns in promille.

She speaks of 4 percent, or better this strange WND site, that immediately after you go to the website forces you to donate for superjournalism, to be normal.
30 which she claims to be unnormal are normal for miscarriages.

As you see in the above mentioned, 4 percent doesnt fit. Either to less (misscarriages) or to many (stillborns). So there seems to be a failure somewhere.

I have some idea to be honest. (hint: donate button)

I guess she means the 4 permille amongst stillborns. As you can see in the official data from statista, there isnt such an excess in stillborns here. Steadily rising but no dramatic jump like doubling.

How is this to be read and explained?

It is known that several ethnic groups have a higher chance in getting severly ill from corona. So maybe they also got more severe sideeffects from the jab.
I dont know how the ethnical mixture is in florida.

Did american women get jabs more often, compared to germans?

Or are there other reasons for the dramatic rise?
Are american women tending to be more obese than others, besides chromosomal defects THE reason for an abort. Do they smoke, drink alcohol and so on? Do they take other medication? Influence from physical things? Heat? Stress? What ever? Poverty?

Is she a bad Doctor? A not so much Expat?
Maybe it is not true what she was telling. Maybe she has some "friends", which do her a small benefit for her story.
Maybe she wants to fill up her wallet? (donate button)

Maybe also the website has some interests.
Just mentioning.

And to complete it I found a graph about stillborns in US.

Unfortunatedly it stops 2020 at 5.8 permille or so. Hm didnt Dr Bliss say 4%?
Is there a coincidence or a unlucky fault?
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It’s Not Just the U.S. Government – Moderna Is Also Spying on You!
A new report by found that Moderna has been spying on Americans and shutting down discourse with the help of Big Tech and the US government.

Moderna is monitoring a massive range of mainstream media and independent media to shut down anything that might undermine vaccine policy and $Big Pharma$ propaganda.

Moderna is even using “Talkwalker” artificial intelligence to monitor vaccine-related conversations across 150 million websites in nearly 200 countries.

New documents reveal BIG PHARMA’s attempt to control the vaccine debate.

Several days ago reported:

The most important thing for Moderna is that people keep having their jabs. Smart ads are part of that. But more important is to push back aggressively against any prevailing anti-vax narrative and engage where possible in any discussions around vaccine policy. That’s where the Moderna disinformation department comes in.

Behind the scenes, the marketing arm of the company has been working with former law enforcement officials and public health officials to monitor and influence vaccine policy. Key to this is a drug industry-funded NGO called Public Good Projects. According to documents we have seen, PGP works closely with social media platforms, government agencies and news websites to confront the “root cause of vaccine hesitancy” by rapidly identifying and “shutting down misinformation”. A network of 45,000 healthcare professionals are given talking points “and advice on how to respond when vaccine misinformation goes mainstream”, according to an email from Moderna.

Moderna’s disinformation arm is perpetuating the public discourse wars that have been raging since early in the pandemic, aimed at shutting down anything that might undermine Covid-19-related policies, including lockdowns and efforts to encourage mass vaccinations. These documents provide a new window into the process that has roiled speech debates over the last three years.

With PGP, Moderna is monitoring a huge range of mainstream outlets, as well as unconventional ones, such as the Steam online gaming community and Medium. Meanwhile, Moderna also retains Talkwalker which uses its “Blue Silk” artificial intelligence to monitor vaccine-related conversations across 150 million websites in nearly 200 countries. Discussions around “competitor” issues, including discussions of Pfizer are flagged as well as vaccine hesitancy.

Their monitoring team includes Moderna’s global intelligence division, which is run by Nikki Rutman, who spent nearly 20 years as an analyst with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Rutman was working from the FBI’s Boston office during the COVID-19 effort known as “Operation Warp Speed”, which involved the FBI conducting weekly cybersecurity meetings with the Boston headquartered Moderna. She is among many former law enforcement agents now with the vaccine maker. The involvement of former law enforcement reflects a wider trend in the misinformation-space, as the Department of Homeland Security and FBI have increasingly leaned on social media platforms to shape content decisions as a national security issue.”

“... Ask your physician if sudden death is right for you. ...”
Control is part of the new concept of slavery. With knowledge of your habits they attract you to the idea that they are helping you, sneaky methodology! Reminds me of what a couch potato is, somebody who will not and eventually cannot think for themselves. Privacy is now imaginary! Screw 1984.

Are Chinese Coronavirus Jab Deaths Being Covered Up?
  • The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) does not meet its own standards, and safety signals are not being addressed;
  • Before the Chinese Coronavirus plandemic, VAERS received an average of 60,000 adverse event reports after vaccination each year. In the first year of the rollout of the experimental gene therapies against the Chinese Coronavirus (2021), reports skyrocketed to 1 million. By the end of October 2023, the number of reports associated with the Chinese Coronavirus shots was 1,605,764, and nearly 1 in 5 of those reports involves a “serious” adverse event;
  • The U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which share responsibility for VAERS, insist these data in no way reflect a potential problem with the Chinese Coronavirus shots;
  • Filing a VAERS report is a time-consuming process. It can take several hours for a trained medical professional to fill out a single report, and this is time that cannot be billed to anyone. As a result, side effects, including deaths, are massively underreported; and
  • VAERS has a public front end and a private back end that public users aren’t allowed to see. The public database only contains the initial reports. Corrections and updates on outcomes go into the private-facing end. As a result, we have no idea how many of the injuries have resulted in death after an initial report was filed. The death count we see when we look at VAERS is the number of reports filed where death was the reason for filing the report in the first place. This “dual system” can leave the public with the false impression that deaths are less common than they are. We also don’t know how many injuries end up progressing and resulting in permanent disability, or how many of them resolve.


Are Chinese Coronavirus Jab Deaths Being Covered Up?

    • The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) does not meet its own standards, and safety signals are not being addressed;
    • Before the Chinese Coronavirus plandemic, VAERS received an average of 60,000 adverse event reports after vaccination each year. In the first year of the rollout of the experimental gene therapies against the Chinese Coronavirus (2021), reports skyrocketed to 1 million. By the end of October 2023, the number of reports associated with the Chinese Coronavirus shots was 1,605,764, and nearly 1 in 5 of those reports involves a “serious” adverse event;
    • The U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which share responsibility for VAERS, insist these data in no way reflect a potential problem with the Chinese Coronavirus shots;
    • Filing a VAERS report is a time-consuming process. It can take several hours for a trained medical professional to fill out a single report, and this is time that cannot be billed to anyone. As a result, side effects, including deaths, are massively underreported; and
    • VAERS has a public front end and a private back end that public users aren’t allowed to see. The public database only contains the initial reports. Corrections and updates on outcomes go into the private-facing end. As a result, we have no idea how many of the injuries have resulted in death after an initial report was filed. The death count we see when we look at VAERS is the number of reports filed where death was the reason for filing the report in the first place. This “dual system” can leave the public with the false impression that deaths are less common than they are. We also don’t know how many injuries end up progressing and resulting in permanent disability, or how many of them resolve.

do even the most diehard shot takers believe what they are being told any more?

and the relative quiet we see right now is just the bad guys reloading.

Yet Another Study Shows Natural Immunity Is Better Than “Vaccination” Protection From Chinese Coronavirus

People with protection against Chinese Coronavirus following recovery from the illness were better protected than those who received a Chinese Coronavirus “vaccine”, according to a new study from Estonia published on November 21st.

People who received a vaccine were nearly five times as likely as the naturally immune to test positive for Chinese Coronavirus during the Delta era and 1.1 times as likely to test positive for the WuFlu during the Omicron era, researchers in Estonia found.

The vaccinated were also seven times as likely to be admitted to a hospital for Chinese Coronavirus amid the spread of the Delta variant and two times as likely to be admitted to a hospital during the Omicron period, when compared with the naturally immune, the researchers found.

"Our study showed that natural immunity offers stronger and longer-lasting protection against infection, symptoms, and hospitalization compared to vaccine-induced immunity," Dr. Anneli Uusküla, with the Department of Family Medicine and Public Health at the University of Tartu, and her co-authors wrote.

By now everyone who's been paying attention knows that the mRNA jabs were and are the real bioweapons, not the seasonal flu which got rebranded as “Covid” in order to institutionalize and propagandize fear.



Yet Another Study Shows Natural Immunity Is Better Than “Vaccination” Protection From Chinese Coronavirus

People with protection against Chinese Coronavirus following recovery from the illness were better protected than those who received a Chinese Coronavirus “vaccine”, according to a new study from Estonia published on November 21st.

People who received a vaccine were nearly five times as likely as the naturally immune to test positive for Chinese Coronavirus during the Delta era and 1.1 times as likely to test positive for the WuFlu during the Omicron era, researchers in Estonia found.

The vaccinated were also seven times as likely to be admitted to a hospital for Chinese Coronavirus amid the spread of the Delta variant and two times as likely to be admitted to a hospital during the Omicron period, when compared with the naturally immune, the researchers found.

"Our study showed that natural immunity offers stronger and longer-lasting protection against infection, symptoms, and hospitalization compared to vaccine-induced immunity," Dr. Anneli Uusküla, with the Department of Family Medicine and Public Health at the University of Tartu, and her co-authors wrote.

By now everyone who's been paying attention knows that the mRNA jabs were and are the real bioweapons, not the seasonal flu which got rebranded as “Covid” in order to institutionalize and propagandize fear.


Funny how the writers of this study are STILL trying to to throw a bone at the drug companies.

“But if you are in cohort 74, with left handed injections, and you are exposed to this variant AND you also carry a bag lunch, you’ll be ok. So, your mileage may vary”.

Pfizer and BioNTech Announce Positive Topline Data for mRNA-based Combination Vaccine Program Against Influenza and Chinese Coronavirus
From the press release:
  • Lead formulations evaluated in the Phase 1/2 study demonstrated robust immune responses to influenza A, influenza B, and SARS-CoV-2 strains;
  • Safety profile of the mRNA-based combination vaccine candidates consistent with the companies’ COVID-19 vaccine; (woo-who - That sounds impressive); and
  • The companies plan to start a pivotal Phase 3 trial in the coming months.
They figure ... they’ll get you one way ... another ...



Pfizer and BioNTech Announce Positive Topline Data for mRNA-based Combination Vaccine Program Against Influenza and Chinese Coronavirus
From the press release:

    • Lead formulations evaluated in the Phase 1/2 study demonstrated robust immune responses to influenza A, influenza B, and SARS-CoV-2 strains;
    • Safety profile of the mRNA-based combination vaccine candidates consistent with the companies’ COVID-19 vaccine; (woo-who - That sounds impressive); and
    • The companies plan to start a pivotal Phase 3 trial in the coming months.
They figure ... they’ll get you one way ... another ...


I’d love to know: Are/is Pfizer indemnified for flu shots as well? The ramifications seem high for the answer to that.

wasn’t an “emergency” needed for Covid shots? Is there a flu emergency?

maybe this will be the downfall the drug companies. Maybe they get sued for mRNA flu shots?

*** So Sad - So Sad ***

CDC Issues Warning: Just 14 Percent Of US Adults Have Received An Updated Chinese Coronavirus “Vaccine”

The number of Americans complying with the Center for Disinformation and Confusion’s (CDC) latest Chinese Coronavirus “vaccine” recommendation has dramatically waned, the federal agency warns.

According to CDC data, approximately 14 percent of US adults have received the latest Chinese Coronavirus jab that became available in the fall.

In other words, a whopping 86 percent of Americans don’t trust Sleepy, Creepy, Crazy, Perverted Uncle Joe’s administration’s agenda and see through one of the biggest scams ever forced on the public.

COVID-19 vaccine uptake is lower than we’d like to see, and most people will be without the added protection that can reduce the severity of COVID-19,” the federal agency warned in a Nov. 22 statement.

It is critical that this population get vaccinated to protect themselves against severe outcomes from COVID-19,” the CDC continued. “The bad news is that more than two-thirds of older adults have not gotten an updated COVID-19 vaccine and they need this added protection.”

It has been reported that only 50 people participated in human trials of the latest Chinese Coronavirus shot. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the so-called vaccine after primarily testing its effects on animals.

The hoardes of illegal aliens entering our country are not vaxed. (Estimated to be in the millions!) Is that a dead giveaway? Do "they" want Americans dead, maimed, and/or infertile, while the new low wage worker-bees need to be healthy so they can replace American citizens in the work force? Just a thought.


"Inconvenient Correlations" is a series of clips , roughly 2 hours, about a number of things, but mainly plandemic related. For a very quick walk down memory lane of the time sequence from the Chinese finding a few unusual pneumonia cases to SARS to Covid to here's a PCR test that works for it to worldwide approval of it to a worldwide plandemic declaration in 25 days, go to minute 49. As the narrator concludes, this was all bullshit, and premeditated.
Japanese Study Shows Females And Young Adults At Higher Risk Of Chinese Coronavirus Vaccine Side Effects
Females and young adults are at an increased risk of suffering from side effects after Chinese Coronavirus vaccinations. People who take three doses as compared to two may present different side effects, a Japanese study finds.

The study published in Scientific Reports in November studied 272 hospital employees who received the Pfi$er vaccine as a second dose between January to June 2022.

None of the participants had a prior history of Chinese Coronavirus infection, and all of their symptoms were examined and diagnosed by doctors at the hospital.

They found "higher frequencies of Chinese Coronavirus vaccine-related side effects" and "worse outcomes with longer recovery from side effects" among females and younger adults compared to males and elderly adults, the authors wrote.

The authors of the study also found different side effects were linked with different doses, and the side effects after third dose tend to be more long-lasting and severe compared to the second dose.

Axillary pain occurs much more frequently in people who have taken three doses as opposed to two. Headaches and joint pain is a side effect that tends to be prolonged following the third dose compared to the second or the first dose.

At the second dose common symptoms include asthma symptoms, ear fullness, numbness in the upper arm, and injection at the injecting site.

The authors associated the symptoms that occurred after the second vaccine dose with an allergic response while headaches and joint pains after the third dose were linked with inflammation and immune dysregulation.

Females at higher risk? No cries of misogyny from the left?

Adding spike proteins to fight a virus with spike proteins is sort of like solving a mouse infestation by bringing in more mice, theorizing the extra mice will attract more cats, and they will eventually solve your mouse problem.

Maybe, but at the cost of destroying your entire house from the side effects of too many cats and too many mice!


Merchant of Death & Disability, Pfi$er, Files Lawsuit Against Poland for Declining Chinese Coronavirus “Vaccines”
Pfi$er has filed a lawsuit against the Polish government for missing payments for over 60 million doses of the Chinese Coronavirus “vaccine.”

The pharmaceutical giant filed the lawsuit after Poland allegedly could not fulfill its contract for Chinese Coronavirus “vaccines.”

Poland was locked into buying excess “vaccines” after the European Commission had Poland sign a controversial contract in 2021.

In total, Pfi$er is seeking $1.5 billion in compensation for 60 million doses of the Chinese Coronavirus vaccine Poland declined.

In 2022, the Polish Health Minister at the time, Adam Niedzielski, declared the country had stopped taking vaccine deliveries from Pfi$er.

He said Poland initiated a force “majeure clause” in the contract, claiming Poland was not financially capable of honoring the contract due to an increase of refugees from the Ukraine war.

According to Politico,

U.S. pharmaceutical giant Pfizer is taking the Polish government to court over missing payments for 60 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine it developed with BioNTech.

The lawsuit, which comes as Poland prepares for a change in government following its October election, marks the culmination of a 19-month struggle between Warsaw and Pfizer over a glut of vaccine doses.

But the roots of the clash can be traced back further: to the enormous 1.1 billion-dose contract the European Commission signed with Pfizer in 2021, which has become controversial for the reported exchange of text messages between Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla in the run-up to negotiations.

Pfizer and BioNTech are seeking to hold Poland to its commitments for COVID-19 vaccine orders placed by the Polish Government, as part of their contract to supply the European Union signed in May 2021,” a spokesperson for Pfizer told POLITICO, adding that BioNTech is also joining the proceedings.
