interesting study about the efficacy of the covid vaccines which is provoded by this website. It is very informative.
I read it at work from time to time, if I am not too busy.
And of course I had to check the story about the miscarriages.
I couldt find anything about this extreme development here in Germany.
The statistische Bundesamt says that the number of stillborn is rising since 2010. But not with to percentage of 8 percent or so.
See the charts for a closer look.
Red: germany
Blue: easterngermany with berlin included
Black: western germany
Black: all women
Red: women with german passsport
Blue: women without german passport
Which trainee ever wrote the promille in percentage needs to get a gilden traineemedal.
So there doesnt seem to be a connection between vaccination against covid
and stillborn babies.
Since Dr. Bliss has been cited with miscarriages and not explicitely stillborn, I also checked this and here it is not possible to find any solid data, since many children already die in the first trimenon.
A reason why one shouldnt tell others of the pregnancy. This is like this since decades. Many of those miscarriages happen unrecognized.
The propability of a miscarriage is depending from age. Young women have less miscarriages (7 %) than older ones (30%). So it is not possible to give a straight answer. But the literature seems to give about 10 to 20 percent of miscarriages.
This is really much I thought, but I always found the same answers.
So the USUAL propability of a miscarriage is way higher than promoted from Dr. Bliss.
In germany we call it a Fehlgeburt ( Miscarriage) , if the foetus is under 500g and under a certain (20?) pregnancy week.
Everything above is a Totgeburt (stillborn).
I am not sure, what she is meaning and if you mix these numbers together in US and so you get completely different definitions and percentages.
To compare: miscarriages are in percent, stillborns in promille.
She speaks of 4 percent, or better this strange WND site, that immediately after you go to the website forces you to donate for superjournalism, to be normal.
30 which she claims to be unnormal are normal for miscarriages.
As you see in the above mentioned, 4 percent doesnt fit. Either to less (misscarriages) or to many (stillborns). So there seems to be a failure somewhere.
I have some idea to be honest. (hint: donate button)
I guess she means the 4 permille amongst stillborns. As you can see in the official data from statista, there isnt such an excess in stillborns here. Steadily rising but no dramatic jump like doubling.
How is this to be read and explained?
It is known that several ethnic groups have a higher chance in getting severly ill from corona. So maybe they also got more severe sideeffects from the jab.
I dont know how the ethnical mixture is in florida.
Did american women get jabs more often, compared to germans?
Or are there other reasons for the dramatic rise?
Are american women tending to be more obese than others, besides chromosomal defects THE reason for an abort. Do they smoke, drink alcohol and so on? Do they take other medication? Influence from physical things? Heat? Stress? What ever? Poverty?
Is she a bad Doctor? A not so much Expat?
Maybe it is not true what she was telling. Maybe she has some "friends", which do her a small benefit for her story.
Maybe she wants to fill up her wallet? (donate button)
Maybe also the website has some interests.
Just mentioning.
And to complete it I found a graph about stillborns in US.
Unfortunatedly it stops 2020 at 5.8 permille or so. Hm didnt Dr Bliss say 4%?
Is there a coincidence or a unlucky fault?