I am here because i have finally met my Goddess. I can finally stop looking and concentrate on being my Goddesses perfect slave. It started with my crossdressing, She liked that and turned me into Her slut right off.
On my birthday She introduced me to the joys of Chastity. It was still the very begining of my knowing Her. She seemed very excited about it being my birthday and had a surprise for me. She locked me up and sent me home that night. Well it was not a good night for me. It was a cb3000 with both rings on and a lock. It left no room for my scrotum which felt like it was being tore off.
After 4 or five hours it was either get busy with the hacksaw or call an ambulance. I decided to hack the lock as i knew i would never get the key until morning and i had to drive over an hour to get home.
I thought She would be angry but i think She found amusement in my pain. So i bought a new lock and back on it went, in a more confortable fashion. I have grown very fond of the device and the commitment that goes along with it. I am so proud to know it is my Goddess who holds the key.
She has noticed my commitment to this and has shown patience and understanding in its implementation. So far my experience has been to prepare myself for wearing it, and She does not yet hold the key.
It was alot to handle with a new relationship becoming so deep so fast. I knew the level of my own commitment and was wary as anyone would be. My Goddess has been very understanding in this regard. She will have my key for a whole month at the end of the summer so i am preparing myself to be able to deal with that.
slave jessica
I am here because i have finally met my Goddess. I can finally stop looking and concentrate on being my Goddesses perfect slave. It started with my crossdressing, She liked that and turned me into Her slut right off.
On my birthday She introduced me to the joys of Chastity. It was still the very begining of my knowing Her. She seemed very excited about it being my birthday and had a surprise for me. She locked me up and sent me home that night. Well it was not a good night for me. It was a cb3000 with both rings on and a lock. It left no room for my scrotum which felt like it was being tore off.
After 4 or five hours it was either get busy with the hacksaw or call an ambulance. I decided to hack the lock as i knew i would never get the key until morning and i had to drive over an hour to get home.
I thought She would be angry but i think She found amusement in my pain. So i bought a new lock and back on it went, in a more confortable fashion. I have grown very fond of the device and the commitment that goes along with it. I am so proud to know it is my Goddess who holds the key.
She has noticed my commitment to this and has shown patience and understanding in its implementation. So far my experience has been to prepare myself for wearing it, and She does not yet hold the key.
It was alot to handle with a new relationship becoming so deep so fast. I knew the level of my own commitment and was wary as anyone would be. My Goddess has been very understanding in this regard. She will have my key for a whole month at the end of the summer so i am preparing myself to be able to deal with that.
slave jessica