Key management

I carry my emergency key with me, just in case. It's in my wallet. My wife has a numbered security tag on my cage that needs to be broken for removing my cage. She'll know if her tag is gone. She records my tag number in her phone just in case.

When it's time for my cage to come off, my wife cuts her tag off, checks the number against the number in her phone.

Maybe your wife can tag you for security?
or completely give them up?

Yup, she has a necklace with it on and a spare somewhere in the house.

Anyone ever ppsted the keys to yourself? Wife has suggested we send them 2nd class and see when they turn up....

Just bear in mind that you might need a key so it is silly to send them off since an emergency might mean you have to break the lock or cage, which would be a shame.
My wife came home and sent me a picture of my keys on the work key collection....left there for everyone. Our 1st week and she thinks its hot, im nervous but so turned on at the same time. They take turms having the keys for a week for on call etc so they wont be back in work till next monday now.....and no spare key at home......
I have a spare in a sealed signed envelope. Was for ball slippage as before I got a new ring it was an occasional issue. We agreed I keep it as it's generally not a bad to have one.
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My Mistress has control of all of them. She has them locked up in three places that I know of. She has one in her gun safe at our house, she keeps a spare hidden with some important documents at my in-laws home in their gun safe, and a third is hidden somewhere at her best friends house with some of her other personal items.
My KH bought me for my birthday a similar lock box, but with Bluetooth control.

In a vanilla world, it allows a code to be sent to a third party (such as my cleaner). The code is only valid for 24 hours, and once used, will only work for a 3 hour period.

In a non-vanilla world, my KH (who lives away from me) has the app who administers the codes, and can open and close it at will.
And I also have the app, to unlock the box. BUT when I unlock it, the open/shut time is logged, and my KH is sent a message.

It's a bit bulky and I would like something smaller - but it does the job.

Another alternative is a QIUI box:

But I've been told that the UI is dreadful, most of the text in the app is poorly translated Chinese, and requires an account.
Wife has one and there is another in one of those combination boxes that realtors use on the outside of houses for sale. The box stays where I can get it if I'm not with her. Only she knows the combination obviously.
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That's what I thought. So it's more of a ceremonial "emergency" key. That's one cruel Keyholder right there. Lol
You could probably snap the black plastic sleeve off in a real emergency, and that would be obvious you'd used it, so require some 'splainin'

(or more likely, just use it with a numbered snap-lock instead of a padlock)
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