First day of Locktober and all through the land,
Nothing is moving not even my hand.
My wife is topless, bouncy and free,
It will be a month before that is me.
Caged and leaking my future does hold,
For at least the next month I will do what I'm told.
Back to her body this story must steer
For no one to think that I am at all queer.
My Goddess she uses her bod in this game
She stares at my cock to see it's the same.
No erection today, for her that's okay.
A backrub she wants. She cares not what I say.
I rub her body cause that makes her smile
She will make sure I go that extra mile.
Her breasts are so supple she does let me nibble
If that's all I get, I have no right to quibble.
...... Shall I go on?