CB6000S and CB6000 reviews (very long)

Discussion in 'Chastity device reviews' started by Bound4Fun, Dec 11, 2009.

  1. Bound4Fun

    Bound4Fun Junior Member

    Jun 8, 2009
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  2. Wishfulthinking

    Wishfulthinking Junior Member

    Nov 9, 2009
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    My compliments to you for a very thorough description and review. I enjoyed reading it and comparing your experiences with mine.

    I have a 6000 and find it very comfortable, except that I get some rubbing on the bottom of my scrotum from the ring after a few days. I wear the smallest ring and spacer that I can tolerate. Perhaps I should try the next larger size.

    I am not able to pull out or remove the device without it being unlocked.

    My final comment is that I cannot achieve climax or even really enhance stimulation, I do find that having an erection in the CB-6000 is one of the most sensational feelings! It is both pleasureable and frustrating at the same time. I don't know if I can adequately describe the feeling.

    I love my CB-6000. I have contemplated purchasing a 6000s to see if the experience is any better, as I do not fill the regular 6000 until I have an erection.
  3. js11756

    js11756 Senior Member

    Dec 6, 2008
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    Excellent review! Thank you!

    I think being able to escape is a bit hit or miss. I am not sure a metal device would be any more secure. Without a piercing or other such method, I can pull out easily.

    I just bought a 6000s tube and am preferring that over the 6000- it limits erections more and fits tighter which is more comfortable (I thought it would be the other way around). When tighter, things don't move around as much, tend to stay put, and not get pinched.

    Thanks again!

  4. davidphd1866

    davidphd1866 Member

    May 21, 2008
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    Thanks for taking the time, I am sure this will be invaluable for beginners. I especially noted that (like me) you need to remove the device every few days for a thorough cleaning. I can't even imagine how any can or would want to go longer than that. (Relocking is a different issue) And I am scrupulous with the cotton buds.

  5. js11756

    js11756 Senior Member

    Dec 6, 2008
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    I think it depends on many factors
    - How much do you sweat?
    - do you shower every day?
    - shower ritual
    - how much do you fill the tube?

    When flaccid, girth wise I can easily move around in he tube, allowing for a good cleaning. I do not use a cotton bud - I use a foam application, similar to the ones sold on kept for her. I shower every morning, and clean very well with liquid soap on the applicator, and then rinse completely. I can go indefinitely without issues except in the summer.

  6. SissyDanny

    SissyDanny sissy1

    Feb 13, 2009
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    I have just bought the short tube and have been in it for the last 2 weeks straight and I have to admit that it is sooooo much more comfortable to wear over the normal length tube. I was not sure I would like it as I fill out the normnal tube but the 6000S holds tighter with less erections and a lot less slipping and turning. Other than that fact that I have complete denial of any sense or chance of an erection and positivly no stimulation you really don't feel you have it on. It is a lot less noticable under your normal cloths and I have found that I fit better in my panties. I will be getting a backup tube just in case something happens to this one as my wife/KH does not let me go any time at all un chastised. I did trim the underside of the tube were it has a tendence to pinch the scrotum and the fact that I have worn the 6000s for two weeks without any type of sore or adverse affect proves for me that this is the tube for me and the most secure fit. Have fun over the holidays and a great new year.

  7. TGNadine

    TGNadine Naughty teasing Tgirl

    Dec 8, 2009
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  8. jaimelynn

    jaimelynn Senior Member

    Feb 7, 2009
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    I was locked in the CB6000 off and on for a little over a year, the longest being 7 months and 2 weeks, then the bottom seam on the cage split, pinching my parts!!!:confused0068::confused0068: I was three states away from the key at the time being a truck driver. I used to use the silicone oil to keep it moving. Then, when I sent the cage in for warranty, I asked for a CB6000s, the "s" cage being shorter is more comfortable, has better hygiene, and less noticeable. I've only been locked this one for a short time but, can tell the difference.

    I am about 2.25" long when soft and couldn't fill the CB6000 cage but sometimes the when shorter, trips to the restroom was more involved, expensive silicone oil @$10.00 for 2 oz. but now I fill the CB6000s cage almost all the way to the bottom, I've changed to baby oil gel to keep it moving. By pressing the cage against the groin I could even use a urinal standing up. As for night dreams, I've noticed that I don't have any room to expand and no erections. But then again, I've only been locked in this cage for about a week at this writing.

    Being an over the road truck driver, I can't shower everyday, but take along baby oil gel and Q-tips with me. These help a lot. With the CB6000, I would have to almost scrub the insides with Q-tips, when showering. With the CB6000s, I suds up with body wash and just slide it around a little, rinse, then reply so baby oil gel with Q-tips when drying off. Don't forget about the shaving of the little hairs around the ring, get one caught at the wrong time and it could cause big issues. Then, back on the road.

    Loading and unloading the trailer I get a good sweat going. I the summer I've found out that I can fit into a smaller ring, but during the winter months jumping out in the snow and cold, I have to use a larger ring to keep from shrinking too much. But, after reading a lot on this board, I might try a longer spacer.


    Nov 3, 2009
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    After a few weeks of teething problems, choosing the correct ring/spacer sizes, I have found the CB6000s to be very secure, and comfortable, I did manage to pleasure my self, at the beginning with a cotton bud (just to see if it was possible) haven’t tried it since, apart from a little discomfort in the mornings, I hardly know im wearing it, easy to clean, my K.H. can remove it, and replace it quite confidently, as my hands are always cuffed behind my back during this time. I also found that lubrication around the ring is also a must. Another important consideration I have is if it can be worn without detection , which with loose fitting trousers the CB6000s seems well hidden. With a little initial trail and error and patience, this was the answer to my chastity dreams.
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