William jones shemale belt

Discussion in 'Full Belts' started by Juju2000, Jan 25, 2011.

  1. Juju2000

    Juju2000 New member

    Jan 21, 2011
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    Hi im about to buy a wj belt this weekend.

    I will go to pensylvania and get measured and get the belt made the same day.

    I am a straight guy that has an office job and goes to the gym.

    I am debating between the classic male hip style and the classic style shemale belt.

    Kelly from WJ suggested to get the curved waist band a thong crotch and the shemale style.

    I wanted the belt to be as safe as possible because I can pullout very easily of my cb6000s.

    Any suggestions would be very appreciated.

  2. Juju2000

    Juju2000 New member

    Jan 21, 2011
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    Are the shemale belts generally more secure ?

    Are they less comfortable ?
  3. easternsub

    easternsub Junior Member

    Apr 26, 2010
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    Where in Pennsylvania are they located?

    I've never considered their belts due to poor customer service reviews and a penis tube (ring?) that looks WAY too small. I thought Locked In Steel's penis tube was small! Did you have any conversation with them about how effective the penis tube was both for comfort and security?

    Did you have the same concerns after looking at some of the tubes from the likes of Neosteel and Mysteel?
  4. Juju2000

    Juju2000 New member

    Jan 21, 2011
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    Yes I Actually have those concerns. But ... I want a custom fitting and I dont want to wait a few months to get my belt. Wj have been making belts for a long time so I will trust them in their tube design. II will gladly let you know how it goes once I have my belt in a few days.
  5. beltedwoman

    beltedwoman Member

    Dec 6, 2010
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    As far as the shemale or traditional style goes, are you looking for a more feminine belt or just a secure belt? Personally I would go with the she male belt so as you would not see anything more than a straight line down there, but it would be all according to what kind of look you are trying to achieve. I understand what you have said about waiting a long time for your belt, I waited several months before mine finally came in from Neosteel, though looking back the wait was well worth it now.
  6. Juju2000

    Juju2000 New member

    Jan 21, 2011
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    The first thing im looking for is security. I dont understand what you mean by a straight line down there. Do you mean that with a shemale belt my balls wont be poking out on the sides like the neosteel arch ?

  7. beltedwoman

    beltedwoman Member

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    Far as I can tell, no your balls will not be poking out like an arch belt. The straight line look comes from such as a woman in tight jeans having a straight front look to the jeans. A normal male belt will have some outward bulge to the front of it another words making it a little more noticable under clothing. The she male belt will hold things more snuggly causing a straighter downward appearance to your mid section.
  8. Juju2000

    Juju2000 New member

    Jan 21, 2011
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    Great thanks. I think ill go wih the shemale belt. Ill give you all some feedback.
  9. enigmaPOJ

    enigmaPOJ Member

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    William Jones belts in the last few years, since Kelley has been building them, has taken a big hit in quality. I've seen some of the belts from Kelley and it's not quality compared to other belts like Locked In Steel, Neosteel, My-Steel or even the old Access Denied Belts. You would be much better off with a Locked In Steel belt since NH is not that far away compared to PA. (Depending on where you are from in Canada.) A she-male style (and trans model) is no more or less secure than a standard male belt, it's simple an aesthetic choice more than anything else. The rear thong does feel more secure (I've had, rear chains, Y-cables and thong cable) and keeps the front shield tighter in than the rear chains no matter what body position you are in. So I do believe the thong is more secure. Certainly go with the curved waistband, that is a must and so is silicone lining for long term comfort. (I've bee locked since Nov 5th, so comfort is very important to me.)

    As for penis tube size, Locked In Steel customizes the tube size to your "flaccid" size penis and this makes it more secure. (This is something My-Steel and Neosteel does NOT do, but try to compensate by offering a few different sizes and curving the top of the tube into the body which works for most.) The advantage to this is that it allows a much smaller bulge in the front. I've even worn spandex padded bike shorts with my "Locked In Steel" belt in public without anyone being able to tell I was belts. (Although a t-shirt does need to hide the lock at the waistline.)
  10. easternsub

    easternsub Junior Member

    Apr 26, 2010
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    Thanks for chiming in. I wonder if you might elaborate on the pros and cons of the different rear options. I think myself and many others struggle with the decision on which one to go with. I'm in N.Y. and particularly interested in Locked in Steel so I'll word my questions accordingly. I'm also assuming you have a LIS belt.

    1. The LIS penis tube looks like it would be easy to escape from. Now the thought of not having the tube entrance pressing against my pubic area sounds good but when you look at the tube you can't help but think that you could pull upwards or have the penis want to back out if you retract a lot. Whereas a Neosteel tube for instance looks like it would be secure even if you shrunk way down.

    2. Since LIS custom fits the tube to your flaccid size does that make it any harder to get the penis in the tube? I've also pictured being able to just slide it in without any lube etc. even though I've seen some people with full belts say they need to use lube.

    3. You mention the silicone lining being essential. I've read some others who said it was too "sweaty" and that the silicone eventually separates from the steel. Can you comment further?

    4. Rear thong. I'm always confused when people describe their rear thong systems. For one some say they can pull aside to poop. Others say you shouldn't be able to do that if the belt is fitted properly and it must be too loose. I've also heard people talk about two different thongs thicknesses on Neosteel I think. Where the thicker one can't be pulled aside and the thinner one can (I think thicker is used for Arch and thinner for other models?). Personally I think the rear thong would be best for me as "less is more" and I am very active. But I am really concerned about going poop as I like cleanliness, am on the go a lot, and usually go 2-3 times a day.

    I've also considered rear cables but have read about negatives of those as well.

    5. Front Shield. I've really been thinking about the Arch from Neosteel as I don't want the front shield rubbing, chaffing, and generally getting in the way. I believe the front shield helps with security but frankly at a certain point I won't even try getting out so would sacrifice a little security for comfort. I also notice that most belts the penis points straight down whereas the Arch tube seems to curve underneath and partly into your crotch. I can imagine the Arch tube getting in the way like sitting down on it when seated or rubbing in between your legs?

    6. Extra Keys. I thought I remember reading that LIS will not provide extra keys? Is this true? If so that is a dealbreaker. I mean this is for fun and a hobby for most!

    I appreciate any insight you can provide
  11. enigmaPOJ

    enigmaPOJ Member

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    Yes I do have a LIS belt (and a My-Steel belt). If the belt (LIS belt) is properly fitted the the front shield should be tight enough where one can't dig the penis out. The tube is slightly below the pubic bone and makes the penis point straight down instead of curved forward then down like on the Neosteel and My-Steel. This is just as secure and creates a flatter front. Even if you did get the penis out of the tube, the front shield is still there and there isn't a whole lot you can do with the penis as a full erection would be painful like that if you could get one with the penis in that position out of the tube with the belt still locked on. Just as a note, I can pull out of the CB6k, but not my LIS belt.

    Sometimes lube is needed but very little. I usually use a little spit (saliva) and that's all you really need as it does not leave any residue. Sometimes a quick hop in the shower with the belt on allows everything to settle in the right place.

    Any linning is going to be sweaty. Silicone is better. Neoprene is the alternative and many (including myself) have a skin reaction to it and neoprene absorbs water and other stuff. With silicon, you do need to keep it away from silicon lubricants (short term exposure is OK.) Silicon is less likely to cause any skin issues and does not absorb moisture. Silicon is glued to the steel belt the same way Neoprene is, so it's not going to separate any differently. The glue on LIS belts is silicone based as well holds up very well.

    The rear thong can move a little, but not a whole lot, but it does help to pass poop to move and angle your butt the opposite direction. You'll still get a little poop on the cable itself, but it's extremely easy to wipe clean. Whereas the chains can be a disaster if you accidentally get poop in them. The main advantages to the rear thong is it allows the front shield to be tighter, does not get in the way of impact play (flogging, etc) and is more comfortable for sitting on hard surfaces especially if you are active. (I even do Yoga in my belt.)

    I have had the rear Y-Cables as well and though it created a nice bondage contained feeling (it felt more secure in the rear,) but wasn't as secure in the front as the thong. At first I liked the Y-Cables, but later found them annoying. BTW, my My-Steel belt is also a thong.

    All belts will get in the way a little bit there if your sitting on a solid surface (like a wood chair), but most furniture is OK. I've driven from NJ to TN (more than a 12 hour drive) by car belted many times without a comfort issue related to the belt. Since I'm a steel bondage nut, I like as much steel as possible on my belt without sacrificing comfort. The LIS belt front shield does not get in the way at all and I think it's optimally sized in width for most. The My-Steel belt I have is the Transformation model and it has the widest shield (to purposefully hide the balls and any maleness no matter what) of any steel belt out there (except maybe Latowski). It's too wide for some, but with my 36.5 inch hipbone, it's OK (I'm also 6'7). The My-Steel is more noticeable during Yoga, but not in the way. The arch looks interesting and the balls get tucked in like the LIS belt in a similar way and held by the shield, but I just prefere the look of the LIS belt over the arch and mentally it seems more secure, which is what I like.

    That is true, however, it's a standard key that any key shop can duplicate, so that's not really an issue and you do get 2 keys.

    You welcome and you can always ask more questions and besides your not too far away from us.

  12. easternsub

    easternsub Junior Member

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    Thanks for the detailed reply, very helpful!

    How tight is the waist portion of the belts? I've seen some pictures where the belt looks extremely tight and looks like it's "cinching" the waist.

    I realize it has to be tight enough but this is one of my biggest concerns with a steel belt. I feel that I've always been sensitive to pants that are too tight in the waist. When this happens I often end up stomach aches, upset stomach, and excessive gas. I don't wear pants that are loose in the waist, but they fit properly.

    Some of the pictures I've seen are of overweight people which probably exaggerates things. I've also seen pictures of thin and fit people and it doesn't look too bad. I've even seen a video online where a guy puts the belt on, then grabs it and moves it around and it doesn't look like it's "tight" on his waist but more "snug". I'm very fit so I'm hoping this won't affect me too much.
  13. enigmaPOJ

    enigmaPOJ Member

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    The waist portion needs to be pretty snug but not too tight. Standing up I can get a little more than a finger around most of the belt. You want it tight as possible while remaining comfortable. If the belt is too loose (even though it can't slip off) it will cause chafing and sore spots. You don't want it to move too easily. Because the belt fits on the hip bone it does not interfere too much with upset stomachs.

    It's actually harder to properly fit a very thin person than a slightly overweight person. With me, even though I'm normal weight, I lost over 100 lbs 3 years ago, but I still have loose skin in the belly area so it's a little deceptive looking on the tightness of my belt. If your normal weight, then fitting is also easy.
  14. Juju2000

    Juju2000 New member

    Jan 21, 2011
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    Well I'm not happy with my whole WJ experience.

    I went for a custom fitting and I cant wear the belt.

    Penis tube is too high and cable is too far from my crack.

    I'm considering to fix the belt but dont think it will never be like a mysteel belt or a neosteel.

    I think I will order a mysteel belt.

    You guys know which is the safest belt from mysteel ?

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  15. enigmaPOJ

    enigmaPOJ Member

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    From the looks of it, the front shield is a little too long the the tube needs to come down a few inches and the cable tightened up. If the cable is tightened up as is, the head of the penis (which should never stick out like that) would get crushed. I can't believe Kelley (or anyone) would let you go out in a belt in that method.

    As far as My-Steel goes I have a Transformation model and it's great. I don't wear it as much as my Locked In Steel belt but it's much better than anything I've seen come from Kelley. I have Jillian from Locked In Steel making some modification to my My-Steel belt right now anyway.
  16. Trixy

    Trixy sissymaid

    Jun 18, 2009
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    Stay away from William Jones. I ordered my belt 12 months ago and am yet to receive it. Have had no communication for 5 months. first I was told their supplier sent them the wrong glue, then I was told Kelly had been ill, but was recovered, then I was told Kelly had a relapse and an infection, since then nothing. I have asked for a status report..no reply. I have asked for a refund..no reply. I have been ripped off!
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