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  • Easing back into the steel jailbird after clitty surgery and wondering how in the world did I ever go for 228 days??
    OMG Dear! I do hope you are okay and that your surgery went well.
    Well, my poker playing days are over before they started. I'm having a necessary surgery instead. Out of chastity for a while. :-(
    Missy Tanya
    Missy Tanya
    Well since or going to be out of Chastity any how, any poker going on with that?? lol
    Would you believe that dollyanne is becoming a poker player? Yep, Texas Hold'em…I'm going all in to the river in an all enfemme game coming soon. I just hope I don't lose my panties!
    Missy Tanya
    Missy Tanya
    Good thing it's not strip Poker!! ha ha
    what's the bet ?
    days beeing locked up ?-)
    This will be my 4th week locked using the carlilock service.
    Missy Tanya
    Missy Tanya
    Dear, dear.. where have you've been keeping yourself. I for one miss you around here..Glad to see you have been keeping up with Chastity though!! Hugs Tanya
    Editing photos from a cross-dressing photo-shoot reveals that I am NOT a model nor will I ever be!!
    I dressed in drab, did hamburgers on the grill, took an Independence Day from chastity, and it was all good!
    maid katrin
    maid katrin
    Didn't you take the name "Independence Day" much too literally, girl? Drab AND release from chastity?
    Missy Tanya
    Missy Tanya
    I'm right there with ya Dolly.. Spent two wonderful days out as Tanya, and the last to in drab with family. Today was beautiful and I wanted to be the same..
    Mistress Michelle
    Mistress Michelle
    I think dollyanne needs a good spankin!
    Perspective is everything. I was almost a statistic, and NOT in a good way. If you have to be lucky at poker or lucky at 70mph on the freeway, take the later! (And, they would have found me in a miniskirt, knee-high socks, one maryjane, pink ruffle panties, steel chastity, and crunched like a collision between two turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree!) Have a great 4th—kinky or vanilla—and keep in perspective!
    Missy Tanya
    Missy Tanya
    Soo glad to hear your OK.. Must have been a scare. Then dressed pretty too. But if you got to go, while not be pretty going!!! Be safe and pretty.. Tanya
    glad u made it dolly !!
    Got dolled up—new toenail polish, freshly shaved, ruffle panties, and clean chastity, and couldn't go! You can't always get what you want.
    susie q
    susie q
    Amen to that sweetie ,hugs
    Missy Tanya
    Missy Tanya
    Welcome to Reality!! and Life!! Sorry you couldn't make it out, but bet you were cute!!
    Kidney stone crisis over. Not fun! Had nothing to do with chastity, but removed it just in case. Glad to be back in "normal" chastity and to shop at Sam Moons!
    Had a lovely first time outing with some wonderful girls! (And yes, I was in the newly modified Maturemetal chastity!)
    Mr Gee
    Golly Dolly,
    "Tell me more, tell me more"
    Thanks. I've had several requests for details so I guess I should do a blog entry in the Vault. Coming (not cumming!) soon!
    Chastity is in the mail to Maturemetal! Will get larger gap, anti-pullout, and torx screw lock that looks like an integrated lock. Should take a little over a week. Am still chaste and healing, but two weeks is a LONG time to be out of chastity for me!
    Two weeks out of chastity = 14 days x wanking 8 times daily = 112 orgasms ... Happy Times!
    172 days—only 8 more to make SIX months!
    Woooo! 180 days=SIX months=new chastity record for dollyanne! Thank you, Maturemetal!!
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