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  • It happened - we bought my Wife a nice rose-gold chain to go with the ornamental chastity key. She's wearing it right now, out with her girlfriends.
    Thanks for asking!

    Oh, I don't THINK they know. My Wife is very private, or at least has preserved most of our private life when I'm around. She does call me "Boy Toy" in front of others, but that can be taken as innocently playful. But of course I don't know what they've talked about when I'm not there.

    But we have one friend who will certainly raise an eyebrow when she sees it. She's not local these days, however. She's a really close confidant of mine, and very sex-positive, and I have told her a lot, including that I am/was caged (probably three years ago). She probably assumes I'm not any longer, or has forgotten about it. It's not something I'm putting in an email to her.
    Well, I can't speak for others, but when someone calls their lover "Boy Toy" and I see a key around her neck, they don't need to tell me anything. 😉
    Today's obscenely hot and sexy leggings that my Wife allows me to wear... I may not get a lot of teasing, but I get to wear these, and the way I'm wired, that's a glorious thing...

    Merry Christmas!

    My last full (fully awake) erection was October 1 - my birthday. Today being Christmas, maybe another one? Chances are minimal but not zero.
    Unlocked to serve at my Wife's book club (all women I've known forever). Pretty tame. Kept unlocked overnight, and was able to enjoy a long semi-conscious erection at 2AM, but of course no stroking, no edge, no orgasm. Locked again.

    Looking back, that's my first erection since Oct 1.
    I'm on the honor system for a business trip. I hate the honor system. Sure I caged myself as soon as I got through security, but the key is in my pocket. BUT: I'm getting a PSA test when I return, and any emissions can cause an elevated reading. So I have extra incentive to be good.
    I have received from Amazon a large box destined for Houseboy storage. I should hold about 1.06 Houseboys, tightly packed. I will assemble it tonight.
    Three weeks into Locktober, and we've passed our three year chastity mark by 10 days. So will I get a reward at the end of the month? No way. I'll be home alone, locked, and waiting for Her return.
    "Annual" physical with doctor is today. Wife says I have to be unlocked, but She hasn't unlocked me yet. I leave in an hour. I have this fantasy about 'forgetting'. Oops! 😬 Not a good idea, but a nice fantasy. Don't force your kink on vanilla people.
    So today is my birthday, but it's also the first day of Locktober (which my Wife knows about) and my three-year anniversary of total denial (which She knows about) is 11 days away. She's offered to play with me today. What are the chances of me getting off today? This month? Ever again? Place your wagers.
    Finally! I'm wearing my new Badass Workroom BA20 with glans retaining ring. Total success! Fits perfectly. Can't pull out. See photo.
    Well, the metal detector alarm went off, and I said I have an artificial hip, which I do. Pat down? OK. Perfunctory patting & I was cleared.
    Sold out rock concert tonight. Security with metal detectors. Wife did not think of this, and I decided to not tell her. Stay tuned.
    Why does the new cage in its little box arrive while my Wife and I are out of town? The cat sitter will of course bring it in.
    She's unlocked me for the weekend. Will anything happen? Will my stupid thing respond appropriately?
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    Let her ride your cock like a dildo but you don’t get to cum then clothes attached to cock and balls and removed by her whipping then off as punishment for trying to cum
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