O O On the Edge 247 Sep 17, 2024 Only 13 days to go until Locktober so I thought I would get some practice in already.
O O On the Edge 247 Jun 10, 2024 Back in my favourite cage again Stainless Steel HT Nano day 10 and loving every minute of it!
TangoSub Nov 13, 2023 Thank you again for all the likes and comments on my photos. Your legs look great in your avatar!
O O On the Edge 247 Jul 14, 2023 On holiday, day 4 in my HT Nano cage, no chance of an erection. Wearing tights all day under my shorts going out and about feels so good
On holiday, day 4 in my HT Nano cage, no chance of an erection. Wearing tights all day under my shorts going out and about feels so good
locked&pantied Apr 3, 2023 thanks a bunch for the likes and taking the time to stop by. Have a great week!
O O On the Edge 247 Nov 1, 2022 Well I managed Locktober with just two or three nights off due to sleep and some chaffing issues! But 24/7 cage wearing, it focuses the mind
Well I managed Locktober with just two or three nights off due to sleep and some chaffing issues! But 24/7 cage wearing, it focuses the mind
O O On the Edge 247 Oct 31, 2022 Final day of Locktober, I did it, a few minor hiccups on the way! Sleep deprivation was the biggest issue! It will feel strange no cage!
Final day of Locktober, I did it, a few minor hiccups on the way! Sleep deprivation was the biggest issue! It will feel strange no cage!
O O On the Edge 247 Oct 26, 2022 Day 26 Cage off this morning for a quick shower and shave and inspect, it felt weird & unnatural! Few, Cage back on, that is a lot better!
Day 26 Cage off this morning for a quick shower and shave and inspect, it felt weird & unnatural! Few, Cage back on, that is a lot better!
O O On the Edge 247 Oct 25, 2022 Day 25 of Locktober my personal record, beginning to like the feeling to be honest! The thought on Permanent chastity intrigues the mind.
Day 25 of Locktober my personal record, beginning to like the feeling to be honest! The thought on Permanent chastity intrigues the mind.
O O On the Edge 247 Oct 21, 2022 Yay I managed to reach my record time spent in chastity 21 Days. Pushing on to do the full 31 days if I can, it’s definitely getting harder
Yay I managed to reach my record time spent in chastity 21 Days. Pushing on to do the full 31 days if I can, it’s definitely getting harder
O O On the Edge 247 Oct 18, 2022 Day 18 switched to my old faithful Holy Trainer Small v3 for a bit more grow room! Nights are getting very challenging now!
Day 18 switched to my old faithful Holy Trainer Small v3 for a bit more grow room! Nights are getting very challenging now!
O O On the Edge 247 Oct 17, 2022 It has been four weeks since I last cum! I suppose now I will have to just count my chastity tears a cum and be satisfied with that!!
It has been four weeks since I last cum! I suppose now I will have to just count my chastity tears a cum and be satisfied with that!!
O O On the Edge 247 Oct 17, 2022 Day 17 of Locktober, hoping to beat my last years 21 days. All of a sudden my nipples are getting far more sensitive to touch!
Day 17 of Locktober, hoping to beat my last years 21 days. All of a sudden my nipples are getting far more sensitive to touch!
O O On the Edge 247 Oct 14, 2022 Healing cream and back in Nano again, have been switching to fully tucked cage for nighttime’s I can sleep easier in that one usually
Healing cream and back in Nano again, have been switching to fully tucked cage for nighttime’s I can sleep easier in that one usually
O O On the Edge 247 Oct 14, 2022 Well half way through Locktober it’s not been easy but not to giving up. I have had a couple of nights without cage due to pressure sores.
Well half way through Locktober it’s not been easy but not to giving up. I have had a couple of nights without cage due to pressure sores.
O O On the Edge 247 Oct 9, 2022 Day 9, the Beatles song “A hard days night” springs to mind these last couple of days… sleeping is becoming difficult
Day 9, the Beatles song “A hard days night” springs to mind these last couple of days… sleeping is becoming difficult