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  • That is a lovely name, Domina. Can you tell us about it?
    Haha, if you like!

    One of the things my boy and I bonded over in our youth was Latin. My username literally means "purple girl," nothing too fancy in and of itself. However, I've always found "puella" (girl) a very beautiful and feminine word, and purple is meaningful to us because it's our mutual favorite color, a color we both associate with sexiness, and the traditional symbol of the high class or royalty.
    frankie teardrop
    frankie teardrop
    Thankyou so much for the reply, Domina, it was thoughtful of you. You have obviously chosen the name intelligently, it does seem to convey feminine power and beauty, perfect for a dominant woman.
    As a sporadic poster but long-time lurker here... I wonder when I'll stop being a "New Member." :/
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    Reactions: errant
    What would you like to be? You can change it yourself in your control panel....... or one of us can change it for you.... :)
    Ah, thank you for informing me that was a custom title! I must've thought it was a post count title for some reason. XP
    I think it does change (if you've not chosen a custom title) on post or point count, but I have no idea which or when. :)
    I had not realised you were following me until today.
    I will of course recriprocate until you wish me not to.
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