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  • What a wonderful day! An evening of rubber glove wearin', ball-slappin', prostate pokin' stress relief for li'l ol' me! Thank You, Goddess!
    I have posted a few pics of "Sam", who inspires Goddess Chris to keep me locked. Sam fits the vac-u-lock harness and lets Goddess get filled up without unlocking the slave. Your comments are welcome!
    Day 45 of no orgasms. My next weigh-in is on Day 58. If I have lost 10 pounds, I will get unlocked for a couple hours. If not, the next weigh-in is on Day 93.
    Today is Day 42 of no orgasms. Other than a half hour of supervised unlocking for cleaning, maintenance, and a few "pushups", I have been locked for 6 weeks. Only 16 more days until my next weigh-in, to see if I have lost 10 pounds and get unlocked for a couple hours.
    Congratulations on having such a great time. Connecting chastity and weight loss is a great idea. You should be very thankful for your Mistress being so nice to you.
    The high point of Day 36 (that's today, brought to you by Captain Obvious) was an exciting session with my face buried between Goddess' soft, silky thighs. Apparently, my shoulders make nice footrests.
    Day 34 has been a horny, frustrating, delicious day! Perfect for wearing anal beads and thong panties to work...
    My diet reward challenge: lose 10 pounds in a month for 2 hours of unlocked time. I lost 2 pounds. Sigh...
    Mistress Becca
    Mistress Becca
    Aww, poor thing.. *supressing a giggle*
    One of my subbies is on a diet at the moment, should lose a stone in a week.. worth thinking about?
    My conversion thingie says a stone equals 14 pounds. I would like to be on that diet if it works.
    Mistress Becca
    Mistress Becca
    if you want to go to messages, just say.. do you mind me asking how much your Mistress wants you to lose?
    Thinking about the two weeks of crabby mood swings after each orgasm, thinking it isn't worth it. Maybe I should stay locked and never cum again...
    Spike's Bitch
    Spike's Bitch
    Try ruined orgasms only. It seems to be helping for me so far.
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