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  • Lmao was wondering if you could get that skin suit on with your cage on we might have to try that when I next see you lol
    Missing your company with you working so hard.But that makes the knowlege that your pole is locked away all the more satisfying.
    Your submission is a gift that I treasure. though I have not spoken much to you this past week have been thinking of you with wicked little thoughts.
    Miss Subtletorturer has no taken over as my keyholder, as well as offering my chastity to Miss ST, I have also offered my submission and I am learning to find my place with Her as her slave.
    Miss T, my previous key holder has given up that role an in fact moved to a new partner.
    Miss S, whom I have known for several years was quite interested when I approached Her regarding offering Her my chastity and submission. Understanding that it would be without a long term commintment and remote with occassional real life meetings.
    slave j
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