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  • I found a local supplier for titanium threaded spout and retainer. He also targeted to either 3 or 4 mm hex but I declined and use it without hex.
    The sample he did for me was ok with minor modifications so I will get a set with 23mm length and a retainer which is custom shaped for me.
    Mr. Silver
    Can you divulge the suppliers contact information?
    Hi Zorglub, does your spouts are threaded and have a 3.5mm hex socket?
    Thanks. Th.
    I do not currently produce threaded spouts. I am looking into it though. It is highly unlikely I would use a hex socket at the back as I have no plan to acquire the necessary tooling (rotary broach). I am contemplating different keying shapes...
    Hey Zorglub just wondering about the chances of you making a tetherspout for me just ordered a lori and it's still 6-7 months and was looking for something more permanent in the meantime
    Hi Zorglub, I am interested in buying a TetherSpout from you, however, I still don't know enough about it. What size will I need, how to measure, etc. I will be happy to hear from you. Thanks.
    taking this discussion to private messaging...
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