My Looker 01 with urethral plug - Unfortunately a setback

Discussion in 'Steelworxx' started by castitas, Oct 5, 2021.

  1. castitas

    castitas Long term member

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    It's a little hard for me to write this report, but I promised earlier to continue reporting on my experiences with the Looker 01 with urethral plug. Unfortunately, the world of fetishes is not always bright pink, there are sometimes setbacks and disappointments.

    After my first success of a whole week, I immediately decided to extend the wearing periods. The next one was to be 10 days. I also managed this without any problems. It is a strange feeling when the plug gradually becomes part of your body. I have to mention again that I don't get any pleasure from urethral stretching myself. I was merely concerned with the ultimate feeling of helplessness, my penis impaled on a 5 cm tube and there being nothing I could do about it. However, this feeling gave me the ultimate kick in the head (and dick), made me unbelievably horny. When you carefully bring the little titanium tube back to the light of day after 10 days, it's also a very intimate experience with your own body.

    We allowed my best piece two days of rest. During these two days of rest, I already had the feeling that "something was missing" down there. But the next challenge was already waiting for me: I wanted to carry the tube inside me for 14 days this time. Carefully as always, I cleaned and disinfected everything, inserted the tube, locked the lock and felt "complete" again. As before, there were no problems at first. Urinating is a bit tricky, especially getting the last drops out of the tube. Every evening I rinsed the Looker a little in the shower, pulled the cage forward a little to be able to rinse the plug a little with the water jet. Actually, everything was as usual - until the 10th day.

    I have to mention that I was at a garden party that weekend. Despite cool temperatures, we sat in the garden until midnight and drank all kinds of alcohol. I therefore had to go to the toilet more often than usual, but followed my usual procedure of going to the toilet with a plug.
    The day after the party everything was still fine, but the following day I suddenly felt that something was wrong. My wife insisted on taking off the Looker immediately - and that was good. In the evening, I already felt the first burning sensation when I urinated, but I still hoped that it would pass. The next morning I woke up with a fever and went straight to the doctor. As suspected, I had caught a bladder infection that had already reached my kidneys. I immediately started antibiotic treatment. Over the next two days, my fever rose to over 40 degrees.

    But more than the bladder infection and the fever, I was disappointed that the experiment had failed. How could it be that an infection suddenly appeared after 10 days of wearing them? If I had made a mistake during insertion, the infection would have appeared much earlier.
    The only way I can explain it is that either I was careless when I went to the toilet at the party, or the cold caused the bladder infection. Maybe both.

    Unfortunately, this has caused a kind of "disenchantment" for me, I can't currently imagine wearing a urethral plug again. What would happen if it happened again? How should I explain this to my doctor? I am a little disillusioned, or even frustrated. I will of course continue to wear my Looker 01, just without a plug.

    I would be very happy to read your thoughts and opinions about my experience.

  2. Anonoman

    Anonoman Long term member

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    You could try a tether spout… only sits in the end about 20-30mm and could be anchored to the end of the cage. Can’t pull it out ether!
  3. good2fun

    good2fun Long term member

    May 14, 2019
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    If your temperature rose over 40 degrees it is a prostatis.
    I had several in the past. A slight mistake during sterilization and handling during insertion can provoke that.
    Do not extend over a week. Never touch the plug after cleaning. Use sterile lube.
  4. castitas

    castitas Long term member

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    Hi good2fun,
    thank you for your advice. There are two things bothering me:

    1. I had been wearing the plug for 10 days when the first signs of infection appeared. If I had made a mistake when inserting it, I suspect that these signs would have appeared much earlier?

    I have read testimonies from users who reported uninterrupted wear for months, one even for almost a year. You recommend a weekly cleaning. Do you mean an infection can develop without exposure to external bacteria, i.e. within the urinary tract?
  5. Lovelocked

    Lovelocked Long term member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    I'm sorry you had this problem. I know from experience that it is very disheartening when you think you have found a really good chastity device, then have it cause some sort of medical problem. Let me say I have never had the courage to try a device with a urethral tube, although I was interested in the possibility. I remember reading something which pointed out that the tube provides an open channel for infection deep into the urethra. I believe the Looker 01 has a screw plug to block the end of the tube and stop anything getting in, but it has to be removed for urination. It must be difficult to ensure that the plug remains sterile when you remove it for urination. I don't know if an infection could spread along the tube if the screw plug was contaminated, but I would not be surprised if it could. Is it possible that you got the infection because the screw in plug got contaminated?
    remyruff and castitas like this.
  6. good2fun

    good2fun Long term member

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    Just google for micro bacterial film.
    When you flush a toilet you also spray water in the air.
    The length of an infection to manifest is also a function of amount of bacteria from beginning.
    I just want to share my experience and am not writing a how-to manual.
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  7. castitas

    castitas Long term member

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    Hi Lovelocked.

    this is a very interesting point: I honestly do not have this screw at all. I bought my Looker second hand, the screw was not included. I had also understood its purpose so far rather as protection, for example, when swimming or in the bath, not so much for everyday use. But you're right, of course, the open plug thereby offers a direct path for bacteria deep into the urethra.
    Thanks for the advice!
  8. castitas

    castitas Long term member

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    Hi good2fun,
    your hint coincides with Lovelocked's guess: My plug was not closed at the front, so it is quite possible that bacteria were also stirred up by the toilet flush and got into the plug.
    By the way, I do not understand your hint as a manual but rather a contribution to researching the cause.

    Your mention of a "micro bacterial film" is also very interesting if one considers the triggers of cystitis e.g. at wikipedia (German): "
    "Disorders of urinary outflow due to a narrowing (obstruction) in the area of the urethra with residual urine formation ..."
    Like me, almost all wearers of urinary plugs report difficulties when peeing. It takes a lot of perseverance and effort to get even the last drop through the plug. So it may well be that tiny amounts of residual urine collect in the urethra and remain there longer. At the same time, a micro bacterial film may form inside the plug because small amounts of urine gradually flow through.

    In my opinion, it is then essential to clean the plug regularly and, on this occasion, simply pee without the plug.
  9. castmenow

    castmenow Junior Member

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    I do not wear a urethral tube with mine but have some experience with short term catheter play and I have not had problems. The bit of your initial note that I have quoted stood out for me. If you are moving the tube in and out a bit every day it will be rubbing over the tip of the penis which is not sterile. Could it be possible that you then get some bacteria onto the tube, which then gets transferred into your urethra. This may only be 5 to 10mm (1/4 to 3/8" ) but then the next day when you slide in and out, it works its way in another step and so on each day.

    I may be talking rubbish, I have no idea if other people do this in and out every day.
    castitas likes this.
  10. maid_carrie

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    This is not a standard offering as far as I am aware. I'm not sure if it's available as an extra.

    Personally, I'm a tad sceptical about the tube offering an easy route for bacteria. I can see some collecting around the opening but suspect regular urination would keep things under control.

    Having said that I sympathise with @castitas but that's a veŕy high temperature for a normal UTI in my experience.

    I've never had infections from normal use of a plug devise but certainly from silly play.

    Clean and untouched after washing is the only way - and wash around the meatus just to be sure.

    However, I've not gone for the long periods described. Just cos someone says they've had it in for a year doesn't mean it's true.
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  11. castitas

    castitas Long term member

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    Regarding my temperature during the fever: My doctor told me that bladder and kidneys were affected, she did not mention my prostate as far as I remember. However, the fever was a fact, we have a high-tech fever thermometer ;)

    About the duration of wearing the plug: I was also sceptical about some of the statements (almost a year), but due to the initial successes, longer periods seemed possible to me. However, I am now leaning towards weekly cleaning.

    By the way : The small screw is indeed part of the standard Steelworxx delivery. However, it is usually lost very quickly because of its small size.
  12. Fit To Be Tied

    Fit To Be Tied Long term member

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    Other suggestions to lessen the chances of a UTI:

    Drink pure cranberry juice daily &
    Take a daily dose of D-Mannose.
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  13. Dominant In Chastity

    Dominant In Chastity Active member

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    Just a note, that there is also some probability that this could happen to you @castitas regardless of plug.
    I just got one day bladder and prostatis inflamation and 38C, if I recall correctly it was period even not wearing cage. No clue how it happened. (Conslusion? take care of immune system in general)
    castitas likes this.
  14. modisgod

    modisgod Junior Member

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    Just my 2 cents

    If you're wearing the plug- do not clean the inside of the plug. but ALWAYS cap it. If you don't have a cap, order one, or purchase a stainless steel like threaded thumb screw you can use.

    Initially, when I got my Looker 02, I cleaned the tube everyday, like you. I also got 2 UTI's- high fever- doctor visits- antibiotics... I asked my doctor if this is common for guys and he said "sometimes- if it keeps happening, we'll worry about it"

    So, I stopped washing the (inside of the) tube while wearing (trying to get clean water inside, because, you know, it's not really clean, and urine will rinse away all the bad stuff), cap it, and several times since I've worn it in the 6 month range with no problems.

    Now, the outside- that's another story. That gets washed constantly. Oooh, that smell!

    But hey, everybody (and every body) is different, and I'm no doctor! This is just my experience.

    Also, as far as sterile lube goes- I used it in the beginning. Now, I just urinate right before inserting the tube. Works perfect for me.
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  15. Zevon

    Zevon Long term member

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    doesn't the side say you are supposed to take out the urethra tube and clean it at least every 48 hours?
  16. 00BlueM

    00BlueM Member

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    I'm a bit puzzled by this. You had a bladder and kidney infection 10 days after installing a urethral insert that goes nowhere near the bladder. Was the urinary tract itself infected? I'm not clear how you wouldn't have felt something in the urethra long before an infection could reach the bladder.

    So this sounds to me like a high bio-load that didn't have time to fester in the urethra before migrating further in.

    Yes, a hollow urethral insert should always come with a screw-in cap, as that keeps lint etc.out. The seller was irresponsible not to either include it or mention that it was lost. Without that, you're bypassing the meatus (the orifice just behind the urethra opening) without replacing its very reason to exist.

    Can't say I blame you for feeling leery about a repeat performance. The comments about the cap make me think it's important to replace that before flushing a toilet, Some toilets, especially public ones, are terrible with nasty splashing. Also, maybe don't have a urethral insert at all when impaired by something like alcohol, as the first thing you'll drop into a toilet when drunk is that cap as you're trying to screw it back on.
    Zevon and Kiesela like this.
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