Subkliks weekend and super extended subspace

Discussion in 'Journals and blogs' started by subklik, Jun 3, 2010.

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  1. Mistress Lauren

    Mistress Lauren Active member

    Jun 12, 2010
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    I love reading your posts. Even though the last one was not about sexual stuff, and more about real life issues, it was still great! Real life and fights, and kids, and family issues all come with the territory. :)
  2. subklik

    subklik Office Girl

    Jun 19, 2009
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    I love you guys. It is really nice to know this is read and appreciated by people.

    By the way T-shirts came today!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    We are wearing them right now!!! In front of the whole world!!!

  3. subklik

    subklik Office Girl

    Jun 19, 2009
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    Amazing how the human mind works i think. One day we are deep in this "lifestyle" yhen severe fighting, depression and psychological crumbling from the stress then numbness, then within a day back to normal.

    Hmmm, that is a good thing for famly relationships to recover so fast but this type of relationship requires a far deeper amount of trust that a vanilla one. Human pride being what it is it is way harder to get back into a "slave role" than a master/Mistress role especially if the "bottom" has been abused or feels like they have been. Being that bottom is a willing choice and put you in a position to be taken advantage of. If you have read this from the beginning their are places where it seems just like a wank fantasy just like a ot of other stuff you can read. The reason i write about this side of things occasionally is to bring those other installments from fantasy to reality for you the reader.

    Truth is i have thirty years exerience in these matters as a proffesional and i have come to the conclusion that except for certain activities being kinky produces a very bonding relationship.

    That said i am done with the analisys today.


    Part two!!!!!

    T-shirt: Female Owner

    T-shirt: Owned male

    If you know the symbols they are on ech respctive shirt. We wore tem out publicly last night. Being careful to avoid our children but particularly our youngest. She is the one who is the most hip and most up to date on the kinky stuff. Kids just DO NONT want to know about their parents sex lives.
    Although i have fun telling them all to "get out of the house because Mom and i want to make some noise".

    I love how that gets them groaning, "too much informtion...". :D

    Sex last night with a list of fantasy scenes that took fifteen minutes to list. Her cock sliding in and out till She came, and i didn't.
    More sex this morning and i did...

    Off to work now, after locking of course

    subklik .
  4. subklik

    subklik Office Girl

    Jun 19, 2009
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    Something is definetly up. My mind (and mood) are being messed with.
    Last night i slept in chains. Ankles and wrists in leather cuffs and linked together.
    Oh and incidentally a bra with "B" cups forms in place under my slave t-shirt.

    while my hands were locked to my neck She got an orgasm and then let me cum inside Her...again!

    She pretended to go to work this moning and left me chained up. i tried to sleep till i realized what was going on then when i woke up i heard Her coming through the front door.
    She came into our room keys in hand to release me. She really enjoyed me waking up in bondage without her anywhere around, so to speak. She WAS around i just didn't know it.

    Well the last fight we had has come back to haunt as well. I am to order a branks or scolds bridle with a tongue depressor welded in. Guess who that's for? The next time i talk back on it will go and that will end that apparently.

    Ok then i will let you know how that goes.

  5. subklik

    subklik Office Girl

    Jun 19, 2009
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    Terribly disapointed as we had a spectacular weekend planned, yet here it is Sunday morning and i am too sick to do anything but lay here and type. These are my haunting health issues that i live with for the rest of my life.
    It is at times like this that i most am mostin awe of my life and how good it has become. Consider that such an incredibly beautifull and popular semi public figure who could clearly have nearly any man She wanted chooses me!
    Her career is going to regain momentum and She will probably be rocketed back up to where She was back in the eighties.
    Then She will be again stalked, proposed to, asked out and drooled over as before. I am very humbled at the fact that She chooses me. i am not rich but semi successful in business, chronicaly ill, and with as much baggage as anyone else and She loves me!!

    She who just got off the phone with someone HUGE in Her industry spoke of a major project that will last three years minimum. (this is the time She will enjoy the spotlight) Then She comes to the bedside to love me in the most tender way. She then goes to Her computer and sends me an email that is really kind of suggestive bordering on dirty. Then does laundry and talks to the kids. Four of them still living are home one is in another town for university.

    If you the reader can appreciate that this is in fact the core of a great BDSM or D/s relationship then you will see the connection to this journal. We as a man and wife trust and love at a very deep level that we satisfy in each other the deepest yearnings we have. This makes me tear up sometimes really.

    I am sorry that i can't give anything sexiting today but oohhh you just watch, there is a whipping or humiliation or something good just around the corner...i will be breathing hard soon. Those that have the best sex have the deepest love...Hmmm I am sre someone would argue that but not me, not here.

    Thank you very much: subklik (thinking of nipple clamps)
  6. subklik

    subklik Office Girl

    Jun 19, 2009
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    Say you know whats really interesting about being "mature" and kinky?
    You know what you like thats what. I have been going through a bland period lately and I just don't feel kinky at all.
    I feel so vanilla I want to pour caramel sauce all over myself to give me some flavour...and then She could lick it off and...
    Anyway I am digresing here, let me be serious for a moment. Remember a few posts back when She who IS obeyed told me to order a scolds bridle? Well go back and catch up with us if you haven,t, we will wait right here for you.

    Well...I did it this morning and it should be here in a couple of weeks. I ordered the bridle. Now Here is the significance, there was a time in my life when if I didn't feel kinky I would NEVER do anything like that because well why would I? I may never feel like it again based on the way I feel when I am in this mode.

    So why did I anyway? Because I know myself and I know that today I don't want to, tomorrow I might not...but I know that the feeling ALWAYS comes back and when it does I better be ready.
    So I very unemotionally without any passion at all orderd the thing and couldn't imagine ever using it.
    But I know that the time it gets here is the time I will be back in full swing.

    Thats because I know myself, I have been living inside this body my whole life, I usually like it here but I have wanted to move a couple of times but rather than getting schizophrenic it is better to stay put, I have learned everything about myself and I know that purging my femme wardrobe might be freeing for the moment but I will really be pissed of later when I have to buy more.

    Same with this kinky stuff, if it is a natural urging for you and you don't get it beaten out of you then you can enjoy it when the time comes then do it 24/7 for ever or until you need a break, have a fight or what ever.

    So tell me, do you like the twists and turns this journal takes?
    Or do you want me to focus on being tied up and teased and spanked?

    I know the answer for some of you but really, I think that these tidbits of real life add to the reality of it when my Wife and I are in fantasy land.

    The days are creeping up on another beautiful romp in the woods!!!!

    You know what that means...don't you?

    All in my twisted humour.

    subklik, (kicking against the goad).
  7. subklik

    subklik Office Girl

    Jun 19, 2009
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    I am getting really pissed of!

    I know how much I enjoy being submissive to Her. I just can't do it right now.

    I feel so incredibly ALPHA, it is also very frustrating to try to explain here.

    I call Her Mistress lately and we both laugh at the sound of it.

    (insert deep sigh here) I will keep waiting for my mood to change back.

    You know, I keep saying to myself at least it's real.

    OK off to work now, so I can keep getting richer, or more money or somethin.

    (feeling more like 'above'klik)
  8. subklik

    subklik Office Girl

    Jun 19, 2009
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    well it seems to be toning down finally, She had called me twice during the day yesterday to ask if I was back in the mood yet.

    That actually helped get me a bit closer to it, but not before I gave my Wife a truly hot and agressive "Bull" type of fucking last night.

    I confessed to her my frustration with the mood I have been in this past week or more because I miss it as much as She does!!

    You all know what I mean I am sure, both subs and Dommes right? So this morning begins a lock up day even though I don't bloody well feel like it.

    But...tomorrow is "INTERNATIONAL FEMME DOMME DAY" July 24th and there are parties everywhere and in many countries around the world.

    Mistress and i will wear our "Owner" and "slave" t-shirts for a trip down to the sexy part of the city.

    Expect some new twists, coming right up.

  9. subklik

    subklik Office Girl

    Jun 19, 2009
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    Hey guess what?

    As I post this there has been exactly 666 views to this thread!

    I am PROUD YES!

    Ummm that is unless any of you are particularly religious or superstitious.

    666 is the "number of the beast" you know.

    So when you read this it will be 667, therefore irrelevant.

    subklik (waiting for the whip)
  10. subklik

    subklik Office Girl

    Jun 19, 2009
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    BOOM...Just lke that...we are back in the loop. Saturday was International fem dom day, so Mistress wakes up and announces to me that i will be in a diaper all day with the locking pants. i am ok with that so on they go. We went to a party at my sisters house with about 30 people and guess what? Mistress left the key at home on purpose. So everytime i needed the loo, i was stuck.
    Those "Fetware" pants really do their job. (Testimonial) I was ok for the night but when we got home She would not unlock me

    OK hold on here, I am ging to come back to this post later when I can do it some justice.
    Mistress is calling me now and I have to go to the store for Her.

    So stay tuned and check back later..i promise that i will finish this.

  11. subklik

    subklik Office Girl

    Jun 19, 2009
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    OK here is me keeping the promise, just later than i thought.
    So anyway, i have just spent an entire weekend wearing a diaper and locked into a pair of fetware plastic pants.
    This entire weekend my Wife did not see her cock, nor did i except for two minutes in the morning when i had to change myself.
    This weekend was very busy and included dinner with in law's Sunday as well as a party Saturday night. Party menas beer, beer means well you know.
    Just so you know i am not into infantilism AT ALL!! i also have hard limits with tis diaper stuff and Mistress will never make me go past this particular limit, this is to say NOTHING in the diaper except wetting, if I need anything else then it comes off.

    Don't know why i feel the need to specify that but there, i did it. So the diaper thing is Her way of exerting more control over me.
    Saturday morning i was awakened by Mistress carressing my face, after a short time She reminded me of my condition, and asked for a pot of tea and some breakfast. As I left the room She reminded me that i would be able to focus on Her completely without washroom breaks and She expected me to be totally focused on Her until She was satisfied.

    At the party when i was busting i had no choice but to let it fly as i was looking into Her face from across the room, She had a knowing smirk on Her face and laughed lknowing what was happening. This morning I was released for the work week, strange after getting used to not being able to go to the loo to pee even if you want to.
    This was as close as i have been in a while to being in a steel chastity belt, totally locked and unable to see or touch Her cock.
    With the CB6000 i can see it, and if i get horny i can reach the tube and shake it with frustratin, with those thick pants on it is buried in padding and it is a distant memory after a few hours.

    Well i knew i would forget a bunch of details, by the end of the week there will be lots more to say so... there.
    Well now i need to get to work.

    subklik (new headspace coming up)
  12. subklik

    subklik Office Girl

    Jun 19, 2009
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    #37 subklik, Jul 27, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2014
    This morning was a "Love day".
    We were in still in bed this morning and She unlocked me and we made love before we went to work. Truth is when we are not in the locked up mode we would have sex at least once a day and usually twice.
    With the games we play it is less often we have intercourse way more often that She has an orgasm, way less often that i do.
    When we do make love in the conventional sense it is more special than ever before.

    This morning we were in the Mistress/slave mode and i was allowed to cum even though it changes my mood for a while. Cumming has actually started making me feel unwell ever snce i competed the thirty nine days of lock up. It seems that my system has adjusted somehow and likes to be denied orgams...or it could be all psychological. So i orgasmed this morning and i went to work satisfied in that way that fullfilling sex can offer.

    As i was driving i thought about the power exchange and how it actually works. i realize that everything is voluntary. i do in fact crave to be submissive to a woman, but i do not HAVE to do it. i want to, for sure... but not to the point where i will humiliate or embarras myself outside of the context of the game or of playing. The rules have to be understood in other words.
    So i thought of my six foot 200 plus pound frame and about my Wifes 5'6 120 pound body and why we do this. i am not a wimp by any standards but i may enjoy pretending to be one if it was within the above described parameters, i will crawl on the floor, let Her lead me around with a leash around my neck or my balls for that matter. Why? Because i want to thats why, and i realize that if the game is played with regularity and even daily it is very possible to cross a line and never need to return. For most of us who have family, jobs and an outside the bedroom vanilla life, this is quite likely to remain a game played as often as possible between two lovers. It would be extremely unlikely that my Wife could really force me to do some of the things i have described here such as the whipping i got in the forest at Her uncles farm, but i submit to it because it appeals to me and makes me feel helpless and at Her mercy, and that turns me on. i do not think this needs anymore analysis beyond this but i am sure i speak for many here.

    i love being able to tell my Wife that i want to lick Her pussy in a park. i love that She knows how i crave to lick Her when She is finished peeing. Some may say "EEW GROSS" and frankly now that i am not in the headspace i can't beleive it myself, but She knows it and will do it because it turns Her on the accomodate me and She becomes more adventurous and confidant with every new adventure.

    I am exhausting myself with this analyzing, so i am locking myself up and waiting for my Mistress to get home now.
    She who owns what used to be "my" cock.

    The branks is coming!!! (but i am not) The branks is coming!!! (but i am not) The branks is coming!!! (but i am not)
    The branks is coming all the way from England, which i think is fitting considering they were invented there.

    i cannot wait to be locked into it for hours at a time as punishment for talking back or whatever She decides.

    i am becoming very turned on at the thought.

    subklik session over.
  13. subklik

    subklik Office Girl

    Jun 19, 2009
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    Mistress is working nights for the week. Getting home late when i am already sleeping, therefore i am locked all week with no hope of getting out til Friday. We are travelling for the weekend and will be released for the flight.
    However, next weekend Mistress will be traveling on business several thousand miles away, leaving the country for four days.
    I will be locked up during Her absence She will have the key to the CB6000 and the spare key will be encased in wax by Her side of the bed.

    Also a frustrating note, we realized that i am WAY too big for the cb6000 to be a lifetime deal for us. Leaving Mistress to decide that i really do need a steel belt. Terrible really more money spent on more toys. tsk tsk.

    Maybe no chastity this weekend but i will fly in panties!

  14. subklik

    subklik Office Girl

    Jun 19, 2009
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    We are back from a short holiday. Visited family who still live where i grew up. It is a remote-ish fishing village on the ocean with sketchy phone service and no reliable internet. Hence the no posting for a few days.

    So here we are back home and whle i was away Mistress was re awakened, oohhhhh the talk, the words coming out of her!
    Every time i now speak even slightly gruff with Her She just smiles and says "the Branks is coming". Her scolds bridle should be coming this week and it will be used exclusively as a punishment for me when i seak out of tun or argue or ...maybe whenever She just wants me silent.

    i must be perverted because it makes me hard thinking about it. Mistress said She wants me to be locked in chastity every day for the rest of my life and only let out for Her pleasure. She wants to lock a diaper onto me, a short chain padlocked onto my ankles, wearing my 5" heels, the branks, and a dress. Then She said that i would wear all this while cleaning the kitchen and the entire house i would be ordered around like a slave and not speak atall (thanks to the Branks) She speaks with excitement about this so i think it may turn out to be a case of "be careful what you wish for".

    Stay tuned to this is about to get really good!

  15. subklik

    subklik Office Girl

    Jun 19, 2009
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    Upset but laughing about it.
    I was reading SlaveBridget's account of her "Day with Mistress" in the Bouduoir forum and as i was reading it i grew very hard.
    As i had been locked continuously for over a week i was in a very horny state. If you are familiar with Bridget and her posts you know what I mean. SlaveBridget is a major reason that i joined the mansion, if i lived in California i would want to meet all of her people. Absolutely wildness her stories are!

    So anyway here i am getting hard hard hard and the tube spilts completely in two! Leaving me with a ring locked onto Mistress' cock and hanging there with the two pieces in my hands.

    The good folks at "Kept" promise to replace it for me.

    More adventures to come. But I cannot rival that Bridget thats for sure.

    More to cum.
  16. subklik

    subklik Office Girl

    Jun 19, 2009
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    Hello y'all:

    i am a bit confused right now. After spending a week of pure vanilla, then breaking my 6000 tube with a huge erection while on the mansion forums no less! i sit here in locking five inch heels and wearing a dress and locked in a diaper by the use of those famous locking rubber panties from fetwear. i am so off balance right now, just as it seemed that we were cooling off??...

    She is still waiting for the branks to come from England, and untill that punishment becomes available to Her i am expecting to be severely whipped for a number of transgressions this past week and i had best not wake Her prematurely with the tapping of these keys.

    i hope you are not getting tired of hearing me say "Stay tuned, its about to get really good".

    i must say though, i feel really insecure about not being locked up.

  17. subklik

    subklik Office Girl

    Jun 19, 2009
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    Wow it is summer and so many people are not online as usual.
    i notice that posting goes down in the summer season, but mine i want to get better.

    Mistress bought me a beautiful pair of panties originally priced at $90 #%@$#^ DOLLARS!!!!!!!
    Still...$45 bucks for panties? Well they are special and wow they feel great.
    I never thought ordinary cotton could be sooo sexy! It is not stretchy cotton it is more like a linen.
    And are they fussy? Wow what detail! i am in love
  18. Mlockedup

    Mlockedup Mistress Lola's Servant

    Mar 6, 2010
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    9:36 AM
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