Feb 13, 2011 at 10:17 PM
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Decommissioned Male., Male, from Midlands.

Keyholder sent me a pic of a padlock she's bought... I guess that signals my impending re-lock! Dec 29, 2014

    1. Lure_and_Order
      Keyholder sent me a pic of a padlock she's bought... I guess that signals my impending re-lock!
    2. Lure_and_Order
      Belated Christmas wishes, couldn't log in on the family's laptop... What would they think?! hope you're all having fun!
    3. Lure_and_Order
      So my KH said she has something for me! The replacement lock maybe? Are my free days over already? Or something else? Excited!
    4. Lure_and_Order
      Pixel snow!!! My favorite kind
    5. Lure_and_Order
      Free! Temporarily while the cage is fixed. My KH said 'Let's get you locked up again'.... My sentiments exactly!
      Sig Wyrminorb likes this.
    6. Lure_and_Order
      Key holder staying over for the first time tonight.. Oh boy! I'm flapping around making things nice, trying to keep my mind occupied!
    7. Lure_and_Order
      Okay so Brighton is beautiful! Don't know whether it's due to the sea air or the Green Party influence, but it's a really great place.
      1. SubVerity
        Somehow I pictured you as being west coast US. Still, Brighton's kind of similar I guess. ;)
        Dec 3, 2014
      2. Lure_and_Order
        I sometimes picture myself on the west coast of America too! But the reality is a little less exciting and grey, lol
        Dec 3, 2014
    8. Lure_and_Order
      I need to get good at massages really quick... Any hot tips?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. SubVerity
        Make most of your firm movements running up the body, and lighter movements running back down. Try to always have some contact at all times.
        Dec 3, 2014
      3. SubVerity
        And remember, as long as you stay off the spine itself - it'll all feel good. So.....have fun. Find some vids on youtube to get the gist of it.
        Dec 3, 2014
      4. Lure_and_Order
        Such brilliant advice, thanks so much :)
        Plenty to be going on, I will let you know how I fare tomorrow!
        Dec 3, 2014
    9. Lure_and_Order
      Even in my dream last night I was in my cock cage ... Lol! That's got to say something.
      Errant likes this.
    10. Lure_and_Order
      Txt from KH this morning telling me she's v.proud of me so far and I MAY be unlocked when she visits next... 50/50 on whether she's serious!
      Errant likes this.
    11. Lure_and_Order
      Txt from KH this morning telling me she's v.proud of me so far and I MAY be unlocked when she visits next... 50/50 on whether she's serious!
      Errant likes this.
    12. Lure_and_Order
      Chastity is definitely at it's most comfortable just after you've moisturised your man-bits. Mmm, satisfying!
    13. Lure_and_Order
      Xmas shopping for my KH. She'll be unwrapping a shock collar modified for my cock cage. Found one with Bluetooth for iphone control.. Gulp!
      Usul and Errant like this.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Lure_and_Order
        Nov 19, 2014
      3. Kontraband
        Fun times ahead
        Nov 19, 2014
      4. Lure_and_Order
        That one doesn't have huge range but it will be good for keeping me compliant on shopping trips or when in the house!
        Nov 19, 2014
    14. Lure_and_Order
      Key holder visiting Friday! Can't wait. Might get a release...
    15. Lure_and_Order
      Thought I was getting out at the one month marker... Nope. At least another week added. Nearest key 15 miles away.
    16. HZX
      Just get these feelings are pleasant, and enjoy :)
      Expect pleasure from chastity, and not to suffer while waiting for an orgasm.
      kkeeiitthh likes this.
    17. Lure_and_Order
      Locked for 23 days so far. It sounds like I need to get used to this feeling, no chance of release any time soon...
    18. Lure_and_Order
      First week in chastity... Seriously horny already
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  • About

    Location: (Country, Region - and perhaps even City?):
    Chastity devices:
    Chastity resume:
    8 October 2014
    Hey all! I'm a 35 year old male who is attracted to the extremities in life. I like to keep myself fit and strong, I like to read and draw, I haven't watched TV in over a decade. I love to meet people from every walk of life.

    The lock on my chastity device belongs to my lesbian friend, I have never had any keys and never will. All decisions regarding my orgasms and release are hers and for her pleasure or amusement. Her pleasure is my complete impotence to other women, her amusement is my ever-present frustration.
    While we are just starting out in this new dynamic, we are extremely happy with our new arrangement.

    Her decision to make me surpass any period of denial I've suffered before and keep me locked 24/7 for a year came on our second time playing and is set in stone. I have been assured I will not see my penis again until November 2015, no exceptions. No safe words. Come airport security check or invitation to skinny-dip. It stays on but once a year.


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