Last Activity:
May 29, 2024 at 10:33 PM
May 24, 2016 at 8:37 PM
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Local Time:
5:15 PM
Aug 6, 1973 (Age: 50)
Home Page:
Location: (Country, Region - and perhaps even City?):
South of Lacrosse Wisconsin


The suspense is terrible...I hope it lasts, Male, 50, from South of Lacrosse Wisconsin

New cage arrived, it’s like a hermit crab that finds a new shell that fits…except mine needed a smaller home. Apr 17, 2024

Nicoftime was last seen:
May 29, 2024 at 10:33 PM
    1. Nicoftime
      Was told this morning will be locked until we are married
      danijean001, Penney, Rectrix and 2 others like this.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. LockedN8
        Is that an encouragement to pop the question?
        Jul 24, 2018
      3. Jblocked
        Congratulations on your up cumming welding do you have a date yet
        Jul 24, 2018
      4. Rectrix
        Congratulations!! Every fiancee should be so honored by her knight.
        Jul 24, 2018
    2. Nicoftime
      Last night she gave me a ride and big O, lock up tomorrow morning. On vacation, she wasn’t happy I forgot to bring doxi
      Mistress Amanté and Rectrix like this.
    3. Nicoftime
      6 weeks since last full O, 3 weeks since cage was removed for some play. Her key just sitting in her cleavage is driving me insane!
      Jblocked, Rectrix and Breathe like this.
      1. Breathe
        The plan seems to be working. ;)
        Jul 11, 2018
        Nicoftime likes this.
      2. Rectrix
        I feel your insanity -- when your erection goes missing over a couple of weeks mental balance begins to crumble, need and submission become primary.
        Jul 11, 2018
        Nicoftime likes this.
    4. Nicoftime
      Was wondering why my blog was getting so many hits, seems it pops up on keyheld male chastity resource near the top of the list..feel famous
      Rectrix, Breathe and Mash2214 like this.
      1. Mash2214
        It’s because your world famous. One of the leaders in the Industry
        Jul 4, 2018
      2. Nicoftime
        Haha, it is weird though being next to very experienced blogs that I recognize
        Jul 4, 2018
        Mash2214 likes this.
    5. Nicoftime
      Wow, over 30 days since big O!
      Breathe and harddenial like this.
      1. adamjc1161
        C'mon!!! Now whaddaya gonna say when it's been 300 days? LOL
        Jul 2, 2018
      2. Nicoftime
        I’m hoping I never have to find out
        Jul 2, 2018
        adamjc1161 likes this.
      3. adamjc1161
        When I've been locked so long without a release, I stop hoping and just work my hardest for my Mistress so that my next correction is not too painful
        Jul 2, 2018
        Mash2214 likes this.
    6. Nicoftime
      Was told I have a lot of work to do before even have the opportunity again...looks like I may have an extended lock up this time
      Breathe and Mash2214 like this.
    7. Nicoftime
      We had such a hot time the other night, it’s going to take awhile to get it straight and write down here. Hot and still horny
      Breathe and Jblocked like this.
    8. Nicoftime
      “I love when you have it on. I think your attitude and your energy change” text from Amante yesterday
      danijean001, Rectrix and Breathe like this.
    9. Nicoftime
      Was serious but said it may change if she feels like it
      Mr M and Breathe like this.
    10. Nicoftime
      After pleasing her was allowed to cum, but she mentioned a new ratio...100-1. Not sure if she was serious.
      Rectrix and Breathe like this.
      1. Rectrix
        That won't be too bad as long as she's multi-orgasmic and you get to count all 4, 5, 6, 7 or however many at each worship session. :-)
        May 30, 2018
    11. Nicoftime
      4 weeks is just shy of the longest I’ve went without.
      Breathe likes this.
      1. Breathe
        Tick tock. :)
        May 26, 2018
        Mascara^Snake likes this.
    12. Nicoftime
      Being unlocked without cumming for so long is kinda worse than staying locked! My cage kept me from being naughty
      Breathe likes this.
      1. margarett
        that is exactly why You should be locked. simple as that :)
        May 24, 2018
        Nicoftime likes this.
      2. Breathe
        She's testing your resolve, it seems... ;)
        May 24, 2018
      3. Rectrix
        I empathize. Mine feels like it was a missing part of me, and to be unlocked is so much responsibility and temptation -- especially for a masturbator like me.
        May 24, 2018
    13. Nicoftime
      Was unlocked last night, no cumming though.
      Breathe likes this.
    14. Nicoftime
      3 weeks, she asked “you probably want out of your cage soon” I said when you want it out...still caged lol
      Breathe likes this.
    15. Nicoftime
      New 6week old yellow lab puppy, cute as a bug and all sorts a trouble!
      1. PouchPantyLover
        They're all cute when they're little.
        May 15, 2018
    16. Nicoftime
      Happy mother’s day!!!!
      Allen1987 and Jblocked like this.
    17. Nicoftime
      Was able to go down and watch her use wand this morning, had been a little while, so happy to have shared her O.
      Jblocked and danijean001 like this.
    18. Nicoftime
      went thru my computer and found some old pics, I had forgotten what I looked like with hair on my body
      danijean001 likes this.
      1. danijean001
        Smooth all over is so much nicer!!
        May 2, 2018
    19. Nicoftime
      Tiff last night, she ended it with a very hard paddling, hurts to sit this morning
    20. Nicoftime
      Was told to lock up, I’ve stretched this out as long as I could but I’m back in.
    21. Nicoftime
      After not finishing the day before, she allowed a big O last night!
      1. Mr M
        Mr M
        Lucky you Nic! I have until July before I am out of a lock down for breaking the rules.
        May 2, 2018
        Nicoftime likes this.
    22. Nicoftime
      First paddling in a long time, butt hurts!
      Mash2214 likes this.
      1. Mash2214
        This isn't always an easy thing to except. It can even become enjoyable.
        May 1, 2018
    23. Nicoftime
      New Chinese cage from happygo to try and review...I don’t seem to be getting hard anymore so not sure of the point. Will see how it fits
    24. CJ's hubby
      CJ's hubby
      Just started following your 'Suddenly Susan' Blog and I am getting hooked. Your description's of many of our lifestyles is spot on.
      1. Nicoftime
        Well thanks, suddenlysubbie is my emotional venting spot, and where inner turmoil surfaces.
        Apr 25, 2018
    25. Nicoftime
      Weekend is over and still uncaged, but just as well, I had a small spot that needed to heal.
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  • About

    Aug 6, 1973 (Age: 50)
    Home Page:
    Location: (Country, Region - and perhaps even City?):
    South of Lacrosse Wisconsin
    Your chastity role:
    • Submissive
    • Sissy
    Chastity devices:
    Birdlock, some cheap metal one, mature metal jailbird, happygo stealth cage from Amazon, rigid chastity model 05, glans armor2.
    Chastity resume:
    Member here in 2009 under a different name, actually participating now.
    Submissive guy, living with a beautiful wonderful smart keyholder @Mistress Amanté. I introduced this to her and she has blossomed into the role and seems to enjoy it as much as I.

    Discipline, and maid service were hard limits for me, somehow we have evolved to incorporate both. Most it’s just me here, she does Check in on me to see what I’ve written or to comment, but don’t be upset if she doesn’t respond to you, cm just isn’t the safe haven it is for me.

    We love each other and do not see us giving up our roles, chastity, or rules any time soon.
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