Last Activity:
Mar 26, 2022
May 10, 2017 at 4:08 AM
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7:04 PM
Jan 27, 1964 (Age: 60)


Long term member, Male, 60

Locked. Jul 26, 2019

Giveitup was last seen:
Mar 26, 2022
    1. Giveitup
      Allen1987 likes this.
    2. Giveitup
      New personal best of 3-weeks straight ended this morning when she ordered me inside of her.
      Ma’ams Slut likes this.
    3. Giveitup
      At my 15-day record, but this time I am here without my typical chaffing. I miss erections the most! Let's see how long she goes...
      Rectrix and Allen1987 like this.
    4. Robinoh
      Great pictures
      Giveitup likes this.
    5. Giveitup
      I heart hot tub jets! :)
      Allen1987 likes this.
    6. Giveitup
      I'm back in. (Yes, I'm confused, too.)
      Allen1987 likes this.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Giveitup
        Thanks, Allen! I appreciate your words of wisdom and encouragement. As I posted a couple of updates ago: "This is harder than I thought..." (Double entendre intended.)
        May 14, 2019
        Allen1987 likes this.
      3. Allen1987
        Keep your head up and just move forward. You know her the best. Try a little romance, see if it can get under her skin. Being apart for so long probably changed a lot of feelings. Almost like starting over. Turn up the romance, go back to the beginning!
        May 16, 2019
        Giveitup likes this.
      4. Giveitup
        Great idea! She's under a metric F'-ton of stress, which makes me feel like an ass for having needs of my own - but we're always balls-to-the-wall, and we're not getting any younger. Seems some more flowers and a latte may be in order, despite the ones from Mom's Day still being pretty.
        May 16, 2019
        Allen1987 likes this.
    7. Giveitup
    8. Giveitup
      This is harder than I thought...
      Breathe likes this.
    9. Giveitup
      Locked! (With one big difference... She told me to!)
      Rectrix likes this.
    10. Giveitup
      He's Free! (After a 2-week personal best!) A bit of ring-burn, but have to clear security tomorrow. Next: 3-weeks! (Or whatever she wants.)
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Sissy_Denise
        Try a resin cage like the HT v3 nano or nub knock offs when you need to pass security. We have metal detectors at work so I have to rotate, metal on the weekends and resin during the week. The small brass lock passes through ours and it squawks over my very small belt buckle. Good luck with the extended lock-up!
        Mar 1, 2019
        Giveitup likes this.
      3. Giveitup
        @Rectrix - Not yet. I had to clear security for some meetings at another business, and my wife and I will be converging on a 3rd city, on separate business trips. She has the book. I'm not asking. I will have a cage ready, in case she wants to talk about it.
        Mar 2, 2019
      4. Giveitup
        @Sissy_Denise - Thanks for the suggestion, I am right there with you. I bought an HTv2 "small" knockoff. I had to do a bit of sanding, had plenty of room, but the joint where the two pieces fit together gets wobbly when the cage gets warm. If this whole chastity thing takes off, I will invest in a genuine v3 Nano, as I travel quite a bit.
        Mar 2, 2019
    11. Giveitup
      If I have an orgasm in my cage, am I still locked? (If a tree falls in the forest...)
      Rectrix and Ma’ams Slut like this.
      1. Ma’ams Slut
        Ma’ams Slut
        You Hear it fall for sure!!!
        Feb 20, 2019
        Giveitup likes this.
    12. Giveitup
      Locked at 2:15 pm, local. Let's see if I can top my 10-day record in ye olde cheep Chinese cage...
    13. Giveitup
      Locked! 2 O's for her, no O's for me in the last 12-days, and now there's no chance of one for as long as I can stay locked. Excited!
      Rectrix and Breathe like this.
    14. Giveitup
      9-days, and out. Raw spot where the tube, my "tube" and my balls intersect. 5-days last time. 10-days my best. "long-term" is a dream...
    15. Giveitup
      Locked (again.) I only made 5-days last time, so here we go again. Mid-month travel covered by having an HT knockoff on the way.
    16. Giveitup
      Rectrix likes this.
    17. Giveitup
      Unlocked, due to chafing. Four measly days. After healing, I will try and try again, until I can forget that it's on...
      1. Lann
        Keep at it! I know I get chafing issues as well. It really sucks :(
        Aug 9, 2018
        Giveitup likes this.
      2. KrisHawk
        Hey I feel you on the chaffing man that “medical grade silicone” left me with an abrasion for a fucking year and a half. CB all the way. Different brands/materials affect everyone differently.
        Aug 21, 2018
        Giveitup likes this.
    18. Giveitup
      Off the road for a few weeks... Shaved & locked.
      1. KrisHawk
        Off the road? You a trucker?
        Aug 21, 2018
    19. Giveitup
      Failed. I could not live in the super-compact cheese-grater. Good fantasy; questionable practicality.
      1. Strict Sir
        Strict Sir
        Well, you tried! Not much room in that one!
        Jul 18, 2018
        Giveitup likes this.
      2. harddenial
        You need more space to go long term in my experience.
        Jul 18, 2018
        Giveitup likes this.
    20. Giveitup
      Breathe likes this.
      1. Strict Sir
        Strict Sir
        Nice small cage!
        Jul 15, 2018
        Giveitup likes this.
      2. Giveitup
        Yes, yes it is. I managed 10-days in cage #4, which is really open. I've reverted to #2 for this stint, with a grommet in the "cheese grater" hole in the end, to prevent pinching the most sensitive spot. I have 12-days until I have to get on a plane again, so we'll see how it holds up. This sucker is tiny!
        Jul 15, 2018
      3. Strict Sir
        Strict Sir
        Wow, yeah, #2 looks about as small as it gets! 12 days! Good luck.
        Jul 16, 2018
    21. Giveitup
      Apparently 10-days is a sufficient amount of time to forget that unlocked males can pee standing up...
    22. Giveitup
      Unlocked: 10-days 24x7. Personal best! (So far.) Wanted to check the lil' guy out. Nothing some lotion & soft pair of panties won't heal.
      Rectrix and Breathe like this.
    23. Giveitup
      One week!
      Breathe likes this.
    24. Giveitup
    25. Giveitup
      Locked. Could have gone for 3-weeks, but had to unlock & let the ring chafing heal. Did a little gardening, too. 10-days would be a record.
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  • About

    Jan 27, 1964 (Age: 60)
    Chastity devices:
    FeiGu 114
    Chastity resume:
    Completely fascinated newbie.
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