chaster votes

  1. KyDave

    Chaster/EmlaLock Shared Links Thread

    Is there already a thread primarily used to post Chaster/EmlaLock share links? I know about the Discord servers. If so, please point me to it. If not, woulda anyone else find such a thread useful? Is this one a good candidate? I'm envisioning one single thread where posters and voters could...
  2. KyDave

    Chaster Share Links Thread

    Is there already a thread primarily used to post Chaster share links? I know about the Discord server. If so, please point me to it. If not, would anyone else find such a thread useful? Is this one a good candidate?? My current lock: Thanks...
  3. L

    Hello. First chaster session. Need some votes.

    Hello. I'm new here. Need some votes for first chaster session. Will return.
  4. G

    Please vote for my chaster session!

    I would greatly appreciate it if people would vote on this!
  5. S

    Need Votes on Chaster MistressBubble caught me in a trap which I didn’t read through thoroughly and now she has me by the balls… need 1000 votes to even have a chance to escape… I’m so fucked but I have to play by her rules or else she’ll keep freezing me and I need to...
  6. K

    Chaster link A lot of votes needed!) Feel free to repost somewhere else :D
  7. KyDave

    Mrs. KyDave approved my new Chaster lock

    Mrs. KyDave approved my new lock: It's based on a lock I made for myself but she made a few changes and requires an account in order to vote. As a condition of my lockup, I have to post my link here on CM and include it in my title so it shows up...
  8. E

    Flat cage - Votes Needed!

    I need 250 votes to be able to get out of my new flat cage, please help out with a vote
  9. B

    Chaster Link - No Login Needed. Help Me Out!

    Currently a short lock but I need 100 visits so who knows where it ends up. Please don’t make it too long
  10. K

    A lot of votes needed, please vote for me. Thank you
  11. E

    Chaster link

    Just started chaster and went with a big lock to start with, please vote on my link
  12. Sub40s

    New lock need votes.

    Hi, I just joined a lock today and require 100 votes. Please vote and help me stay locked. Feel free to share the link too. Thanks ahead.
  13. C

    Please add time to my lock

    Hello, I'm new here, my Mistress told me about this site. Could you please add time to my lock on Chaster?
  14. L

    chaster shared link

    hey. I was ordered to post shared link here. I'm wearing flat cage. Accidentally I hid timer and I don't know current timer, but I'm sure it less than week
  15. S

    Help keep me locked please

    Made myself a guess the timer lock and forget to set a time limit. Punishing myself by posting my share link everywhere I can. Feel free to copy and share my link other places if you really want to keep me locked.
  16. A

    2000 Chaster votes needed in 35 days... Please help.

    Hi all, I have accepted a challenge to get 2000 votes in 35 days, If I fail then the required number of votes is tripled! I would appreciate some help.
  17. L

    Trying to Escape a Trap.

    Strughling to break free. Please vote?
  18. S

    Chaster links sharing

    In this topic you can start your chaster links. First one:
  19. S

    Add time please

    i need your help for the chastity lock, i need 100 votes, let you be cruel
  20. quietlyDevious

    Need Help with my Chaster Lock

    Hello, Please help me get all of my required votes needed for my lock. Thanks.