
  1. T


    Hey everyone, I'm Trey! I'm a male in his 20s from the north east US area. I'm rather new to chastity as I got my first cage 2 weeks ago, so far I'd say my experience has been enjoyable! I also tried joining my first lock on chaster. I'm currently stuck due to share links which has been a...
  2. Alatari Yassavi

    Prostate Stim?

    If I am locked, is a prostate release and orgasm? I have them referred to as P-gasms, but the feeling is entirely different then a penile orgasm. Plus there is little to no refractory time. So does it count as an orgasm?
  3. Quinn Klaxon

    Wicked Mood (Part I) by Quinn Klaxon

    Wicked Mood By Quinn Klaxon PART I Long before they met in person, she knew he was special. Not more than two sips of her latte into their first face-to-face meeting, she felt satisfied that he might be the one. She finished her coffee and took his hand, “Come with me,” she said...
  4. Alatari Yassavi

    Part time Domanant?

    I don’t know how likely this would be or what, if any, interest there would be. Is there anyone interested in being a part time KH/Dominant? Don’t get me wrong, I would love the 100% lifestyle, it is just not possible. So I guess it would be when I go out of town or during some weeks, to be my...
  5. Alatari Yassavi

    Multi Lock KH Desired

    Good afternoon. I will be doing a chastity/self bondage session in a little bit and would like a keyholder for both. It would be on Chaster and Emlalock (or I can make a second account on Chaster if it is easier). Here is my rough set up in the order I will be applying everything: It will be...
  6. S

    Looking for an online Keyholder

    Hey, im Lucas 21, im currently locked in a Cellmate 3 Pro and looking for a female keyholder to deny and humiliate me. I can be locked and shocked for however long you want! Im currently located in Glasgow Scotland. I love being denied. I also have a Lovense Edge 2 that i can be edged and denied...
  7. Disciplined Boyfriend

    Anniversary Present

    My gift to you, Lady C says pointing at my Stainless Steel cage... 11 years of chastity. Its our 11th wedding anniversary today and in the UK at least the traditional gift is steel. "Its going to last you the next 11 years probably longer", she grinned at me, before picking up the closest...
  8. wifesplaything

    Beehive Nub

    Until recently I’ve always used the CB range right back to 2007 when we first started our chastity journey, however, the beehive nub is the most comfortable I’ve ever been locked in and so easy for my Wife to fit and remove, really easy to clean myself and therefore much longer lock ups which my...
  9. Jakaso98

    Chastity Sizing and Selection

    Hi, kinda new here but not really new to the kink. I've been wanting to get more into it, but I've been struggling to get a good cage to wear. Most I get are either too loose, tight, are difficult to lock into place without pinching myself or just rub wrong after a certain period of time. For...
  10. gold_member

    One Year in Chastity - AMA

    One year to the day I was locked up for my traditional "Birthday Chastity". My wife and I have been doing that for many years now, and usually I get released before the end of the month. But last year I misbehaved in a way that caused her to roll my birthday stint right into Locktober...
  11. Alatari Yassavi

    Looking for a KH/Domme

    Hello, delete if not the right place. I am looking for a KH and Domme. I love chastity and CD, sadly I only get to indulge on business trips. I also deeply enjoy talking about all things fetish and kink. So I guess the long and the short of it is I am looking for companionship with a KH/Domme...
  12. K

    Thank you for welcoming me

    I appreciate that there is a site with the mission of Chastity Mansion. I have a lot of experience attempting chastity but too few successes. I've matured over the years from seeing this as an exciting kink focused on sex to a path of personal and relationship growth. Chastity has taught me a...
  13. V

    My 35 year chastity journey

    I am 73 years old and married for 52 years next month. I am retired. I married a virgin who never masturbated nor had an orgasm. Never let a boy feel her up due to a combination of a strict disabled alcoholic father who had put his children in hospitals by beating them violently. I met my wife...
  14. DoraPenguin17

    Multiple Devices

    I wanted to know what peoples thoughts are on owning and rotating between multiple devices. I currently wear (an authentic) Holy Trainer which I absolutely love, however I am considering getting a second device to spice things up a little and get a slightly different sensation from it all...
  15. C

    Any beginner Chaster advice?

    Hey. Just rebought a chastity cage after purging all my kinky stuff around a year+ ago. Just locked up again for the first time and have a self Chaster lock set up. Any advice on how best to use the platform? Having someone else control the time seems very hot but I'm worried about how it all...
  16. T

    Trying to explain to my girlfriend

    For those of you who have been the ones bringing it up to your girlfriend or wife, I'm sure you will agree it is quite a difficult explanation - the most difficult question is "Why the hell would you want that??" It's a good question! Why would we as males want something that is so enjoyable...
  17. Alatari Yassavi

    New Chaster Lock

    Hey all, I have been thinking of starting a new lock. From now until roughly Saturday morning. I would love a female KH but not a necessity. Would anyone want to create one for me? I know this is not a lot to go on, message me if you want. I like creating locks but would love it if someone else...
  18. S

    Hotel room experience - bbc dildos, chastity, multiple orgasms, denial, watching. Next steps!

    Ok all my Mistresses, Chaste and those starting their journey…it’s been a few weeks and I think I’m ready to talk about the experience and where we are now… We went to stay at a marriott resort in Fort Lauderdale for 4 days. We spoke about how we were going to have a night of sexual exploration...
  19. stevie stevens

    Timeline for wearing key? And how?

    This may have been brought up before, but I was wondering how far along in the chastity experience does a keyholder feel the need to show the world that they are a chastity keyholder? Do most do it right away, or after some time? Is there an agreement between the keyholder and their sub, or...
  20. B

    Steelwerks Lucite 00-Guage Locking Barbell

    For Sale... Chastity device - Steelwerks Extreme Lucite Schandmaske with fitted 00-guage stainless steel locking curved barbell for Prince Albert. This is a new, old stock, matched item from Steelwerks Extreme. The Lucite piece has been out of production for years and NLA. This may be your...