
  1. KyDave

    Chaster/EmlaLock Shared Links Thread

    Is there already a thread primarily used to post Chaster/EmlaLock share links? I know about the Discord servers. If so, please point me to it. If not, woulda anyone else find such a thread useful? Is this one a good candidate? I'm envisioning one single thread where posters and voters could...
  2. C

    vote please

  3. alexia1956

    Another session with links to discount and why not add more links?

    Requirement Link https://www.emlalock.com/#/r/jucfpqpufh Friend Link https://www.emlalock.com/#/f/oqmdi1le0x Play with me :p https://l0g-0ut.github.io/elg/?p= User ID isfxfpgybzzhrgu API Key otx4wzwmsu
  4. T

    I'm looking for a keyholder.

    I'm looking for a keyholder on Emlalock. I'm Beta and Virgin. Let's talk?
  5. T

    A virgin for a keyholder in Missouri USA

    A virgin for a keyholder near Springfield, Missouri. I'm open to online keyholder. I'm on Emlalock.
  6. T

    I'm looking for a keyholder.

    I'm looking for a keyholder on Emlalock. I'm beta and virgin. I'm interested in long term. Emlalock ID Key Code: vvl5hl2f8i
  7. T

    Hi I'm Tyler, I'm new here.

    Hi I'm Tyler, I am beta and virgin. I'm shy. I have been wearing chastity off and on for two years. I'm currently wearing device similar to cb6000. I'm currently on Emlalock with no keyholder.
  8. A Boy Named Suzy

    Emlalock instant link clicks required please!

    Please help me by clicking on my instant link https://www.emlalock.com/#/i/xrfpfm4w2l to add 1024 days to my Emlalock chastity session. It might seem a lot but I have a good Wheel of Fortune which will reduce time but can it keep up? Emlalock has a limit of around 24800 days, so when it gets...
  9. Jon245

    New time based locking app - Try It!

    Hi, I'm a developer and I'd like to introduce you to my time based locking app https://timepasscode.com/. I would like you to express your opinion and suggest in the comment what could be changed, added or improved. Thank you very much for the feedback, it is very important for me. If you...
  10. alexia1956

    help me with my links so I can stay in chastity for as long as you give

    Friend link https://emlalock.com/#/f/lfhk6h3y9i Requirement Link (844) https://emlalock.com/#/r/0jhenj0b56 play with me User ID: isfxfpgybzzhrguk API key: g4sle83b0l
  11. alexia1956

    Please help with my emlalock requirements links

    Please vote! :love: Requierement Link! https://emlalock.com/#/r/sp1m6ed5kb Friend Link!;) https://emlalock.com/#/f/iy556dsmth
  12. E

    Emlalock session

    Please vote on my friend link https://www.emlalock.com/#/f/d10zxgrlln
  13. J

    End of October Emlalock Requirement Links

    As Locktober's end nears, could you all please help me with my requirement links! Much appreciated!! https://www.emlalock.com/#/r/o3q5ugixwh
  14. Math971

    New chastity session

    please add time https://www.emlalock.com/#/f/wj1jeuuiz6
  15. C

    Emlalock Keyholder

    I'm in a new session and in search of a mistress to hold my keys. The session key ID is: 7qmd6j0svo Also feel free to vote ony link. https://www.emlalock.com/#/f/oc4ndw141y
  16. Math971

    Add chastity time

    Please keep me locked ! http://www.emlalock.com/#/f/lpxrjlj4nz
  17. Math971

    Keep me locked

    Please keep me locked in chastity http://www.emlalock.com/#/f/lpxrjlj4nz
  18. C

    Emlalock Session

    Hello, If any Mistress wants to play with my session here it is. scpgxku3g4
  19. C

    Emlalock Requirements

    I still need a bunch of votes on my links. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. Would you be so kind as to vote on my requirement link? https://www.emlalock.com/#/r/hkwp8zy9hk
  20. C

    First time owned

    First time on this site and I have some requirements I need met. Can you help me please? RL: https://www.emlalock.com/#/r/eizj0jnqlw FL: https://www.emlalock.com/#/f/qm6j51ejje