
  1. PornAddict103

    How to stop night time erections?

    I've been playing with chastity for 7 months and I really wanna keep my cage on for weeks without using the key once, but every so often I get a monster erection that wakes me up at night and keeps me up the rest of the night and I'm a miserable zombie the entire day after. Is there a way to...
  2. I surrender to my wife

    Locked during night

    I know what you're thinking. There's like 10 posts about this. Still... ... So I've been sleeping with it on only since last Thursday, and only a total of 4 days. My Wife and keyholder is aware of the difficulties. For me wearing it and dealing with attempted erections is no problem. My problem...
  3. DoctorDib

    Modifying the Tether Spout

    Hey everyone, Just for context - I wear a micro chastity (flat plate version) and back in November 2021 I bought a 24mm Threaded Tether Spout to easily screw onto my chastity resulting in extra comfort compared to the uretha tube and extra security in general. I've finally managed to get used...
  4. Self Crumb

    Chastity Cage Sizing Issue

    Hi everyone! Newbie here. I have a sizing issue that I hope someone can help me out with. I think I might classify as having "high-and-tight" balls as well, if that helps out at all. I bought the Kink3D X-Lock Cobra S Chastity cage about one and a half months ago. The cage part fits me fine...
  5. A

    Chastity Struggle - A daily journal

    Hello Everybody, I am quite new to the chastity mansion and I would like to give you an (hopefully) interesting insight in my daily struggle. I am male, 21 years old and I am experimenting with Solo-Chastity for over a year now. I learned about chastity on the Internet and I was really...
  6. Neil968

    Night time chastity lock up

    I have a Chinese knock off cb-6000s and I occasionally wear it on and off. I masturbate a lot, especially at night so I thought, why not wear the chastity cage at night mainly to tease myself. Do any of you guys wear it just at night or do you wear it all the time? Also can anybody give me...