Hi everyone! Newbie here. I have a sizing issue that I hope someone can help me out with. I think I might classify as having "high-and-tight" balls as well, if that helps out at all.
I bought the Kink3D X-Lock Cobra S Chastity cage about one and a half months ago. The cage part fits me fine; unless it's really cold for some reason in my apartment, my flacid penis fills the entirety of the cage. However, my balls seem to be particularly finnicky when it comes to ring sizing. The first ring I bought was the Size 3, with an inner diameter of 47.6mm (1 7/8") and a distance of 10mm between the ring and the cage. When wearing the cage with this ring, one of my testicles slipped out painfully. This honestly really surprised me because my balls were slightly cooler than normal while wearing the cage, so I assumed there was a level of bloodflow constriction which I took to mean the ring wasn't loose.
Oh well--so I bought two other rings. One 44.5mm thicker ring (7mm between the ring and cage) and an even smaller 41.3mm ring (this one with the regular distance of 10mm between the cage and ring). Neither of these rings causes me any substantial physical pain (while awake, that is). Unfortunately, the 41.3mm ring turns my scrotum the color of grape jelly so that one's out of the question. Which sucks, because I kind of enjoy that snug feeling, but I guess I'm mistaking over-constriction for snugness. The 44.5mm ring also causes discoloration, though not to the same degree. The ring passes the finger test and doesn't let my balls slip out, and all in all it's quite comfortable, so I decided I'd try wearing it for longer periods of time to see if my balls would acclimate and get used to the ring.
The first time I wore it overnight, I woke up about an hour after falling asleep with a very painful ache in my abdomen. My balls were cold and purple.
I could go into more detail about the potentially unsafe decisions I made in the weeks following this incident, but this post is long enough already and the additional information probably won't be of much use anyway. Not exactly sure where to go from here. Even the ring that ended up being too large caused some temperature lowering. Should I be looking into a different cage that accommodates an "anatomical" ring? Or, as someone who is high-and-tight, what are some things I should be doing or looking out for when practicing chastity? Feeling a little discouraged right now. Any insight, advice, or general comments would be greatly appreciated!
I bought the Kink3D X-Lock Cobra S Chastity cage about one and a half months ago. The cage part fits me fine; unless it's really cold for some reason in my apartment, my flacid penis fills the entirety of the cage. However, my balls seem to be particularly finnicky when it comes to ring sizing. The first ring I bought was the Size 3, with an inner diameter of 47.6mm (1 7/8") and a distance of 10mm between the ring and the cage. When wearing the cage with this ring, one of my testicles slipped out painfully. This honestly really surprised me because my balls were slightly cooler than normal while wearing the cage, so I assumed there was a level of bloodflow constriction which I took to mean the ring wasn't loose.
Oh well--so I bought two other rings. One 44.5mm thicker ring (7mm between the ring and cage) and an even smaller 41.3mm ring (this one with the regular distance of 10mm between the cage and ring). Neither of these rings causes me any substantial physical pain (while awake, that is). Unfortunately, the 41.3mm ring turns my scrotum the color of grape jelly so that one's out of the question. Which sucks, because I kind of enjoy that snug feeling, but I guess I'm mistaking over-constriction for snugness. The 44.5mm ring also causes discoloration, though not to the same degree. The ring passes the finger test and doesn't let my balls slip out, and all in all it's quite comfortable, so I decided I'd try wearing it for longer periods of time to see if my balls would acclimate and get used to the ring.
The first time I wore it overnight, I woke up about an hour after falling asleep with a very painful ache in my abdomen. My balls were cold and purple.
I could go into more detail about the potentially unsafe decisions I made in the weeks following this incident, but this post is long enough already and the additional information probably won't be of much use anyway. Not exactly sure where to go from here. Even the ring that ended up being too large caused some temperature lowering. Should I be looking into a different cage that accommodates an "anatomical" ring? Or, as someone who is high-and-tight, what are some things I should be doing or looking out for when practicing chastity? Feeling a little discouraged right now. Any insight, advice, or general comments would be greatly appreciated!