Abrasion, 3000


Mistress Merlot
Aug 18, 2008
Hi A/all

i developed a nast little abrasion/blister where the metal hinge/hasp on the cb-3000 A-ring contacts the scrotum....It is healing, but I am worried it will happen again.

How common is this, and does anyone know of any modifications that can help this?


i was startign to have this problen with my hinged CB3000. i had planned on putting a little fold of tissue over the hinge.

Other than that, i use a Q Tip of baby oil to smoothe all around and inside of my cage.
i like spending time maintaining my cage. :)
Have you tried getting a gauze finger wrap and putting it over the hinge before you put it on? You can get them at any pharmacy.

If that does not work, make sure you keep it well lubed and also try turning the ring around the other way. maybe even a bit of sanding with some 400 grit and paper to take of any rough edges.