Airport Scanners

I for one have issues with the whole Big Brother scenario coming true before my very eyes within my lifetime. It's arriving in bits and pieces so that those who don't make an effort to put the pieces together on their own don't realize it.

What is the health fallout from that technology going to be ?
How many decades before we're told of it's ill effects ?
The face is not visible ? Yeah, not now maybe.
No images stored or transmitted ? Yeah, not now maybe.
It's use is optional ? For how long ?

I guess for those pasengers who choose to go that route, that technology may be welcomed.

OK. All together now. Wave good-bye to your individual rights. And your Bill of Rights.

I wear my CB3000 (with plastic locks) every time I fly which is 4-6 times a month and I have never been stopped, so I would dispute your statement that "it wasn't safe before".
I fly so regularly that I am in a routine and no, I haven't forgot anything. I guess I'm lucky
I think it is worth noting that airport security in the US is largely a show. US security from terrorists and the such, is simply pathetic. What is being done is designed primarily to give the impression that we are being protected, but the reality and the promise don't quite match up, even though we've avoided another calamity. So for someone who is accustomed to working their way through US airport security, avoiding a body search isn't that hard. Although it is definitely irritating and frustratingly slow at times.

It's my understanding that airport security in Europe is a different animal altogether. Which makes sense, as Europe has been under attack by various groups for decades, while we Americans had almost none of that, until recently. Therefore, I can imagine boarding a plane would be a more difficult process for kinksters in Europe.

Hah, illusion of security indeed.

Hey, does anyone want to buy my rock? It grants protection from Tiger attacks.
I fly 2-4 times a month, normally between northern and southern california but quite often around the country too. Since being locked up a number of years ago I have probably logged close to 200 flights all while wearing my CB3000. I initially used the plastic locks but hated how they allowed room for the cage to move back and forth and pinched me so one day I decided to just go for it and wear the brass lock. To my surprise I was not detected.

Well that was how it was for 100+ flights. Never was I stopped. Then the dreadful moment happened. I set off the metal detector. Took off my belt and yes, set it off again. God there was a long line and lots of people and they did the wand. Sure enough it makes the funniest noises as it passes my crotch. The guy says to me "do you have anything else in your pockets sir, the signal would not be this strong from your zipper". I just decided to bare all and asked him if I could confide something personal with him. He pulled me aside and this drew attention from two other guards who came over. I was still out in the open but far enough away from everyone else to keep my information from others. I just said "this is kind of embarrasing but when I go out of town my wife demands I wear a chastity device because I had an affair when I traveled on business before and she doesnt trust me".

They all looked at me like I had just said something in greek and the one guy says "you are wearing what"? I repeated that I was wearing a chastity device and explained what it was. The one guy says "you have got to be kidding me". Then a supervisor comes over and guess what? I get to re-explain myself with four of them there and you know what he says? He says "take him into the private room and confirm that is what it is. I have seen dozens of these things before. Its no big deal". He then looks at me and says "Is it a plastic one or a metal one"? I told him plastic and he just shakes his head and says "you shouldnt cheat on your wife and you wouldnt end up in one of those things". I just shook my head yes and then went into the room. I realized that he had not even heard me give my explanation so I was left to wonder if other men used the same story and if so were they telling the truth or were they males kept in chastity by their Mistresses?

You know what the guy said when I had to show him the CB? He says "you are wearing women's underwear." I smiled and said "yes I am". I then asked if I had to lower them and he said "unfortunately yes". I laughed and showed him and he said "now I have seen everything". I was then allowed to board my plane.

Since then I have never had a problem and am not nervous anymore about it. I think my little white lie worked and saved me from having to explain what a cuckold chastised sissy slave was...Lol.

As for the scanners I have not yet encountered them and as I understand it, they are only being tested in certain places and the jury is still out on them. They have done the same thing with shoe scanners and have had tons of problems with them.

As for our personal rights being trampled I would give up my rights when I fly to conceal anything over the choice of someone blowing up or hijacking my plane so I dont have a problem with that. If you want to worry about your personal rights then you can always choose not to fly or to simply not wear a chastity device when you fly if your Mistress will allow it. Mine tells me that its just too bad if I dont want to wear it so I dont even ask anymore about not wearing it.

I can say that I am not 100% sure that the airport screeners are efffective. Certainly things have been snuck through but I will point this out. That not since 9/11 has this country been attacked again. Coincidence? I think not.
MrBobbles said:
Hah, illusion of security indeed.

Hey, does anyone want to buy my rock? It grants protection from Tiger attacks.

All tigers or just certain kinds ? How much for the rock ?

Question for everyone: What about piercing rings? I have rings (#10 stainless) in both nipples. Has anyone with nipple or genital rings ever been stopped and embarrassed by nosy security personnel?
That is fucking appaulling. What danger did they pose to other passengers? What could they have possibly concealed?!

I'm not sure the level of scanners in the US and Europe, despite travelling a few times in both. I do remember one time my husband passed through a detector before me and when he turned around whilst I was passing through he said he could see both my piercings (belly button and clitoris... I was young, what can I say!) :angel: and I quickly glanced at the screen before my picture was dropped and saw two highlighted areas on the screen in the correct places!

Would have been interesting if they asked me to remove my clitoral piercing... hubby had to hacksaw it out when I finally decided I wanted it removed! :cry:
I can vouch for the fact that a normal brass masterlock of the kind normally used for CB-2/3/6000 devices won't trigger off airport scanners. At least it didnt a few years ago when I tried it.

As for piercings... I have nipple piercings and have had them for a few years, and have flown quite a bit with them. Only one time have I had a problem with them where I had to show them. And I think it was because I was randomly chosen for a wand scan. The bleeps as they pass over the chest area are hard to explain. But they were professional about it and let me go into another room where I showed them the rings, and then they let me go on my way.

I'm wondering if the story linked above played out the way it did because she was in Lubbock Texas at the time, and because she was a woman... In larger airports I bet the TSA guys wouldnt have had a problem with a private screening.